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  1. Reading the articles that we can already read. The only answer to each question is to read the article.
  2. I understand that Fiverr has been working for so long with this update and finally released it. But till now it has only backfired. Haven't seen any positive response from anyone. They worked hard to increase transparency but this new system has created waves of uncertainty in the seller community. Maybe it is time to make some difficult decisions and reconsider all of this chaos.
  3. Yes, that same gig with a 4 success score is currently tagged as Fiverr's choice for 1 month. Thats why i claim that there are severe irregularities in the system metric.
  4. The new level system is discouraging for existing sellers. How can you evaluate the score based on the last 2 years when we had no option earlier to check what we were doing wrong and what should've been improved? This is unjust and unfair to sellers like me who have been working on the platform with utmost dedication. I have all 5-star reviews on my gig. Always worked beyond the limits to ensure that the client was satisfied. Never dropped my response rate from 100 at any stage of my career with Fiverr, and I see that now it has a strongly negative impact on client satisfaction and effective communication I have always communicated with clients on each step to ensure everything is all right even after the order is completed. I was level 2 and was waiting to get top rated and suddenly today when the new system rolled my performance score was 4. The gig itself is currently tagged as Fiverr's choice by Fiverr itself. Don't know what to do. The platform that was ever loved is sadly now creating problems and forcing sellers to shift to other freelancing sites too. People like me who were devoted to Fiverr and never worked with any other freelance companies are suffering. More and more stress for the sellers. Dont know how Fiverr is calculating these metrics there are severe irregularities in it. Unjust and unfair
  5. Exactly, What kind of business decision is this? Its a disaster for sellers who were devoted to Fiverr & the ones making the decisions have never provided services to clients they do not know ground realities or what problems the seller would face. Utter disaster, maybe its time to part ways with such an unreliable company.
  6. I have 5-star reviews on my gig. Always worked beyond the limits to ensure that the client was satisfied. Never dropped my response rate from 100 at any stage of my career with Fiverr, and I see that now it has a strongly negative impact on client satisfaction and effective communication I have always communicated with clients on each step to ensure everything is all right even after the order is completed. I was level 2 and was waiting to get top rated and suddenly today when the new system rolled my performance score was 4. The gig itself is currently tagged as Fiverr's choice by Fiverr itself. Don't know what to do. This platform is now creating problems and forcing sellers to shift to other freelancing sites too. People like me who were devoted to Fiverr and never worked with any other freelance companies are suffering. More and more stress for the sellers. Dont know how Fiverr is calculating these metrics there are severe irregularities in it.
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