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Posts posted by msw_77

  1. 1 hour ago, vinceb1678 said:

    I pay for it, I use bluehost and it was hosted there.  I have been speaking to them and they say it was purposely removed a couple of months ago.  He was the only person with the login. [***] said he can sort it for me for money.  This isn’t what I would expect after paying him over £500. Any advice on what I can do here?

    In that case the developer shouldn't be asking for money as he is not maintaining the website etc. 
    I'm sure he didn't accept that he deleted the files so can you tell what reason he gave that how suddenly the files are missing?

    • Like 6
  2. 1 hour ago, vinceb1678 said:

    I used a developer [***] on fiverr and all seemed well, a year after he removed the database from my hosting company and is asking for money to reinstate it.  My experience on trying to contact and complain to fiverr has not been good as they do not reply and furthermore you cannot go back and change the reviews and ratings that I gave him.  All I want is for him to reinstate the website but he is refusing to do this unless I pay him money again - surely he should have provided me with the database when I completed the project - my naivety I did not request.  Please be warned 

    Are you sure you own pay for the hosting services?
    Because there is a possibility that the developer published the website on his own web hosting service and it renews every year

    • Like 7
  3. Fiverr team in yesterday's webinar acknowledged that some accounts was wrongly flagged and they are sorry about it and they are working to fix this issue. Moreover, again asked the sellers to contact customer support if they believe their accounts were flagged wrong. 

    Is this the way such a big company operates?? Flagging thousands of account and then asking them to contact support so they can give copy-paste responses?

    The fact that they acknowledged this oversight along with canceled orders oversight tells one thing 
    Fiverr is not reliable and not transparent as well.....
    They cannot even tell exact reason why it got flagged and what proof they have...

    There is no procedure for complaining and escalating the matter apart from support which is definitely outsourced and the support staff comes there and sends one message and leaves and then for another reply there will be another person and leave one message.

    One thing is for sure Fiverr is not a reliable place to build business and doesn't care about its sellers.

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  4. Just now, thesibyl said:

    Yes, I have seen that, but I am Seller Plus Premium, and it is unclear whether or not I will maintain this with Seller Plus Premium or not. I have a success manager that doesn't answer e-mails or answers super late and who has a habit of cancelling my appointments so it's not that I am paying for the perks of having a virtually absent SM.

    I am not TRS but I still have 7 day clearance because of seller plus. 

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  5. 7 days have passed. 
    Exact reason for account flagging is still unknown. 

    Then fiverr claims to be transparent. If you are transparent tell the freelancers who made thousands of dollars for you what they did wrong and what location inconsistency means. 
    If they are linked to another account on what basis you can say this? 

    No answers for 7 days means one thing Fiverr is anything but transparent in dealing with freelancers. 
    Or maybe the transparency definition got changed and we don't have an updated version of the dictionary.

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  6. Congrats Fiverr, you broke another person and become a cause of depression.

    It is extremely disappointing behavior of Fiverr. 
    Any sane-minded person can manually review the account and can tell if they have any links to other accounts or not.
    What proof fiverr has that the person is linked to another account. 
    Or atleast they should give the chance to seller to prove their loyalty with the platform by taking id card , address and bank account verification

    Fiverr support is useless they never actually review the profile and case they reply the same thing to everyone.

    Why would a single lady would try to cheat the platform and what benefit she would have gotten from it?


    @Kesha @Lena @ollywoolrych @milos_siena

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  7. I would suggest you don't lose hope if you haven't done anything wrong.

    Always be specific and defend your stance with the support accompanied by proofs and details about yourself.

    They will tell you your account is flagged due to location inconsistencies. 
    You need to assure them about your location and inquire more about why my account is flagged as you have done nothing wrong. 

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  8. Hi, 
    Only way to contact the support is by creating the support ticket.

    However, talking with the support is also very tricky and requires patience and persistence. 

    They just copy and paste the response without even reading what you are trying to say. 

    You will have to be specific and to the point until your query is properly addressed and resolved.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    This is a good idea. However, I think getting everyone on the same page is an essential first step. Not the only step that Fiverr need to take here. They need to be able to answer everyone's questions, and fix what is broken. Empathy and clarity are the beginning of fixing this. Not the end.

    Yeah but at least fiverr staff deserve to know what actually is going on 🙂

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  10. Suggestion: 

    Probably fiverr needs to hold a meeting of all the Customer Support Staff, Success Managers, community leaders and the forum staff. 

    At least they need to know exactly what's going on.

    Everyone has another explanation about the success score. 

    You message customer support one time they say order cancellation is not linked to cancelled orders and we can't do anything about you stong bad impact for 1 cancelled order which was reverted by support.
    After again reinquiring another guy came and accept that it is a bug and the devleopers are fixing this.

    Now why the first customer suppoprt agent closed the ticket saying it is what it is and we can't do anything about it.

    Nobody knows what is going on with flagged accounts. 

    Nobody has an answer to any of the questions

    • Like 13
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  11. So according to fiverr support the order cancellation metric doesn't follow cancellations 

    if it doesn't follow cancellations then what else it follow? 

    The article to which CS referred clearly states that 

    "Though the Success Score accounts for your number of canceled orders, inevitable cancellations due to misunderstandings or mistakenly placed orders do not impact your success score."

    Same line she is also copying and pasting refuting her above statement 

    Does fiverr support even read what they are saying?
    The backstory of this chat is:
    I had one cancelled order on my gig I repeat just one which was scam order and was cancelled immediately and I reverted the order cancellation impact through customer support. And when I received a bad impact on success score due to order cancellation on the gig I went to the CS gave them the order id of the cancelled order and chat id of the CS chat when the cs reverted my cancellation impact.



    • Like 8
  12. 4 minutes ago, Alex.M said:

    whenever I discussed with support about the internet connection that I am using ( There were times when I was forced to use the free wifi offered by a hotel ) they assured me that there wouldn't be any kind of problem and they were right...  or I was lucky I don't know. What if in the room next to me someone else on Fiverr was using the wifi? With the new system, they might say that I have multiple accounts right ? 

    if sharing wifi network is the issue so I think this is really messed up. Because there are alot of shared and co-working spaces through which freelancers work because they don't like to stay at home including me. 

    I know for a fact in the next room there could be a dozen freelancers using the same internet as mine and doing Fiverr projects on it. But I haven't met him nor do I know for sure how many freelancers are actually in the office. 

    Similarly, at my home my ISP provides Shared IP to the whole area. I don't have a dedicated IP connection. So there could be a freelancer in my area who is doing the same work as mine but I don't know and I can't do anything about it. There could be 100 freelancers in my area using the same IP as mine.

    IP address is not the correct way to determine whether I am using two accounts or not.
    Instead fiverr should do strong KYC and facial matching to verify if the person is the one who is selling under the name. Instead of trying to track IP addresses

    • Like 10
  13. It's been 2 days since hundreds of freelancers got their account flagged maybe thousands as not everyone is active on community. 
    We still don't have an official response from fiverr regarding why their account is flagged and what will be the fate of their accounts. 

    Thankfully, I'm not one of the people whose account got flagged but the fact that there is still no proper reasoning for this and many people I know who faced this issue are the most professional people I have met with no warnings etc at all makes me wonder if this can happen to me as well one day I will wake up and my account will be gone for no reason or explanation at all?

    Is this the right way to treat the freelancers who make millions of dollars for this platform?

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  14. 3 hours ago, ritikk173 said:

    Hey there! So, I reached out to the support team to get the lowdown on why they flagged that issue. Turns out, the warning they were talking about is actually an old one, and we've already dealt with it when it was originally flagged. It seems like there's a little glitch on their end. I've messaged them to clear things up and make sure we're all on the same page. Don't worry, I'll keep you in the loop and let you know how things progress.

    please keep us updated 
    24 hours has passed still there is still no official clarity from Fiverr what has caused this issue?
    VPN/travelling/TOS violation?

    Does Fiverr even realize the pain of seeing your years of hardwork going down the road in a second?
    How it impact emotionally and financially to the freelancers?  

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  15. @Kesha can you please look into the account flagged due to location inconsistencies issue? 

    Alot of freelancers got this message. Can you please let us know if there is any hope for them to work on the fiverr or should they say goodbye to fiverr?

    Any explanation why they are flagged?
    They didn't get any warning no TOS violation 
    Just suddenly out of nowhere they can no longer participate in level system ?

    Your reply to this will be appreciated thanks.

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  16. I would like to draw attention to the latest issue in the Fiverr. A lot of sellers got their account flagged for severe violation of Fiverr policies and they can no longer participate in the new seller level system. They don't get any warning email from Fiverr either. Their accounts are working their gigs are showing up on search results etc. They just don't get any level.

    When asked from customer support the CS states that they say the account have location inconsistencies. 
    Now what on earth are location inconsistencies? And If we are supposed to stay in one location what happens to the digital nomad lifestyle of freelancers which Fiverr proudly encourages freelancers to adopt by stating its benefits?

    I can state on behalf of my friend she traveled once outside the country and traveled to 3 cities in her home country within the last 1 year. 

    The fact that she has her account flagged gives me chills. 
    Are we allowed to move around or we should stay in our homes and suffer from depression?


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  17. 4 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I'm wondering if users who may temporarily share the same internet with family/friends/coworkers/public wifi that is triggering this. This would happen for someone like your friend, who frequently travels. Fiverr is supposed to work for the digital nomad. I've worked in public libraries and airports before with no issues. I'm also curious to see what location inconsistency means.

    I work in cospace and visited few countries for a week trip. 

    I asked the question everytime i'm leaving the country can I use my fiverr account in that country without any issue everytime I get response yes you can. 
    And I also share the internet with alot of other companies like there are more than 50 60 people in my office. Not all are freelancers but many of them are. I never got any warning for this

    The person I mentioned doesn't even work in cospace she works in home all the time and just travels to other cities within the Country that travel is also about once a month even. She didn't even get an email from fiverr. Only in the seller level dashboard it states you cannot participate in level system.

    In our country mostly people visits their other family relatives in other cities to attend a wedding or something. 
    I am shocked what is the actual case and scenario for making this account flagged. 

    There are alot of people in this community stating same issues. 
    I hope someone from fiverr clarifies this issue and tells exactly what location inconsistency means

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  18. Same issue with one of my friend. 
    That is really absurd that so many sellers have received this account flagged and they don't have any details about it. 
    What is this location inconsistency means @Kesha
    Can you please clarify on this issue. 

    My friend travelled frequently inter cities in the same country. So we are not supposed to move around ?
    If that is the case it is highly against the nomad lifestyle which alot of freelancers adopt and it is one of the pros being freelancer that you can work and travel.

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  19. 3 minutes ago, vovkaslovesnyy said:

    I have always been afraid of that. When I had those canceled orders, I received no new requests for a couple of weeks. 

    Even though they were fixing public metrics, I had a feeling that their algorithm was acting on its own (it seems to be the case now). 

    yeah our cancellation was still sitting in their algorithm probably and the CS just updates our dashboard metrics and we were satisfied it has been reverted

    • Like 16
  20. Just now, donnovan86 said:


    I mean, it looks clean and all, and it does say some info about what went wrong, but you can't pinpoint what order was the issue. So while there is some transparency, unfortunately this doesn't really help me pinpoint what was the issue and how can I improve...


    I have on gig on which they say order cancellation has a negative impact. 
    I have only one cancelled order on that gig so I assume it was the one. 
    That order was 8 months ago and the cancellation effect was reverted by CS. 

    Still it has bad impact on my success score. 
    Even though it is still 9 but the question remains why it even effected in the first place. 

    Also the 8 month old order is still hurting my metrics is it fair even though the CS acknowledged the buyer mistake and reverted the effect.

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