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Everything posted by alaminkhan786

  1. After 4 months, I got a new order. Everyone, please pray for my freelance career.
  2. It doesn't help you to get an order. This is a myth, nothing else.
  3. You need to do social media marketing for your Fiverr Gigs.
  4. You have to do your gig marketing to get an order.
  5. It's true that being more active will increase your gig impression. But these impressions won't do much help to get you new orders. It is partially true that orders are available if Fiverr is active. But it is not entirely true that having an active will get new orders or rank gigs definitely. So don't spread unnecessary hype.
  6. If the gig image is a problem, then how did the clicks come before?
  7. what did I ask, and what did you answer? I said that everything was fine before, but now after completing an order, impressions are increasing very quickly but clicks are not increasing. Why is it happening?
  8. A few days ago, clicks and impressions were good. After completing an order with a 5-star review, impressions have suddenly increased, but clicks are not coming. Why is this happening?
  9. I never said that 5$ gig ranking on the first page. When you said high-value gig rank, the question that popped into my mind was - what should be the starting price for gigs?
  10. I think your gigs violate Fiverr's Terms of Service (ToS). This may include things like offering prohibited services, using misleading or deceptive language, or not delivering promised deliverables. You should contact Fiverr's Support team as soon as possible with the relevant information.
  11. Do you think the higher-priced gigs rank faster?
  12. Which gig do you want to get on the first page, you must get some orders with that gig and earn dollars by completing the orders without any bad reviews. Because the more dollars you earn by satisfying buyers, the more profit Fiverr will make from you. Only then fiverr will rank your gig on the first page.
  13. The truth of this statement is uncertain because Fiverr’s ranking algorithm is complex, incorporating a variety of factors beyond just the initial price. Success depends on overall, customer feedback and how it relates to user search.
  14. No. If you deleting Gig will not cause any problem in your Fiverr profile.
  15. I think he suggested using the "Auto Refresher Extension" implicitly. But maybe he doesn't know that it is completely illegal.
  16. First I get my gig ranked on the first page, then I'll tell you. 😃
  17. Are there actually buyers in the "Tips for Buyers" section, or just sellers? Do any buyers actually read these tips?
  18. When I first published my data entry gigs, I used to get similar spam messages.
  19. If the buyer accepts my order after the delivery time is over, will it affect my account or Gig? After completing the work I ask the buyer with the link to the google sheet if everything is fine if there are any mistakes in the work. Then he says everything is fine. After receiving his reply I submitted the work a day before the delivery time is over. Then, the buyer comes online occasionally after that, but neither accepts my order nor replies to my messages. The order delivery time is over as well. What should I do now? Should I try to communicate with the buyer, or wait until the order is auto-accepted?
  20. Create SEO-friendly gigs and do the gig marketing properly. I hope it will be helpful for you.
  21. No. If you share a gig link directly on social media, Fiverr considers it spam. Suppose you just share a gig link but no clicks come from it, it won't help your gig. So, Create SEO-friendly gigs and do the gig marketing properly.
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