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  1. Can anyone help me with what "Upload Supporting Documentation" is?
  2. @markp @uk1000 Apologies, but I believe I was attempting to get that information for myself as well. Although I felt compelled to contribute, I have no illegitimate plans for using it. Even the final few sentences, which I removed, are still there. I had those comments in a random order so I thought I should try to organize them better using artificial intelligence (AI), but I got it and I'm never going to use it again. I hope you will understand. I'm here to learn and to share.
  3. While I understand your point of view that the Display Name feature isn't a significant addition to the platform, it's important to note that even minor changes can improve user experience and engagement. However, I share your concerns about system manipulation through gig multiples and believe that it is critical for Fiverr to address and prevent such practices in order to maintain a fair and transparent platform. I'm hoping Fiverr support will look into it and take note.
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