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Everything posted by easypr

  1. Set clear, realistic expectations — and overdeliver every time.
  2. In my experience, transparency is key. Be polite, transparent, and most importantly... DIRECT when things hit outside of the scope. It's okay to set boundaries and let the client know. They may have purchased your gig... but at the end of the day, you're allowing THEM the opportunity to work with YOU. (On a related note, there's an elephant in the room we should address. Even with perfect communication and boundaries, a client pushing beyond scope can still leave a negative review post-delivery, refund or not. It's a flaw in the current system that makes enforcing these professional limits you're advising about feel risky. So... while this advice comes with good intentions, it doesn't quite capture the full reality that reputable sellers face. The challenge lies not just in setting boundaries, but also in the potential consequences of enforcing them. And unfortunately, all of this falls on the seller and Fiverr doesn't protect them at all.)
  3. Congratulations! Keep up the hard work and you'll hit level 2 next!
  4. I'm sure there are many... But Fiverr is a bit to volatile in regards to long-term security. While it's certainly possible to make it your one and only income stream, it's best to not put all your eggs in one basket. There's too many posts/stories here in the forum with sellers having successful experiences only for EVERYTHING to be taken from them overnight. (even with a good public reputation) It's better to just focus on it as an extension of your revenue stream. Ideally, every business owner should shoot for complete autonomy from any such platform for multiple reasons—but definitely take advantage of the large customer pool while the opportunity is there.
  5. I would heavily disagree. Toxic buyers are VERY common—and try to take advantage of sellers quite frequently. (Even if you've tried to weed them out via raising your prices)
  6. Quick question: Did you have a gig removed (DENIED) by Fiverr? (For going against TOS or something?) In this case, even if a gig is removed, you would have to delete it in your account in order to make more. (they're included in the total active gig count) ...And I think this includes 'paused' gigs, but cannot confirm (but given it's the same logic, it probably is true)
  7. This happens all the time. Fiverr is a churn and burn - potential buyers decide if/when they want to respond. (it's just the nature of the game) I honestly wouldn't stress any lack of response. Just make sure YOU always respond and you'll be good. Keep moving forward!
  8. Even if your gig had great success in the past, buying trends always differ from time to time. Especially given this time of year. It doesn't matter if you're ranking as the first result for a particular query if people aren't.. A. Searching B. In the mood (or capable of) buying. Just give it some time... and if you're promoting your gigs, consider potentially pausing them for a bit
  9. Patience is key for new sellers. Make sure your gig, gig image, and description are all compelling and noticeable. Additionally, if you're still not getting any orders, consider lowering your prices (at least until you get around ~10 orders, then move them back to what you think is realistic) Be responsive, provide a great service, and you'll be off to the races before you know it! Good luck!
  10. I received a 4.5 review from a return buyer (at least 10 order completed with me) and after accepting the order and leaving a review, they also sent me a direct message thanking me again for the great work. It seems 4.5 is the new 5.
  11. Oh yeah, holiday seasons can totally shake things up on Fiverr and beyond. When the holidays hit, everyone's shopping and planning mode changes. If your gig's in the gift or party zone, you might see more action. But if it's not really holiday-related, things might slow down as folks focus on their festivities and families. It's not just you or Fiverr, it's a seasonal thing for lots of businesses. Hang in there, things usually pick up after the holiday craze!
  12. I've been there! What works for me is setting realistic deadlines (probably the biggest thing), waking up early with a structured schedule, and breaking big tasks into smaller chunks (if relevant given the service you're selling). Don't forget to give yourself some breathing room with breaks to avoid burnout. And hey, it's okay to say no to new gigs if you're already maxed out. Keep quality in check, and you'll be golden. Good luck!
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