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Posts posted by sarahhagwood

  1. On 8/14/2022 at 5:18 AM, donnovan86 said:

    It's a good idea to make some changes to your price structure, that will push some cheaper buyers away, but it will give you more time with your kids and you can also rest and earn more money. Yes, I agree these are challenging times...

    Absolutely! I was blessed to get to sleep almost 12 hours straight last night and work up with a clear head again! I made sure to bump my prices WAY up before logging off yesterday. Thank you for the encouragement. 

    21 hours ago, vickieito said:

    @sarahhagwood - there is only one of you and you really need to take care of yourself!

    I was in your shoes earlier this year, trying to be that super mom struggling to keep up with all the competing obligations that seemed to be drowning me. I ended up doing 48-hr days, sleeping only a few hours between, and kept telling myself, "I can do this!"...until I couldn't.

    This is one of the reasons why I came to the forum - I told myself there just had to be a better way!

    It's not worth it to do that to your body @sarahhagwood! Your family (and baby) needs you!

    For me, I had to learn how to set clear boundaries for sleep, work, family, and other competing activities. I also had to learn how to say "no" to a lot of things - not just in business, but in my personal life.

    I agree with @donnovan86 - I increased my average selling price from $15 to $100 (for resume writing) and doubled my delivery times. Life has been so much better! I get less orders, but make more. Higher prices has also brought in better buyers.

    I used to think my buyers wanted quick deliveries and discounted prices, but since I raised my prices and extended my delivery dates, I'm surprised that many buyers are okay with -day delivery. It really doesn't take long to write a cover letter, resume, or update LinkedIn, so my buyers are always happy when I deliver way earlier than 14 days. Having the longer deliveries also allows me to plan my orders better and I can schedule in time blocks that fit my family's needs.

    @vickieito Thank you so much for this thoughtful feedback. Looking back at my post now (with rested mind and eyes) I was embarrassed! But I appreciate you sharing your vulnerability experiences as well. It makes me feel more human 🤣I am 100% taking all of the advice given here. I think I must have needed that all-nighter in order to get a wake up call about refining my Fiverr seller structure some. It's very cool to see that you do the same service and that is works for you this way. To be honest, the effort I put in to those resumes and cover letters is really 150%. I try to overdeliver so why not charge way more? I think people would pay for someone to be truly invested in the work rather than to just have "something" that passes. I try to really get to know the person professionally and make them shine. It makes them feel good and I enjoy hearing back from them about all the calls they're getting for interviews 😀 Again, thank you so much for the boost. It means so much to be on the receiving end of encouragement 🥰

    19 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I have a rule: if I consistently get more work than I want, I increase my rates by 10%. I re-evaluate it every 6 months, unless the situation becomes unbearable. If so, I'll increase my rate temporarily or increase my delivery times and double or even triple my "fast delivery" fee to maintain order. 

    You're pregnant. Take care of yourself. Focus on the most important thing: your health and that of your baby. All-nighters are for the "young". 😛 

    @smashradio This is a brilliant formula! I think I might start using this but at a frequency of every week until I get a good pattern down. Maybe I will back off 10% here and there if the orders stop. 🤣  But yes, I am 100% going to be putting family first. I believe God will provide the needs 🙏🥰 

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  2. So I did it. I got myself overbooked and managed to succumb to the desire to please my buyer by providing more than what he paid me for 🤦‍♀️ 

    Time for my 2 second pity party (don't worry, I will be fine in a day lol):

    I am 6 months pregnant, working full time and doing Fiverr gigs and promotional gigs (irl) while also caring for 2 little girls and maintaining church activities, extracurriculars, etc. The sad part is that one of my Fiverr gigs is COUNSELING!!! 🤐 And yes, I know... this is way too much. 

    These hard economic times have people doing some desperate things. The bank isn't adding more to the checking account without work and the bills aren't going to stop (yes, we are reducing cost of living). I know times are hard for many. I am still grateful for the opportunity to be a seller on Fiverr, however. BUUUT, maybe I will take a break this week. 🙂 I just stayed up ALL night doing $50 in work.... Nope. Not worth it. 

    Night Night!

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  3. I'm having the same issue except I submitted mine a dozen times on the day they requested it. I didn't wait until day 14. Right now, I have 12 more days for it to be verified before they disable my account. I sent in a ticket and they stated they would get back to me within 12 hours. It's hour 13 now. I'm guessing I will get a response within the 12 remaining days. I think the Fiverr bots only like certain ID's that show the photo well. Some ID's have emblems and markings over the photo for security purposes and Fiverr bots hate this and think it means the photo is poor quality. My ID is one such ID. The state in which I live likes to place tiny lines that are actually small words all over the photo portion of the ID. So there is no way to make the photo "clear" enough for the Fiverr bot. I am assuming this is the reason some people are getting this message and have to submit tickets. 

    image.png.528292234fcf7704d4850960891dd6a4.pngSee sample of a tiny portion of my ID Photo.... There's no way to remove the lines that the government places on the ID 🤷‍♀️

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  4. Welcome! I too am new. Your services sound INTENSE 🔥!! 🤣

    I know that the forums have been very informative for me since joining. I try to check out something new in forums each time I log on (when I have no orders). There's some great forum entries from some VIP sellers that have been here quite a while. If you make it a point to explore and learn something new each time you log on, you will find more confidence in utilizing Fiverr as a seller. 

    One piece of advice I keep seeing over and over is do not price your services too low. Fiverr wants to make money and the algorithms will not bump your gig up when you aren't asking for much money. 

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  5. 11 hours ago, telegrammarket said:
    You know what's weird, it gets deleted as soon as I install it, but those people have been doing it for 1 year, isn't it unreasonable?

    I'm just curious as to what "it" is exactly...

    • Like 5
  6. On 7/22/2022 at 8:51 PM, mdabdullah14251 said:

    If you do a major change of your gig then your gig will automatically lose its rank. As you have changed your gig picture and description so you need to work hard to rank your gig again. In proper way try to marketing your gig and try to stay active as much as you can. Thanks.

    I literally did not know this 🤦‍♀️ I guess it is good that I did all my gig changes early in my time as a seller. 

    I have made a single change every week to refine my gigs to be more effective for both me and the buyer. 

    Does this happen even when you change small things like the questions for the buyer to answer when they are placing the order?

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  7. I guess it depends on the gig and the seller. I usually do my main service for free locally (just to help people) and I am paid doing it on Fiverr at $20-$80/gig. A good formula I used to determine how much I would charge is to decide my "hourly" rate that I would like to have. I realistically quoted my gigs based on that rate depending on how much time it would take to complete the work. I feel like there are some sellers that sell way too low and others that sell way too high. I think buyers appreciate a middle ground and seek a seller that is reasonable. The price is often the first indicator about if the seller is reasonable or not. Personally, when I see something that I feel is overpriced, I tend to think the seller is a bit proud and prone to arguing with a buyer if they are dissatisfied. When I see a price that is way too low, I think of the seller as being desperate and probably not even able to deliver the product as expected. 

    As someone mentioned earlier, Fiverr is doing a lot of work for us sellers that we do not have to do on our own. We don't have to find buyers. We just wait for them to come to us. The advertisement, transactions, resolutions, and communications are all handled by the platform (which is great). Also, the buyers on the platform are seeking an alternative to paying someone locally (for a variety of reasons - but price does often play a role in that choice). 

    Using the platform levels the playing ground also. For those who are ambitious with no experience: they can test the waters and climb the ladder of success. For those who are career professionals: they can supplement their income. I've seen plenty of international sellers from 2nd and 3rd world countries who are able to earn an income that they would never have the opportunity to earn locally where they live. I rather enjoy the idea that opportunity is open for all who are capable of a service; not just professionals. 

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  8. Thanks for the post. I had a buyer today that tried to get me to do a "revision" but it was really just a request for more work for free. I kindly asked him to please pay for additional work. What's bad is I actually started to complete the "revision" and as I was typing away and finding that it was actually a whole new task and time consuming, I realized that his request was not reasonable to label as a revision. I stopped working then created a modification (to add more money for more work) and thankfully he accepted just a while ago! I almost submitted additional work to him without payment! 

    I think you're right... out instinct is to avoid conflict and make the customer happy. But it is okay to professionally explain to a buyer that you are happy to help but there is a difference in the original agreement and the new request. 

    I am still so new to Fiverr but I am already learning so much about the dynamics of communication with the buyer. 

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  9. On 7/12/2022 at 4:30 PM, smashradio said:

    Make it clear to your buyer that you don't work for free. If you set up unlimited revisions, learn from that mistake and never offer unlimited revisions again. 

    If you didn't, send them a custom order extra for a reasonable amount to make the changes. Explain that the changes they are requesting was not part of the original scope. If the buyer continues, make it very clear (in a professional manner) that you don't work for free. As per the terms on Fiverr, the buyer can use the revision button if the delivery didn't match the gig description or custom offer. That does not mean that they can use it to get free work done. 

    If the buyer persists and you have done everything you can to satisfy them within reason and the scope of the original order, I'd contact customer support for assistance. 

    Here's some material on bad buyers and about letting buyers bully you: 

    If the buyer leaves a negative review/feedback, you can respond to it. 

    Negative feedback will harm your profile and could cause you to receive fewer orders. So can a cancelation. Revision requests alone does not affect your profile as far as I know. 

    Thanks for this! I think I am dealing with someone trying to play the system right now. He started out with a HUGE order and I set a milestone order. He accepted the first completion without any revisions. Then I completed the second part. He then waited 7 days after delivery then requested a revision on the portion that I already sent and he accepted in the first milestone. His revision request was more of a request to write additional, not revise anything. I kindly told him that I am happy to write additional and offered a really great price to do so (much less than I would normally). Also, during the process of this order, my writing gig was removed by Fiverr due to offering academic work, which my description specifically states that I do not do that and to not bother trying. I am wondering now if this buyer reported my gig to try to get it removed and maybe get his work for free?

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  10. On 5/28/2022 at 3:27 PM, smashradio said:

    Mistake number 3: Pricing yourself too low

    If you charge too little, two things will happen: you'll make less money and appear less professional than you are.

    This is a common mistake among newbies on Fiverr, because they think more buyers will order if they charge just five dollars.

    But there's a reason why the top-rated sellers on this platform usually charge more. Fiverr encourages it!

    I have this on good authority from my success manager at Fiverr: pricing yourself too low will make you come across as cheap (read: low quality) and make you less visible.

    Fiverr is a business, and if they can sell a 20 dollar gig instead of a 5 dollar gig, they will do so. 

    Don't undersell yourself. 


    I kid you not...

    I read this and was like, that's something I have been doing (underselling)...

    A few people got a steal from me this week but I am a new seller and wanted to spark business so I put my prices very low. I've only sold 3 gigs though.

    As I was reading this, I stopped and changed my prices and before I could get back to read the rest of the post, I already had a new order on a gig that I just marked the prices up on! Wow!

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  11. I take his post to say that he was exposed to the potential to get up to 100K in fines, not that he actually was fined 100K. It seems like he is out $144.00 and some frustration and time. 

    I recall reading in the TOS about the escalation process. I would continue to document your attempts to resolve the issue through Fiverr's procedures. If for some reason an extended period of time goes by and the issue is not resolved, then I suppose you might have grounds to take the issue outside of Fiverr. Until then, no matter how frustrating the loss of $144 and time may be, just have patience and let Fiverr work the process of resolving this. 

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  12. Wow I appreciate all of this advice. I don't take offense easily. I'm trying to succeed here so it's all good. I am going to go back and revise my writing gig description to dissuade any idea that I'm offering academic work. 

    Update on the milestone order:

    I completed the first milestone and he accepted. He said that it far exceeded his expectations! 😍 I just submitted the second (and final) milestone, which was significantly larger than the first. I am hopeful that this buyer will accept my second milestone since he accepted my first one. Once accepted, I can officially say I've completed my first order! Yay!

    As far as what I've learned so far, I am seeing that Fiverr is extremely dynamic and there is a lot of professional development to be had in order to be successful. I am hopeful though. Very grateful for the forum community!

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  13. Thank you! I am in the process now of working on negotiating a custom offer. The offer was more than fair and I was excited at the prospect of my first order. However, the potential buyer is asking for a lot more than my gig offers so I created a milestone offer in order to ensure the project was being completed in steps and that I would not get swindled out of this huge project that he/she rejects and copies for "free".  The potential buyer then asked that I complete the order as one order with one payment instead of a milestone order. My thinking is what motivation would he/she have to even ask this unless it is nefarious? A milestone order for anything that is legitimate would only be more attractive to a buyer, correct? 

    Needless to say, I am 1 week into this thing and have created 3 solid gigs but no orders yet. Now that I have my first potential order, I am concerned it is a more elaborate scam 😞 

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  14. While I appreciate that Fiverr catches them quickly, why do I get these multiple times per day?


    And then, it throws me for a loop when I get a notice that my message is being reviewed and that the other person cannot see my message, but then they respond (having clearly seen the message that Fiverr said they couldn't see). 

    Is this just something I need to get used to? I have been patiently waiting on a gig opportunity and acquainting myself with the Fiverr seller tips but in the meantime, the only activity I am seeing are these scam attempts. 😞 

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  15. Wow, thank you for this post. There is a lot of information here. I am literally going to bookmark it and each day try to master one of the points (starting with familiarizing myself with the TOS which I definitely skipped when setting up my seller account). I really like the encouragement you bring to the table about working hard will pay off. I came on to fiverr as a buyer years ago and just now have transitioned to seller. I'm determined to make this work as my family is counting on it. Time will tell as you said and I do believe as I put in more time to become familiar with selling on Fiverr, I will only be able to grow. 


    Thanks again! This is bookmarked for my daily read 🙂 

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