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Everything posted by klibre

  1. Thank you! 🙌 I'll do my best in the next couple of months. It's just driving me crazy to see my gig which I've been working on since 2020, fading so rapidly! I never thought I would see those numbers.
  2. Hey everyone, I've been struggling lately to get more impressions and clicks! Even though I deliver great work and the reviews are just perfect, except for one review I received with 2.7 stars because the buyer wanted to get work for free. I've tried to upgrade the gig multiple times, changing the keywords and gig images twice in the last 3 months, but it keeps getting worse! I'm also promoting my gig with a daily budget of $10 and automatic CPC. I used to get 2-3k impressions every week, but now I'm at 400-600. My gig has more than 500 reviews (⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐), and I'm just confused! Am I doing something wrong here?
  3. Thanks I'll try that
  4. I'm confused about how my order completion rate decreased from 100% to 98% even though I had only canceled one order, and it was not initiated by me. Despite completing 100 orders before canceling just one, my completion rate still dropped, which seems peculiar to me. 🙁
  5. Hey, I was wondering what's the best number of impressions of a Gig in the first week! 🤗
  6. If it's a successful gig, don't change anything " Never change a winning team " If you're not getting any orders, then you can change something in the description, maybe the tags as well
  7. klibre


    I feel you, the same problem, I haven't received orders for 27 days now
  8. I'm but the impressions and clicks are decreasing day by day, and I guess I'm about to lose the promoted gigs feature which is gonna affect my gig a lot. I don't know what to do
  9. I used to get at least 4-5 Orders before 15 of any month! Something is wrong
  10. I use promoted gigs but still, the same problem
  11. What do you mean! I run promoted Gigs feature, but I don't think that's the reason, it supposes to help your gig not ruin it!
  12. My gig received 2.8K impressions and 57 Clicks in the last 14 days but No Orders! is there something preventing people from Ordering my gig? I'm so confused now
  13. I had one order cancellation in the last month, My reviews are excellent as well as my impressions and clicks but I don't know what's the problem, i just don't get Orders
  14. Hey smashradio, thanks for your comment, to be honest I had one order cancellation in the last 30 days, and I took 3 days off last month, that's why I'm experiencing this issue I guess
  15. Yes, to be honest, I took 3 days off because I was sick, when I came back I had one order cancellation after that I received 4 orders then nothing!
  16. Hey everyone, I haven't received orders on Fiverr for 18 days, I used to get 10-15 orders every month. My reviews are good ( I can say Excellent ) I have more than 340 reviews, and Gig impressions and clicks are good as well, I'm using promoted gigs feature with the recommended CPC Cap to stay competitive but I don't know what's the problem and what I'm doing wrong! This is the first time that I have faced this issue.
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