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Everything posted by muneebahmed399

  1. Thank you for the feedback, I will improve my response for the next time. Actually, sometimes buyers don't communicate properly and directly leave feedback so that came as a surprise but you are right I should have shown more professionalism. thank you!
  2. can you tell me how did you improve your ss? is there anything specific that will help? my situation is exact same as yours.
  3. sure, thank you for your time! i will definitely read it.
  4. Thank you! any tips for me to improve my ss?
  5. Thank you for the feedback! Oh, I didn't know that—I thought only the last 60 days were being counted. Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve my success score?
  6. most of these feedbacks are old so does they count too? the most recent one was 2 weeks old. all the others are months old...i want to know that does fiverr count last year all feedbacks, if thats the case i have many good feedbacks too.
  7. I am a Level 2 seller, and although all my ratings are 5 stars (most of, not all...apologized was not in a good state) and I was moving quickly to reach Top Seller status, my success score dropped from 8 to 7. I then improved a lot in my work, and the new clients have become repeat clients—some even give me tips. But today, my success score dropped from 7 to 6, and I might lose my Level 2 seller status. What should I do to improve? Please help
  8. Well, i am depended on Fiverr for now, but now I am in a panic mode more than ever because of this horrible update from Fiverr, the clients are buying my services, even tipping me and buying back again but they are giving me 3-4 stars rating which has impacted my stats and now my stats has hit rock bottom.
  9. you should check my thread, i got hacked on 2 july (the day after 3rd eid) i clicked on dropbox link and the number was changed, paypal was used, i was the victim too but fiverr cs after 18 days of truama helped me and compensated the amount, although they first refused to compensate me but i keep the case open and send them all the no of tickets of other level 2 sellers victims.
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