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Everything posted by startabitz

  1. As we say goodbye to 2023, what was the best thing that happened to you this year and what goals you are setting up for the next year..... especially related to your professional life.
  2. Dear fiver community, Is it ok for me to share my company or team profile with fiverr buyers, I have no intention to take the clients off the platform but what are the odds that fiverr automated system don't ban my profile. Scenario: I started to offer graphics and design services as well. Now, I haven't published my gig related to it but buyer can see all the details on my web, is it OK, to send the web URL? I can see that my the person who approached have been ordering web services a lot in last 6 months, How can I up-sell myself? Regards
  3. I had this idea recently, and did the same. Unfortunately, couldn't find a single single gig that funnels the audience but I will keep searching for it. Thanks for you suggestion.
  4. Great, that's what I needed, yes its minimum viable product. I'll try to adjust that so it will make more sense.
  5. Hello Everyone, I believe in the power of community feedback, and want to involve you in my journey. I created two image for my gig, related to mobile app MVP development, what do you think of it, Your perspectives and suggestions can play a vital role in my gig rank. For the purpose of how it will look like on search page, whether it caught your eyes or not, I will drop a link in comment area. Looking forward to your response.
  6. To keep things going with the same speed, you always require new clients to work with because in freelance, projects are comparatively short terms and they end some day. I'm totally free these days. 😄 My all gigs went down, lost my ranking as well. That's why.
  7. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. - By Calvin Coolidge
  8. Start of this year, I felt like no one can stop me from being a top-rated seller, but... these days, I guess I will achieve that status in the next couple of years hopefully. 😄
  9. My reaction in the meantime: we have this feature as well because I'm not seeing any option on my profile.
  10. For me it is quite good though I don't get a lot of briefs I set a high price so no more requests like uploading my app on play store etc.
  11. Start building your team, by networking, don't worry too much of not getting most of the dollar with you, invest. This might be simple to say but very challenging.
  12. Hello I did $15k sales in 6 months and have 85% repeated buyers but since January, I'm not receiving briefs that are either high value or related to services I offer, so here are my questions from top-rated and level 2 sellers, What do you do to keep the briefs coming in, are there any specific tactics or settings you use, or something else? Is it because of high inflation the people are not into buying these days and trying new ideas? How do you guys use impressions, clicks, and views to strategize your gig offerings and changes, Looking forward to learning from your personal experience? Regards
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