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Everything posted by mridulsarker720

  1. gig impression works based on many facts. The optimal solution is to grow your business and grow your gig. keep updating your gig and improve your social media marketing.
  2. Day by day Fiverr marketplace is going to be more competitive. so, if you want to sell your service more you must have to update your service and update your gig also. so don't be afraid of the comments people write. keep updating your gig based on service and competition.
  3. same issue for me . i use fiverr promotion feature and still my gig is down and almost zero click and no new buyer contact last 4 months
  4. my gig impression was 1000 or 1k every day. after a few days Fiverr continuously notify me to edit my gig. after editing my gig now my gig impression is below 100. how can I improve my gig impression? for that not getting order, 0 click almost. please help.
  5. i use fiverr promotion service and set the cost per day 50 USD . but there is no improvement. still my gig is on 5th page with 100 plus reviews and getting impressions like 20 to 34 maximum
  6. i think sometimes it is better. when you receive an impression and click then you can convert them to order . but what if you don't receive impression or 20 to 30 impression every day? and you gig is under promotion . then it is not important to promote.
  7. last month I got a few orders from my previous client and my previous client's reference. my gig is under promotion last 3 months but not getting an impression. before the Fiverr major update, my gig was first page but after the update, my gig category is changed and my gig ranked on the 5th page. of that I was not getting older and impression. for that reason, I used gig promotion feature. still, there are no changes. gig on the 5th page, not getting the impression, not getting click and order. what is the issue here? any suggestion? it's my best-selling gig.
  8. Same here, after the gig category changed by the fiverr team my gig gonna down and down. My gig was 1st page and top 4 in numbers. I also promote the gig but same issue. Right now my gig is in number 5 page. Is there any solution to fix this problems?
  9. few days ago fiverrr send us one notification that set your gig minimum price 80 . currently my gig is in top page among 10000 gig. so, if i change my gig price is there any possibility to lose my gig rank ? or it will hamper my gig rank ? please share your experience as recommendation . i m thinking about to change my gig price . Thanks
  10. welcome to fiverr forum. Enjoy the beauty of fiverr forum
  11. hello peter, welcome to fiverr forum
  12. try to stay active as much and possible and send buyer request every day
  13. welcome to fiverr forum . wish you good luck
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