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  1. HI there ! I don't know why my account rating got decreased to 4.9 even after getting the 5 star reviews. I have only one 4.0 rating that was given 1 year ago .But suddenly saw that my rating got decreased to 4.9 . But on mobile application it's showing me 5.0 can someone help what got happened or what's reason behind this?
  2. My success score is 7. I have no idea how does it really works and how more we can improve it. Overall I have good score.
  3. Hi seniors , recently i have got Fiverr promoted gig option , what do you think Does it really effective to get ranked and order?
  4. Good sleep Playing outdoor physical game or activity Healthy eating habits prayers
  5. Hi there , Here is Ali , I am graphic designer working from 2021. I am very worry why my Fiverr gigs didn't ranked again as these were in 2022. I was getting good impression and clicks and orders as well. But I don't know after using every technique and even newly made gigs are not getting any response. Kindly seniors help to find good solution to start work again like before. Regards.
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