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  1. There Are 2 Types Of Changes on your gig. One Is Minor changes. Another one is Big changes. You can make minor changes. Suppose you want to change the description, image, and tags. Don’t do this. It’s a significant change in your gigs. You can follow this: First-day change description Second Day Change Image The third day Change Tags. Also, try to change it when you have a queue order. If rank falls, you can come in position again because of your order. I hope it will help you.
  2. For WordPress First ask your Client if He bought Domain and hosting or not. If Not Tell them to buy it. You can set up it easily. First Buy Domain and Hosting. Connect domain with your hosting using name service Now go to Cpanel And Search For softaculous. You can set up WordPress using softaculous in a click. Also, You can install SSL using the plugin. Thanks.
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