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Posts posted by mdrana_dev

  1. 13 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Fiverr decided to add a minimum price of $80 for that category because no one in their right mind should buy a $5 website. And a lot of desperate  sellers were offering that. Obviously the quality was extremely low. The thing is, you can charge way more than that, but you need samples and experience to back up that price.

    Fiverr focuses on professionalism and keeping buyers happy. So you may want to focus on understanding your audience and making sure they are extremely happy with your results.

    Hi @donnovan86 Thanks for your helpful information. I understand this and now all of my gigs cover the same terms.

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  2. Hi,

    I have some gigs on Fiverr in Wordpress website development. According to the Fiverr latest update the basic price start from 80$. So I changed the gigs pricing based on their notification. Now my question is can I reduce my gig pricing in the same subcategory? or, do I have to keep the basic 80$ must? I am not getting very much impression that's why I wanted to reduce the basic pricing. Please share your helpful tips and information about this. Thanks

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  3. Hi there,

    I am getting impressions on my gigs but not getting clicks as much. I changed my gig title, tag, description, and images and edited them (12 days ago) for better performance. But still don't have any improvement. What are the effective tips for me? Please help me to reach out! Thanks


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  4. HI there,

    I published a gig today with an eye-catchy thumbnail and video. But when I published then I found a mistake in my gig thumbnail keyword. I wrote the wrong word " Websiet" instead of " WEBSITE ". Will it affect ranking? What should I do now? Should I change the video for this mistake 😔 Please see the attached Image. Thanks, Everyone


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  5. On 6/24/2023 at 10:29 AM, xotatech said:

    I did not do this before. But if I were you, I will definitely seek permission of the experts before asking any question. Before that I search my issue's solution on fiverr's articles.  

    Thanks @xotatech for your helpful information

    On 6/24/2023 at 10:35 AM, imamiopial said:

    I’m not an expert but you can post your queries instead of asking in personal inbox that way you can get multiple responses that can help you immensely.

    There are sellers here with decades of experience, try avoiding taking any advice from a seller with no sales.

    Thanks @imamiopial I also think so

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  6. 2 hours ago, anouarmardassi said:

    i want to take your advice about editing my gig pricing ,tags and description but i already have agood impressions and cliques on it
    Should i edit it to make more profitionnal or not

    If you have good clicks and impressions on your gig and getting some client's response in the inbox so don't need to edit your gig right now. I think It can effect your gig.

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  7. 1 hour ago, natasha_39 said:

    Pls I need help my gig is getting impression and click but still I didn't receive message and order pls help me with your advice

    I am also new on the forum and not getting orders. That's why I am learning from the community. In my opinion, you can follow some methods to make sales from your impression and clicks...

    1. You are getting impressions. So I can say that your gig images are attractive and stand out.

    2. Getting clicks means your gig thumbnail and the gig title is SEO optimized that's why someone visiting your gig.

    3. You are not receiving any order from your gig that could be for your gig description.

    4. OPtimize your gig description with relevant keywords and addressing about what clients looking for. Why they should purchase your gig, not the others. 

    5. Use the ( AIDA Method ) that calls Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action 

    6. First, Attract clients with cool attention then create interest in your service then create a desire to them " what you are offering and about what they desire from your service" then finally finish with Action about ordering your gig.

    Hope the article is helpful. Thanks

    • Like 9
  8. Hello Fiverr Community,

    I have edited my 2 gigs on Fiverr. Because My gig was getting impressions but not getting any clicks. That's why I optimized my gig images, changed the title, edited the description and keyword, and also metadata. Can I get the benefits of clicks and impressions for ranking better now? Give me some advice about this.

    Thanks, Everyone.

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  9. On 6/15/2023 at 4:34 PM, farjananave said:

    Hello there, It can be frustrating when you're not getting clicks on your gigs despite having good impressions. Here are a few suggestions to improve your click-through rate:

    1. Target the right audience with accurate gig titles, descriptions, and tags.
    2. Optimize gig titles and descriptions with relevant low competitive and high demand keywords.
    3. Review and adjust pricing to ensure competitiveness.
    4. Ensure visually appealing gig images and engaging gig videos.
    5. Seek feedback from others to improve your gigs.
    6. Promote your gigs on social media and engage with potential customers.

    Thanks a lot, @farjananave I will try to reach out to all of them. Again thanks to share this helpful information

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  10. 10 hours ago, gurgenbenashvil said:

    To increase clicks on your Fiverr gig:

    Optimize gig title and description.
    Improve gig visuals.
    Offer compelling gig packages.
    Conduct keyword research.
    Promote gig externally.
    Seek feedback and reviews.
    Analyze competitors.
    Participate in Fiverr community.
    Utilize Fiverr promotions.
    Continuously optimize and experiment.

    Thanks gurgenbenashvil for your opinion. I changed the gig title and description few days ago. And I m promoting my gigs also. So I should change the gig images and tweak the price section a little bit. 

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  11. Hello Everyone,

    I have a total of 5 gigs in my profile. 3 gigs are getting good impressions but not getting any clicks. I tried many ways by changing the gig title, description, and tags. Is there anyone who can give me a good solution for this? I think my gig images look good. So why am I m not getting any clicks? Besides this, I use gig video for my gig. Here is my profile: https://www.fiverr.com/mdrana_dev

    gig impression.png

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