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Everything posted by sm_minnat

  1. I think instead of fiver brief option there should be paid job post option on fiver so that no one can post fake jobs. Because no one will spend money to post fake jobs and those who post jobs must be real buyers. When a buyer places an order, the previous charge will be adjusted with that order. If this process is implemented, new sellers will get the facility to send proposals and get work. I don't know if I said it right but I think so. There are many senior brothers / sisters, what is your opinion on this matter?
  2. try to complete your dailly activities. and active much time on fiverr and fiverr forum. and follow productive suggestions on this community
  3. I was used to got much impression and clicks on my gigs at the Begining. but, I was getting less impression on my gigs. Because I wouldn't active on Fiverr forum that time. then I researched and get that, Fiverr give scope for the new seller to rank their gigs. So we ( specially new seller) should active much time on Fiverr forum at the early stage, and don't forget to send buyer request everyday. When you get message from buyers you should response as fast as possible to make your client comfortable. 

    New Seller Can Take It As A Tips.

    Thanks For Your Time

  4. trying trying… Change your profile picture 1st that was not look good change gigs descriptions do not copy paste write your own add relevant tags change your Gigs images try to make your on images stay online send buyer request daily and than share your Gigs on social media as well that will help you get order.
  5. What is Fiverr?

    Fiverr is a two-way communication platform, which means both buyers and sellers have the opportunity to find each other. A buyer can browse through the profiles for sellers that meet their requirements. Or, a seller can look through buyer requests for tasks that match their skills.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sm_minnat


      How to join Fiverr?
      Becoming a Fiverr seller is straightforward and simple. It has become a little longer process than it used to be a couple of months back. Still, it does not take more than five minutes to set up your account on Fiverr and start creating your first Gig.

    3. sm_minnat


      WordPress Troubleshooter
      WordPress is very easy to use software but there are situations when it becomes complicated. WordPress is used by many people today and is very user-friendly but still, there are times when people get stuck and do not know the solution.

    4. sm_minnat


      How much can a beginner earn on Fiverr?
      Delivering gigs on Fiverr:

      On Fiverr, you can earn 4 dollars per gig. Basically, a gig costs 5 dollars but 1 dollar is charged by Fiverr for providing the platform to make money.

  6. i think you have to improve your gig image
  7. 211049579_307294961115964_5645936948017078415_n.png.249ad5e4be686c79903d730aceb6061f.png 

    why the facebook link is not link up on fiverrr?

  8. Promotion can increase selling on Fiverr
    After creation of the gig, you need to promote it on social media. Social Media is an easy way to get sales on Fiverr. Many of you may have thousands of friends on Facebook or Twitter. You can share the gig here to offer your services.

  9. Ranking Factors
    You should know that Fiverr works on algorithm to rank every gig on Fiverr. If you ever had or have any blog, you should have known the ranking factors on Google.

    It works same like this. It rank gigs according to their keywords and description.



  10. To Sum Up
    This is not an easy task to get sales on Fiverr. After selling your first order, you can get many sales on Fiverr. Starting push is really necessary for every new freelancer on Fiverr. You can get many orders as you get first one.





  11. New Gigs Can Also Rank on First Page
    Try keep your title short and easy. Viewers should understand your abilities in one go. You should also describe your qualifications and experience in bio. Tell people what are your most expertise and skills.

    This way you can increase your chances to rank up on the site. Fiverr collects all gigs, shuffle them and put on table. You need to make your gig more valuable so that system can configure it important content.

    Ranking up on Fiverr is not that much difficult. You can also rank your new gigs with using some useful techniques.

    stay with fiverr



  12. Its the right way to improve your gig rank

    1. SEO friendly gig title.

    2. Low competitive keyword

    3. Attractive gig image

    4. Don't copy any gig elements

    5. Try to active on fiverr in maximum time.

    6. Send buyer request using proper way


    There is no best way to withdraw your money, every individual has a different preference and all options that are listed on your withdrawal section are safe.

  14. How come I improve my gig IMPRESSIONS & CLICKS?

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