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Everything posted by virgoca

  1. well I hope they realize quickly that stars are a significantly better visual option for buyers. It makes no sense that we are rated in stars, and the buyers have no way of knowing how many stars they are giving us.
  2. As an exercise, can anyone here confirm if they currently have a 5 star rating? Someone told me that my profile shows 5 stars right now, but internally I see I'm at 4.9, which happened just recently. I was sitting at 5 for weeks even after the update, and just changed to 4.9 with no new deliveries I can think of that might have caused it. I'm assuming that if it's still showing 5 to the public, this will change by the 14th. Is anyone at a 5 rating right now? I'm thinking fiverr lowered absolutely everyone on the platform that had a 5 down to 4.9, just that it isn't public (yet), which would explain why neo is having trouble with that.
  3. and so it begins for me. I was sitting at a 5 just yesterday. I haven't had a delivery in like a week since my turnaround times are a bit long due to my work's nature. Why am I 0,1 lower? no idea. I don't even get any message saying what is having an impact on my rating, or anything.
  4. I didn't come to fiverr to live exclusively from tips. I don't expect to be tipped on any of the gigs I do, that's why I price them for what I think my work is worth. So yeah, I did agree to work here under those conditions, because truth be told, I don't care much whether I'm tipped or not, so it doesn't make much difference to my business. Then again, that doesn't mean that I have to think it's fair. I don't. Might be an emotional response like you say, maybe I'm an immature kid and I like to live in fantasy land where everything is fine and dandy, but I'd rather not have the tip option at all if the only option to have it is by giving fiverr a cut of it for no other reason other than "they don't trust us not to abuse it"
  5. I did agree to it, and I am a willing participant in Fiverr. I can be a part of something and still be critical of it. I've managed to build a business and grow a lot here, but that doesn't mean I don't want this place to be better or fairer for the sellers or that I shouldn't voice my issues with the site. I do believe it's unfair to take money from tips, and I do see how it can be abused, however I don't think making us all pay for what some people may do is the correct way of dealing with it (funny how that applies to many of the things they are doing with the new system). I don't think anyone here would be happy to hear a restaurant is taking money from a waiter's tips because they are afraid they might sneak extra stuff out of the kitchen for the customer paying them under the table (I am aware this isn't a perfect match for the example, in case you want to dissect every single minute detail on how it's different, you still get the general idea). In my experience working here these past years, I'm fairly sure that If I send a very sketchy file to every buyer I get detailing how to scam the platform for my own benefit, most of them will be VERY worried of working with me. Not to mention the amount of people that will probably straight up report me.
  6. with that logic what's stopping me from doing that and taking every single buyer I get through fiverr outside of the platform and have them pay me straight through PayPal? If THAT's the scam they are worried about, they should be doing way more than taking 20% from tips to avoid people "playing the system"
  7. since fiverr already flags words we say in the chat (you can't mention money or email without getting this little pop up) and now they have a super intelligent AI that's able to know even what the buyer is thinking and decide whether they were happy or not despite what they say in the reviews (apparently), I'm fairly sure that scenario is an issue of the past. Easily avoidable today, specially now that they are so trigger happy banning accounts for any perceived violation of TOS
  8. I'm sure other platforms also don't take 20% from your tips 😆
  9. the nature of my work make it so that each order has a long delivery window, so I haven't had the chance to deliver enough orders to make a fair assessment of my personal situation. I delivered 4 orders since the 14th, 2 from a single buyer, 2 from another single buyer. One of those buyers was a tough one that made the experience unbearable. I got two 4 stars reviews with him. The other buyer is one of my regulars, got two 5 stars from him. not enough to get a fair idea yet. EDIT: I will add to this that 3 of those orders were on my most active gig. My SS on that one remained unchanged (10/10). the 4th order (from my regular client) was on a less active gig I have, got a 5 stars from him. Yet for some reason the SS there dropped down to 7/10. Today is up to 8/10, with no orders or interactions with any buyer since then.
  10. here's the thing. We freelancers, specially artists, have a very reserved opinion on AI. Some of us are straight up against it. However, fiverr is promoting it and encouraging it. If you check the Top Rated Seller priority list for evaluation, you'll find AI Programmers and AI artists have a significantly higher priority for evaluation and promotion than anyone else. Fiverr is awarding the use of AI to do our work, and punishing everyone else
  11. I have been working like a madman for over a week straight, and I've never had bigger bags under my eyes. I'm stressing over delivering way earlier than usual to make sure the "client satisfaction" and "value for money" metrics are met. I think I can count the times I've left my home office with one hand in the past week, mostly to take bathroom breaks or to feed my dog 🙂
  12. welp, today I woke up to one of my gig being at 7/10 and negative client satisfaction. this same gig was going well and had a POSITIVE client satisfaction message showing until today. I can't even pinpoint when or which order caused this since this is my least active gig, and I just got the first order in it in a while last night (and haven't even delivered it yet. The order literally went active hours ago and it's due in two weeks). Wonder what magic is the AI is using to determine this 🙂
  13. this is precisely what I wanted to say (actually did send it on a Q&A, but of course, got ignored). I understand comparing our performance on some general areas to other gigs in our same category, like how well are we rated in reviews for example. But if my service/product is unique within it's niche, being compared on absolutely every single thing to other gigs from different people is going to miss on the nuance and will be unfair as it will lack context. Our quality should be evaluated individually. Our buyers are happy, they say our product is good, we don't abuse nor break TOS, and we sell consistently? That should be the end of it!
  14. Webinar just finished. This might be my last post here since the Forum has me limited to 10 posts per day (dunno why, maybe because I'm somewhat new to the forum. anyway). What I gathered from this is that no, they have absolutely no intention whatsoever of addressing any of out concerns, except for maybe the Value for Money question on the review process. Besides that, They stand proudly with their new system, and everything that's not working for us is on us. They stress they are on the seller's side, however they do not have any intention of helping us understand better how our gigs are being evaluated and what to do when we see a message saying we are being negatively impacted by something with no explicit pinpoint on WHEN and HOW we failed at that metric. To be quite blunt, they all seemed too full of themselves and tone deaf during this webinar, and I would not expect things to go better for us here.
  15. Ran said they are considering our feedback about the Value For Money metric, however he also stressed that their data has shown no correlation between it and our lower reviews on that specific area. He does kinda say they are looking into it and considering alternatives, but he keeps stressing that, at the moment Fiverr hasn't found any evidence of the metric being bad for us on their end. Seeing how this is the only place they've acknowledged fully one of our concerns and said they are "considering alternatives", take it as a 50/50 they MIGHT do something about it, maybe, perhaps, possibly. (probably not)
  16. Fiverr's official stance on whether you should delete or not a gig that's lowering your Success Score: "We do recommend pausing or deleting Gigs with lower performance that's affecting your Success Score. Just take into consideration, Gigs with lower orders will not have the same amount of impact on your success score, so take all this into consideration before deleting the gig"
  17. where's the exaggeration? I'm here in the webinar and that's almost verbatim what Ran and Maiky have said so far. edit: If I hear the word Holistic or Transparency once more I'll throw the entire computer away.
  18. This webinar so far is Maiky showing the same system level page we can ALL see and describe or read out loud what we can ALL read and see on our screen, with no insight or explaining about the behind the scenes processes or how Fiverr is analysing and weighting the problems we've had with the new system, and how it's negatively affecting us. @Kesha I see you here writing, and I'd like to let it be known that you closed the previous thread and directed us to attend the webinar if we had any more questions or concern. So far, this webinar has been less helpful than the previous thread was were we could at least discuss the in real time changes we were seeing the bugs, glitches and issues that were/are occurring system wide.
  19. "we want to make it know we stand with the new level system" "it is what it is" - Ran Levy.
  20. if you are all interested, the webinar just started. I highly doubt there will be anything even remotely substantial here, specially seeing how the first things to be said (and still the subject we are on) is Taylor Swift and how the Australian show was, but whatever. If any of you want to hop in, it's on right now.
  21. problem here is, even if we are as thorough and transparent as possible, we cannot ensure the buyer will feel that they got the best price for the result they wanted. Many buyers will always want it cheaper, I've been a witness to this already once since the new system rolled out. And if we take the route of literally explaining to them what our value for money is, explicitly, we may be risking being flagged for review manipulation. It's a very volatile metric we have no way of predicting. We CAN be extremely methodical about using proper polite and professional language. We CAN be methodical with delivering in a timely manner. There are ways we can ensure the most likely outcome to be a perfect score on those metrics. But the value for money? Well, as ugly as that notion is, that can only be determined by how cheap the buyer you are working with is.
  22. so I just thought I'd come here and add this to the discussion for anyone who'd care. I use the Early Payout (EP for short) option quite frequently, depending on the amount of orders I'm working on at the moment (sometimes I can't afford to wait 2 weeks per order because the nature of my gig demands long delivery times which make it hard to wait 2 weeks on top of that after the deliveries). After the new system was launched and Early Payout became a TRS exclusive officially, all my orders that were on pending clearance status at the moment got the EP button greyed out. After a couple of days, seemingly out of nowhere, the button became active again, so I got everything out in case it was just a bug on the system before it was deactivated again. Since then, I've delivered three more orders and, to my surprise, the EP button has been active and functioning as expected with no issues. I am not TRS, not Fiverr Pro nor on the Seller Plus program. So, either the effect of this new update hasn't been made active yet on that, or seems like some sellers are still being allowed to use it despite not having the required level (Like when it was introduced as a beta feature). I thought this was an interesting (albeit confusing) thing, so, in case any of you are dependent on it and/or have any concerns about it, thought this might be an interesting read for you.
  23. Huh… So Fiverr is Yoda’s cousin that abuses substances… this explains the erratic behavior, the talking backwards and in riddles and the “I know better than you” attitude. It’s all falling into place!
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