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Posts posted by budaart

  1. 36 minutes ago, karlaofficial said:

    Has anyone from Fiverr answered the following question anywhere? If your gigs are not showing up the search results, and you are level 4 in the success score (0), how are you expected to be able to increase your success score? 

    Promote I guess😅 Maybe it's all calculated plan to indirectly charge sellers after all like on Etsy or any P2W game.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, katherinasim said:

    To summarize this, the new rating system is bugs on bugs. 

    • Conflict-free orders - penalizes revisions which are absolutely normal and necessary part of creative work
    • Order cancellations - penalizes ALL cancelled orders, even those made by buyer's mistake 
    • Client satisfaction - values secret reviews over public ones, and I feel like it penalizes automatically completed orders and orders without any rating 
    • Value for money - is ridiculous and not fair criteria, most buyers don't choose "over satisfied" when giving a rating to our work, they choose "very good" which is 4 stars
    • Effective communication - freelancers don't have any understanding of this, but it looks like it penalizes their own review requirements bug
    • Delivery time - the only criteria which looks ok ?

    Conflict-free order: does it also penalise if you extend the delivery time? 

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  3. 1 minute ago, ana_tomy said:

    Feel free to pitch in ☺️

    Can you please reply if extending deadline because of unresponsive for months(!) buyer affect our score negatively? Otherwise what negative impact on Conflict-free orders" means? There were no other conflicts on the gig. Please don't send a link to the article about the new score system. It does not have that information.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, ana_tomy said:

    It's better to ask for an extension than to make the delivery too late.

    However, it's always best to be upfront when creating a Gig and allowing yourself enough time to complete a task, or divide it into smaller parts and make them milestones, which allows you more time to complete the task and make the delivery in time. 

    That's just my opinion, something else might work better for you ☺️

    It's not an answer. I have a buyer who is not responsive for months. Claimed that all emails went to spam and don't care about deadlines. I'm waiting for a reply from a customer support. Maybe I can get a factual reply here faster?

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  5. 54 minutes ago, Lena said:

    Hi @maxwelltaylo724 

    We understand how this change can be confusing and overwhelming. Since you are already familiar with Fiverr's new level system, please allow me to leave you a couple of additional links that I'm sure will help you understand the success score a bit more. 

    Thank you.  

    I'm sure everyone checked these articles already. Problem is they don't explain anything and feel very vaguely written on purpose. For example: "Understand your client’s needs, stay in touch throughout the process, and exceed their expectations." "Understanding" need, asking for a brief, references is a basic flow of an any project. Coming back with sketches and updates also. We already doing that. But what are objective criteria for that? Does AI analyse my questions regarding the a project, frequency of updates? "Exceed their expectations"... Do I have to deliver more work than I was paid for? Do I have to make sure I state that in the chat with the buyer? Is there is Ai that analysis this or it only rely on subjective buyers feeling? For example I include free watermark of the logo but buyer might expect a favicon, submark, alternative logo and so on for whatever reason. One buyer might get very happy getting a free watermark and leave a good feedback and a tip but other might not even manually accept the delivery. To my understanding we are getting penalised if buyer do not accept delivery manually. Problem is every situation might be different and subjective. Simply stating vague tips that are already implemented by sellers do not help to change the score if we don't have clear criteria to follow them or understanding what exactly might affect the score.

    "Avoid potential conflicts by setting clear expectations and respectfully responding to any client concerns."

    What does that mean? Buyer places an order and can check the description of the package. It states They will get x and it will take y amount of time. If they have any question I'm sure seller are happy to explain what x is or offer x+z for a different price etc. What are exact criterias that negatively affect these areas? These question here and in another forum are raised because we don't have exact criterias and we feel that we already implementing everything that is stated in the descriptions of the key areas. And when seller ask for a better explanation we get a link back to the article we already saw. Problem is it lacks clarity and clear criteria we can follow to adjust our behaviour.


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  6. On 2/16/2024 at 7:53 PM, sunshine15 said:

    The only time I ever extend the delivery time is when a client doesn't provide enough details in my requirement boxes and instead writes something along the lines of, "will fill out later" and/or is unresponsive for several days. In both situations, this is a mutual agreement and understanding between my client and myself and nobody is upset about the extended delivery time. 

    Now, Fiverr expects me to be a mind reader and predict situations when this happens? Impossible. How can a mutually agreed decision negatively impact your impact score? This makes no sense. In instances where the seller is at fault and if it is an issue for the buyer, they will clearly make this known in their review/private review. 

    It sound ridiculous. I have a logo, branding gigs which don't include some of the extras like business cards in the some packages. It is possible to set a requirements for the gig but not those extras. The buyer might fill it in or texted in advance providing a brief. But not a single time when buyer placed an order for the logo provided information to put on the business card or other extras... The buyer wouldn't even mention that they will need these extras so I could notify them to provide exact details in advance too. That shouldn't be an issue, right? You notify them to provide these details while you work on the logo first. But the buyer might take a sweet time to provide these details and lead to the deadline revision. As a seller I get punished for something I have no power over and didn't expect despite no harm done and no issues from my side and no complaints from buyer's side? Did I had to contact customer support every time such situation occurred? Can they even fix a negative impact if it wasn't the seller's fault? What about unforeseen circumstances? You have a medical emergency and buyer don't mind to extend the delivery, but seller gets punished anyway? Disregard for various circumstance is dehumanising and punishes seller in any case no matter who's fault it is.

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  7. 9 hours ago, bethanyvo said:


    Can you please clarify if the score system itself deducts points for revisions and time extensions- or if it is a buyer that could possibly rate poorly due to revisions and extensions?

    If the buyer doesn’t like the fact that there were revisions and or extensions- and rate us lower because of that- then ok fine. That’s their perception of their satisfaction.

    HOWEVER- if the score system is automatically dinging us for each revision or extension- then that is completely different. That is literally like putting a thumb on the scale of the satisfaction rating and a completely inaccurate way of determining buyer satisfaction!

    Please trust buyers actual satisfaction responses and let buyers and sellers do business freely with revisions and extensions as a normal/necessary part of any business transaction. (Because it is)

    As has been said multiple times- many buyers need revisions or extensions due to their side of the transaction. It is completely wrong to AUTOMATICALLY score a seller lower due to revisions and extensions.

    So could you please clarify that it is ONLY an actual buyer score that could be effected and NOT an automatic ding?

    AND IF IT IS AN AUTOMATIC DING- please consider changing that aspect of the scoring policy.

    Thanks for trying to build a better platform- and thanks for attempting to listen to freelancers with boots on the ground 😊

    Wait, revision can affect negatively? This is ridiculous.  Not only it's a natural way to progress it can be purely buyers error or a minor error from a seller. For example uploading 50 files and 1 is missing. You just send this file no harm done. Maybe it even was there but it easier just to send everything again than checking all attachments. Or it can be various different scenarios: You deliver a logo, but buyers declines the delivery and asks for a watermark too, despite it wasn't discussed and wasn't payed. You make a new delivery with a watermark or any other files free of charge hoping for a good review or tips or simply going above and beyond for the buyer. But you might not get any of the above but also get a negative score?

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  8. On 2/16/2024 at 1:12 AM, donnovan86 said:

    From what I read here, seems that conflict can be even an extension or multiple extensions, since that's also characterized as a dispute. My problem is that it's lifetime, and for someone with a lot of orders over the years, there are few chances to increase the current score, you're pretty much stuck there for a while. 

    Can someone confirm that? There are clients that are not responsive for months. So either you can cancel the order or try to extend and hope for the reply. Either way you get negative impact?

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