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Everything posted by shamimngd

  1. You can use app all the time and You should maintains the time session like morning and evening. Thanks.
  2. Same to you. I am staying at fiverr actively with patient.
  3. There are so many tips here for this problem. You can research some tips from this forum.
  4. Need reguler marketing as well as need buyer add on your social media where you advertise your gig.
  5. Want to know Fiverr office holiday for Christmas festive.

    1. bdtuhinbabu


      You can. no problems

  6. Fiverr should gig rank that gigs look creative and unique although the gig has no order.
  7. I have no idea about this subject. But i have read so many problem like you there was some tips that everyone suggest to contact customer support. It will better for you. I hope customer support team will help you as soon as possible. Thanks.
  8. Frequently ask question that is added by researching the fiverr gig profile those who are already published their gig. So you should research first.
  9. You should follow 2-3 session when the buyer active on online to give order to the sellers. either it mobile app nor in desktop. Thanks.
  10. After completing the order that mean when the buyer accept the deliver work you should want a review that time by causing to improve of your freelancing career. It is better.
  11. You can request to him for a review by causing to improve of your career not directly.
  12. Fiverr gig boost is it legal by fiverr? 

    1. tayaba_akter


      Maybe , il's legal.

  13. I was feeling nervous as well as excited. That's why i have said the client with respect 'sir'.
  14. You can add real buyers from the senior designer's profile. That's why you should have social media platform like facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin etc.
  15. You have to make creative eye-catching gig to attract the buyers as well as you have to continue reguler marketing on social media platform to the right client. Thanks.
  16. Gig edit is not harmful but you have to edit the gig for a one time. If the time is twice or more in a month then it can be harmful if your gig will have on ranking. If not ranking then no problem. Thanks.
  17. Totally not. Because at present i am deprived from payoneer account due to create an double account. After deactivating my first account i create 2nd account but after few days later the 2nd account is deactivated due to double account. I was trying to recover first or 2nd account. The payoneer team was ensured me but after few days later they deny me to recover my account. Thanks.
  18. Click the fiverr. profile image. Here you can check settings option. Here will can see go for offline and online. Make sure if the option is recomended go for online. Please turn it go for online and save it. Thanks.
  19. About the recent rule of fiverr. com that the buyer can cancell the order any time by refunding the money-

    I have known from the many resources that fiverr.com recently has taken a step that buyer will have cancell the order any time by refunding money. I think it's the bad news for us as a fiverr seller. I will say briefly that if this rule is continued then the seller will face so many proble that will harmful for both  fiverr.com.  and fiverr all seller. Because by the sellers income fiverr will improve. If the cancell rule is enable then so many order will cancell by the buyer without cause. Here for incomedown of fiverr some fake buyers can get an opportunity by cancell the order. It may be politics also forr fiverr incomedown. But if this rule is disabled we have to deliver the good work to the buyers as if there is no complition come  behalf from buyers. So fiverr can cancell the rule for both fiverr and sellers for thier well future. Thanks.

  20. I think if this rule is continued we will have to face so many problem as a fiverr. seller because if some one try to bad impact on id as a fake buyers that mean not professional buyer they will try to hustle some seller by cancelling the order anytime without cause. it may bad for both seller and fiverr.com. So fiverr can cancell this rule for thier well income. it's my own view. because if fiverr give some facility for sellers it will helpful for fiverr. We have to understand that sellers can established the fiverr for thier all completed orders not by the cancellation. Thanks. Fiverr may give some opportunity to recover cancell orders. Thanks.
  21. Go ahead..................................................................................................
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