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Everything posted by prateekgaonkar

  1. List your gig in social media related categories!
  2. I am level 2 seller i dint get any reviews since 60 days, Can I Be Demoted to level 1?
  3. Please check it out in desktop its available
  4. Start with one later you can breakdown your services in to pieces..
  5. You have to do keyword research using fiverr search bar in your niche so that you can identify what buyers are searching to order services, once you are done with keyword research add those keywords in your gig title and description so that you will rank higher when buyer search those keywords in fiverr, please check screenshot below
  6. Please check it out buyer request is only available through laptop or desktop screen
  7. I am level 2 seller but i dint get promote gig option
  8. Since 2021 i have been trying so many things to improve my gig quality some tips i have listed below 1. Use Video as your gig cover photo 2. Unique content 3. Breakdown your services so that customers can customize their needs
  9. I have got some decent orders from Fiverr, Even starting days i was struggling with no orders, You should always do research and development in your gigs I have listed some tips for you 1. You should be online most of the time 2. Your profile picture and description should be attractive 3. Use analytics to see if you are getting any impressions and clicks 4. Watch your competitors what they are doing different All The Best
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