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About expertashik

  • Birthday 05/10/2001


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  1. Fiverr's search gives priority to relevant gigs where sellers are performing well, look professional, and have great reviews (both public and private reviews). To increase your impressions you will need to increase your relevancy so that you will be seen higher up in search results.
  2. Same I didn't receive any brief till now.
  3. I got the tab. It's easy to add. I added one client by asking clients permission. Here, it is explained - Fiverr Help and Education Center (Top 5 Clients).
  4. Hi, I am getting frustrated. My gig impressions are decreasing. I have done many orders with 5start rating. But last few month my gig impression and click day by day down. Can any tell me how i can improve gig impression and click? Thanks in advanced.
  5. It happens to me, impression and click day by day down😔
  6. Hello Everyone! I am very confused about promoted GIG Yesterday I edit my gig. I have 3 order queue in my gig. But today my gig is Unqualified. Now i am what to do? Does have any suggestions on what to do?
  7. You can share your gig on Social media like Instagram, twitter and Facebook. But Remember Don't spam. also you should research about increasing gig impression. Best of luck
  8. You should check your gig Title and image.
  9. Now, I have no order at this time, can you help?
  10. Recently I noticed, My Gig impression decreasing day by day. How can improve my gig impression & click?
  11. Yes, You can change your gig title. But You can Edit your gig must be fail your gig rank. So Be careful.
  12. Hello Everyone! I already create few gigs last weak. But one of my gig is not active. How can I solve this problem? Thanks in Advanced
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