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Everything posted by sunilchandro

  1. Thank you so much for your answer. It's really very helpful for me Thank You
  2. Hi, I hope everyone is doing well. I have some questions that is how can I stay online for a lot of time or 24 hours? I can't provide my all-time active on Fiverr because I have to learn something new to provide the best services to clients and I have some tasks so it's not possible to stay online full-time. I have another question which is if I will span my time in the Fiverr forum that time my Fiverr profile shows online or not? I watch a lot of videos on YouTube where someone says to use an auto-refresh extension which helps to stay online. Can I use this extension to stay online or it will have any effect on my Profile?
  3. You have to focus on your gig title, description, and tags which will help you rank your gig. You have to focus on your gig image to get clicks so make a creative gig image to others seller images.
  4. Thank you so much but right now have not any option for buyer request just have brief but I don't get any brief in my account if I can't rank my gig without order how can I get order again have any way?
  5. Hi, I hope you are well I'm facing a problem with my Fiverr gig which is derank my gig. I also try a lot of times to rank or get a new order in my Fiverr gig but I fail to do that and I'm also trying to rank my gig. I have a gig which is this: https://www.fiverr.com/s/ga2KNb My gig was ranked on Fiverr 1 page and I always get orders but last few months it has totally down and now I get everything impressions 0-5 I can't increase impressions and clicks and I can't rank my gig again. Please if you will visit my Fiverr gig and review my gig and if you give me some suggestion so that I can rank my gig again that will very helpfull for me. Please check my gig and let me know how can get rank my gig again. Thank You so much for read my help post carefully. Regards Alok
  6. Hi Everyone, Thank you so much for reading my request. I also publish a new gig on Fiverr. If you are available please can you give me your golden time? Just have to check my Fiverr new gig and give me some suggestions if I have to make some changes to new gig. It's my Fiverr new Gig link: https://www.fiverr.com/share/P6598P just check it and rate my gig, please. Thank you again for your golden time. Alok Sen
  7. Hi Fiverr All Friends Can you help me to rank my Fiverr gig 2023? My Fiverr gigs also down and Fiverr new update version also remove all buyer request system so please someone can advice me to rank my fiverr gig so that I will get all time order in my fiverr gigs. 

    Thank you so much hope someone help me.

  8. Hi Friends, Hope you are doing well. I am really good right now and I just publish a gig can you review my Fiverr gig and can you give me some more suggestion or let me know please if anything wrong in my Gig. My gig link is here: https://www.fiverr.com/share/wVowav Review properly so that I can rank my gig in first page and give me more suggestion. Hope everyone will help me. Thank You
  9. Can you say please how I can fix this? How can I do not spam the Fiverr email?
  10. Hi, Hope everyone is doing well. I am facing a problem when I getting any message or any notification from Fiverr that time I get the email in Gmail spam box I don't getting Email in my inbox. So What I can do and how can I fix the problem? Anyone can help me to fix the problem? Please help I also attached a image please check it.
  11. Yes, It's a great tips. When you will make a relationship with seller that time seller will provide you more professional work and he will try to provide you something extra so that you will satisfied with his work. So it's a good tips for buyers. Thank you so much Manuelmarino for your tips.
  12. Hi, I hope you are well. I am facing a problem which is my gig is not improve. Please check my gig first: https://www.fiverr.com/share/90wZxK Can you gig me some suggestion please how Can I improve my gig and I can rank my gig? I am waiting for you suggestion. So please help me. Thank you.
  13. Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing well. Please check my Fiverr gig first Link: https://www.fiverr.com/share/EjKZ97 I don't know why is my gig derank day by day... Could you give me any solution please so that I can rank my gig. If you will help me it is a very opportunity for my Fiverr journey. So please check my gig and give me some suggestion.
  14. I don't how I will say thank you for share this topic. Yes Yes, It's really good tips for a Buyer and it's too for seller. Because If any seller make a good relationship with his/her buyer it's good opportunity for his/her and he/she work with his buyer long term.
  15. Everything is best service if you have proper knowledge on anyone or if you can provide that properly.😃
  16. Thank you very much for your help.
  17. Hello Dear,🖐️ I hope you are doing well and safe to Covid-19.👍 First I want to say my English is not good if I will make some mistakes please forgive me. 🙏 If I will share or marketing my gigs on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. then if my profile has not any people who buy my services. If I will share this and then if my social media friends click on my gig link and I get impressions & clicks this is work for my gig ranking?❓❓ If I will just get only impressions and clicks without order it will affect my gigs? ❓❓ I already watch many videos on YouTube for the Ranking gig. Their many people say just for share gigs and they say It will just work for gig ranking and some people say for don't share gig on social media if I have not any friend for buy my services and they say It will affect on my gigs. Which is right?❓❓ I hope my all friends will help me and finish my confusion. Please if you know about it please share with me It will improve me. Kindly Regard Sunil Chandro
  18. HI Everybody, I hope you are well. Do you can help me please? I don't know why my gig impression decrease day by day. Please check my gig and suggest me. I already complete 1 order If I need to edit or if I will edit my gig it will effect on my gig ranking? Please check my gig: https://www.fiverr.com/share/YdX4DK Thank you.
  19. It might just be because when you create a new gig I think it gives it temporary boost but now it’s not being given that boost. And/or maybe because more more and more gigs are being added to that subcategory daily so Fiverr is displaying those too so that may affect your search ranking/how often it is displayed at certain positions. Thank you very much for your suggestion
  20. Check my gig Please click on this gig link and please suggest to me what is wrong with my gig why day by day decrease this gig impression and clicks. Please help me. If you will help me I will very happy for you. Thank you. 😄
  21. You can research some more gig and try to find that why your gig is not ranking and what you need to change. Just try to find a good gig title and research very best keyword which keyword all time search a buyer. Try to create a effective job description. So that If any buyer read your description that time he/ she will thing yes I am in the right place I get a really expert on my work. Then you need to create a creative gig video for introduces your services and need to create a good image for attractive and get order. I hope this things will help you to get order impression and clicks.
  22. Hello friends, I hope everybody is doing good. I have a question which is How can share my gig in the right way to increase my gig impression and clicks? I want them right away. I think just copy my gig link and past it in a comment, it’s not a good way maybe it’s spamming for anyone on social media. That’s why I want a suggestion.
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