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    Dhaka, Bangladesh

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  1. When I first started providing services in Digital Marketing, I started to provide SMM services but currently, I want to focus on Paid ads-related gigs. But I am noticing that paid ads-related gigs are not getting rank and not performing well. Although I am still providing SMM services and also getting orders for that but I want to focus on paid ads related gigs. My plan is when I start to get orders for paid ads gigs, I will stop providing SMM services. Currently, I am getting briefs only for SMM services not for paid ads gig. What should I do now to get paid ads gig-related briefs and also want to do something that will help me to perform well this new gig. I need your suggestion if anyone ever experienced that or has knowledge regarding this issue.
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  2. Thanks, Lena for sharing these resources.
  3. I got both offers Seller Plus and Gig promoted option but can not understand which one will be best for me! Can anyone please tell me which one I should choose to get more orders? I really appreciate any help you can provide.
  4. Thanks for your time and response, I really appreciate that. I found some info that will help me but most of the things the writer said in that article about making buyers happy! But I can only make buyers happy when I get an order otherwise it isn't possible! I returned to Fiverr almost 2 years later and recently got an order. Before getting an order what I can do to make my gig rank so that I can get an order and make my buyer happy? Waiting for your response.
  5. After a long time later again I started using Fiverr to sell my services last 4/5 months I published a few new gigs and trying to be active on Fiverr as much as possible for me. But the problem I am facing currently my gig is not ranking properly even though I am so active here last 4/5 months. It would be a great help if you suggest me, how can I improve my Gig ranking or how you handle this issue in your case. Currently, I am doing: 1. Published new gigs and few more are ready to publish. 2. Using social media to promote my gig but I don't think so it is helping me for promoting my business.
  6. That's really impressive. Even though it is so hard for many people to get 5 orders in the first month. These successful sales really help you to boost your motivation to work! I believe you got a good kickstart. Best wishes to you.
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