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Posts posted by moonstaredits

  1. 21 hours ago, rachelbostwick said:

    It's a waste of your valuable time to worry about what shady things your competitors may or may not be doing to get reviews, fake or otherwise. Fiverr is already cracking down on fake reviews. Instead focus on how you can be better at your own work. Right now your bad reviews are pulling you down. If you're really good at your service you will be able to rise above them. Obviously people really want what you are claiming to be able to provide if you have still been able to get orders despite your high number of negative reviews.  Clearly there's potential there. Fix your own service and don't worry about anybody else. Nobody can fix it for you but if you can do it, you will be able to fly.

    p.s. You should make your own Instagram account about marketing and use your skills to direct future customers to your Fiverr account. You can spend lag time between orders to do research on how to make it amazing. 


    Precisely my points. People buy reviews. It's none of our business. We should focus on us.

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  2. 1 hour ago, newsmike said:

    The saddest thing is that I just looked at a gig that promises for $45 you can talk to a dead relative. It saddens me that someone who has lost a child or parent will be ripped off by carnival snake charmer. They will be humiliated while their grief is exploited for a profit. Despicable. 

    Fiver needs to just pull the plug on the vertical like they did with writing academic papers. It's just wrong. Why else would Fiverr's legal department make them post this on these bollocks gigs?


    That's like selling smoke. And the saddest part is the people who buy it are somewhat desperate. 

    • Like 8
  3. 2 hours ago, nahidaahmed02 said:


    Can anyone tell me if I have done anything wrong? This buyer wanted to contact me outside of Fiverr twice and I directly said no to him. Now I am worried about this TOS service that sometimes misleads

    They're reviewing the message. There's no warning yet. If you receive one unfairly, you can always contact CS.

    • Like 2
  4. On 1/11/2023 at 9:18 AM, catwriter said:

    So you're admitting to having multiple accounts?

    "No England speaking", surely.

    On 1/11/2023 at 9:20 AM, brandsotech said:

    yes,I know we build new brand and we want to create my brand name profile on fiverr.This is not spamming.We work honestly.Thanks

    "Honestly"? If that's honest then I'm Dua Lipa...

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  5. 30 minutes ago, noirparliament_ said:

    I think that if you are more communicative like you update the buyers about the progress of your work frequently, then they will feel like leaving a review for you. This is what I have noticed with my clients. The ones with whom I chat more, usually they are the ones who leave reviews.

    Hope this will help. De


    I also do that a lot because of the nature of my work and 80% of them left reviews. The ones who didn't tend to be those whose orders marked as completed automatically. 

    I would recommend not asking directly for reviews when delivering because Fiverr notifies them enough times. Also it could happen some buyers are not satisfied and won't tell you until you see a less than 5 stars review. My first buyer seemed satisfied in the comment he left but he still rated 4 stars...

    • Like 15
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  6. Hello! I created a gig, and uploaded the thumbnail and video, but I published accidentally. 

    Thing is, I didn't want to publish the Gig without the video, and I know I have to wait for the video to be reviewed in order to publish it. So I paused it.

    Now, 2 weeks have passed and the video is still under review by Fiverr's Trust and Safety Team. 

    Does it takes that long or is it because it coincided with the holidays? I remember when I uploaded my book trailer gig video, it didn't even take a week to have it approved. Now I'm worried I've done something wrong pausing it. If you know why I'm having this issue, please share your answers. Thank you in advance!

    • Like 8
  7. Well for me the only time someone paid anything different from my prices they went higher. I know we're discussing bargaining but I would like to give an insight about why we should always stick to our prices rather than anything else.

    He paid 40$ for a package that was 15$, even though I explained 15$ was more than enough for what he wanted. I didn't know what to do. I ended up giving him two versions of the video and a promotional image. 

    Thing is, I think the buyer got a sense of entitlement because he doubled the price. He wanted faster than lightning work, I delivered a version earlier than the delivery date and had some troubles delivering the second one because of my browser and he didn't understand (no reason to be so pushy, I was delivering earlier than expected). He left a 3.7 stars review. The whole ordeal was unbelievable for me. I was relatively new.

    Moral of this story for me would be, higher prices for the exact same service you offer at a lower price point also mean the buyer would be more demanding... And sometimes you don't want to risk a negative review just for the extra money. 

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  8. 18 minutes ago, homefrontpl said:

    It is Fiverr’s lack of response that is so unprofessional here. Worse than the incompetent seller.

    Well, you did tell CS gave you a refund and they answered. As everyone here explained, that's as far as they can go. You DID receive a response, you can't be mad just because it's not the response you expected or wanted.

    CS plays by the rules of the ToS. They can't please every and each customer that comes asking for whatever they want, nor they can solve something out of their range of action. They don't expect sellers to do it either. Read the ToS and you will know why Fiverr can't and won't force a seller to work again with you or to deliver anything. Also, why would you want to pay to the very seller who is extorting you AND messed with your website, to fix the website? That's nonsensical. He will extort you again.

    18 minutes ago, homefrontpl said:

    Of course I didn’t pay him. With Fiverr ignoring me and not helping I had to say yes I would pay him. I am desperate. 

    Not a good look if you want to report the seller. If you report the extortion to CS now, they will probably give you a warning too for trying to pay to the extortionist.

    • Like 8
  9. Your gig does appear when people search, they just don't click. The reasons because they don't usually are the price, title or image. Try having a relevant title, competitive but not excessively low prices (it's counterproductive, buyers may think you don't offer services with proper quality), and an attractive gig image.

    I search my competition before making an image for my gig. There will always be colors and designs that are used the most, so I try to choose the opposite of those. For example, if everyone is using blue, use red. The gig image will stand out effortlessly. Make sure to include in the image things that are representative of your gig, legible fonts and size, not a lot of text, etc. Gigs with an image of the seller also tend to be more attractive and inspire trust in buyers... Only do this if you provide a service (modelling, translation, writing, etc.) and not a product (a drawing, a video, an image, etc.), if you provide a product then the gig image should be more like a sample of what you do. If you include an image of yourself, make sure it looks professional and has good quality.

    Fiverr has an official article about gig images, if you search it on Google it will appear. 

    • Like 8
  10. 50 minutes ago, homefrontpl said:

    Seller extorted me - I have to pay him to get my website back to where I started - I agreed to pay - but he is so incompetent he couldn’t bring it back - refusing to give me the file  - now silent

    If you know they're extorting you, why did you pay? Please tell me you didn't also agree to pay them outside Fiverr... I am very sorry to say that if you did, you lost that money. Fiverr is not obligated to respond for any money paid outside their platform.

    52 minutes ago, homefrontpl said:

    This caused the seller to refuse to give me my original working back up  file - he broke my website  - no menu no login - for a steaming website 

    Fiverr can't force a seller to deliver anything, as far as I know. They give you the refund and case closed. Is only fair you get your money for something that wasn't made up to decent standards. I understand that having a broken website interferes with your business, but Fiverr can't really solve that problem beyond giving you a refund, the seller is the only one who is responsible for the work. You can report the seller and maybe Fiverr would terminate the account, but... You will still have a broken website until someone else solves the problems you're facing now.

    54 minutes ago, homefrontpl said:

    Can you see my dire situation  I did my research the seller I chose had the 4.8 stars etc etc

    Some people over here were outed as fraudulent sellers buying reviews. It won't be surprising if that seller did.

    • Like 8
  11. On 1/4/2023 at 2:14 PM, amirkhan96hamza said:

    Why Fiverr don't reduce the waiting time to clear the payment? why it's seems impossible to make it 3 or 7 days? 

    In any office job you get paid every 15 days or once a month, and some bonuses here and there (it was my case and the case of most people I know who don't freelance). If you see it that way, it's almost the same as a job. The only difference is, orders are finished on different dates, so you don't get all the funds in the same day. It does bugs me to wait 14 days to receive a 12$ payment 🥴 But what can be done...

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  12. 5 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    I do not see why that would be against TOS. You could write;

    Main Box: You understand that I can only start the order if you send the necessary information, and as a result, I may be forced to cancel the order. 

    Multiple choice: The first one may be too long so I did not add the part about canceling. 

    I understand the seller cannot begin to work on the order if the needed info is not attached; therefore, she may cancel the order.

    I understand the order cannot start if the needed info is not submitted. 

    Oh, I see, thanks! I will add it to my gigs just in case.

    • Like 8
  13. 7 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    I had issues with buyers wanting me to rewrite the article to pass Copyscape when I did not offer that service.

    Statement in the box:
    You understand that I do not rewrite text to pass Copyscape. 

    Multiple choice answers—they can pick more than one. 

    I understand that you do not rewrite text to pass Copyscape.

    I do not want my text rewritten to pass Copyscape.


    But can I put something like I wrote in the answer above? Or it may be against Fiverr's ToS?

    • Like 7
  14. 9 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    In what format do you put this requirement? I make a statement in my gig requirements and give the buyer two choices to check. Both options start with "I understand" and then repeat what I said in the statement differently. That way, the buyer has hopefully read the same info three times. And even if they have merely checked the boxes, you can send them a screenshot of their agreement. 

    Do you put a question like "I understand that if I don't send all the requirements the seller can't start the order"? How do you word it, exactly? I also had many buyers that seem to be reading with their feet. I ask them for a description of the characters and they answer with the platform they want to publish the video in 😒🙄

    • Like 7
  15. Hello!

    I few weeks ago I worked with a reseller. Not the greatest experience, to say it politely. When I was working with him I did try to cancel the order because we had a few inconvenients, and I didn't want that experience to become worse. However he refused the cancellation and accepted my work, saying I did need to get paid. 

    My funds have cleared, everything's okay regarding payment and no sketchy refund tactics happened.

    However... I found out the reseller uses my work with very few relevant changes. What's more, he watermarked it as his.

    I can't exactly post my video and his video here for obvious reasons. This guy just changed some scenes and added some others, and text.

    Not long ago Fiverr added a rule which stated that reselling without modifications was not allowed. Would this be considered a significant modification or not? What can I do about the money that was already cleared? 

    • Like 6
  16. 12 hours ago, miiila said:

    However, IMO, one should be very careful of equating things like "'too many' repeat buyers", or "'too many' five-star reviews" with "scammer" and with reporting people who might not be.

    Yes, we should indeed be careful... However, it's really thought-provoking the only reseller I worked with some weeks ago worked with the 3 same sellers around 3 times each... He proceeded then to use my work with some modifications (not really significant) to sell it to a customer (maybe his customer wasn't on Fiverr but from somewhere else). Really, really fishy.

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  17. On 1/4/2023 at 5:08 PM, markp said:

    obviously he is making people pay to verify their accounts and prove they are not bots

    Some click farms have enough money to pay for that. Actually, Twitter flooded with fake accounts paying for the blue tick to deceive people. Not really Elon's brightest idea so far.

    If paying to verify an account happens someday, then we will see on Fiverr something like the VVRO situation ensue, just this time they would sell verified sellers accounts (they do sell level 2 and TRS accounts already, they've been outed on Facebook and even on the forum). A neverending problem, it seems. It's a good idea but it needs to be thought really well before launching it. Criminals always find loopholes.

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