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About dannykojima1

  • Birthday 09/04/1982


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  1. We have a lot in common @dannykojima1! I think we were in 4th grade the same time and I wear hearing aids too (since I was 4). The last time I checked my ears I had moderately-severe hearing loss in both ears (but that was 10 years ago). I noticed my ears have been getting pretty bad over the past year, so that's one reason why I've switched from teaching English to Fiverr. It's a lot less stressful.

    1. dannykojima1


      Nice to know I'm not the only person on Fiverr wearing both hearing-aids, @vickieito. I lost both my hearing while back in 1987 just after I started Kindergarten. But my ears doesn't feel pain at all. Have you check up with audiologist for the hearing test? I did that once a year with a friend (I mentioned on your post). She used to be my former 3rd grade teacher, and we still staying in touch after haven't seen each others since 1995 when she left Caleb Greenwood Elementary School (at the the I was in 4th grade). And yes, I was upset after not seeing her at my school again.

      Have you by any chance learning E.S.L. (English Sign Language) with other deaf kids like I did? Well, now I have to study A.S.L. (American Sign Language) because ESL is pretty much outdated since the 90's. That's why I need to relearn the new A.S.L. all over again.

      Well, I'm glad to read that you finally found teaching English on Fiverr. And I do agree with you that it is indeed a lot stressful on here. 🙂

    2. vickieito


      I should probably learn ASL! I never learned because I've never been a part of a deaf community. I grew up in Bush Alaska, so I was the only one wearing hearing aids. My hearing has been going downhill pretty quickly this year, so I have gone to the audiologists, but I don't think they like working with me because my Japanese is so limited. They just skip the hearing tests and look in my ears, which isn't really helpful. I'll visit the US later this year and will try to get an actual hearing screening then.

      Do you use ASL a lot?

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