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    Sahiwal Pakistan

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  1. Sister I have racieve no order please help me

  2. alright. Thanks. The example that you have provided has improved my understanding and I hope that your advice will be helpful for me in future orders.
  3. thank you so much for your time for elaborating the problem and solution with examples in such an amazing way. It really helped in removing my confusions regarding staying online. thank you very very much. 🙂
  4. well, that's interesting. what i understand is that such types of buyers will already be in hurry and may cause panic on seller side. Thanks for giving me a different understanding regarding myth about staying online on fiverr.
  5. you mean you did not turned on the out of office mode?
  6. isn't it true that buyers mostly prefers those seller who are online so that they can get quick response? i am taking about starting online when we are awake and active. note: i do think that using artificial ways to stay online for 24 hours is not beneficial and i am not taking about that.
  7. Thanks a lot for your response especially for sharing your experience as it helped me a lot in clearing my confusion. thanks again
  8. Thanks for your time in answering my query. But why mistake? and what's the alternative?
  9. Recently i want out of office for around 4 to 5 days and now the impressions rate is too low for two days. any advice regarding that?
  10. congratulations. Best of luck for future orders
  11. Thankyou for taking your valuable time in guiding about my query with your experience and knowledge
  12. If someone recieves messages from 4 or 5 clients in 4 to 5 days and somehow that person is unable to convince them to work together because of multiple personal and non personal issues and those clients are gone without any order. so my question is: will it affect that person's profile negatively? will the fiverr not promote his profile anymore? or anything negative?
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