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About chester48

  • Birthday 06/22/1904


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  1. It’s unfortunate, But there is nothing you can do. The buyer will get away with the money and your files for free, plus if he left a bad rating, fiverr won’t remove it and also your cancellation rate will be down. How do you tackle this? Simple register on so many other freelancing site. They are lots of better freelancing site, you just need to search harder. Some site have arbitration and a buyer can’t reap you off like this. Another alternative is to, Open your own website and advertise you product while you still freelance on fiverr. At least when this happens, you will still have other sources of income. I wish you Success.
  2. @rainbowchazer when you start a job in a company or organisation, you are guaranteed payments. You can’t simply get cancellation of your money or just get terminated don’t compare that with freelance, there are two different things. We are not in an organisation, we deal with clients directly and not fiverr. The clients pay us, not fiverr, fiverr is just the tool to connect to the client’s. Once your clients pays you, then we should get paid instantly.
  3. Hello every one, I want to raise this motion. We freelancers are like business men, who transact daily and take their money. Example, a customer comes to your shop, sees a shoe and buys it, pays you instantly, you take your money. Another example, you call a technician to fix your car, your car is fixed, you get paid instantly. That is what we are. What is all this 14 days waiting period to get your money you already worked for and earned. If there is any reason for this waiting period, then it should not be more than 3 or 7 days. This gives rise to alot of scamming activities. Someone who order from you, can come on the 7th, or 13th day and request refund, cancellation or a charge back. And now you are left with either fiverr banning the client, who will just open another account and continue their fraud activities and you could loose the money without compensation. Sometimes we use our money to pay for services. They are people who live in countries without constant electricity, where you have to buy fuel to power your generator. Since you can’t have access to your money, you will use yours to run the project. And if clients decided to cancel then what? What about my money for fuel? We should be able to clear our money to enable us continue to run services and deliver goods. Just to add, we are not getting paid by fiverr, we are getting paid by the client, and if client releases money instantly for services, then while will fiverr hold it for 14 days? This is very difficult to absorb, it’s supposed to be simple. Get work, get paid, collect your money instantly. This waiting period of 14 days is definitely a big issue for me and alot of my friends who work here. Please what do you guys think? Can we suggest a better way to get our money quicker. Your opinion is needed.
  4. That the country with the highest rate of unemployment. PIB has been a problem almost on every freelancing website. and the they charge so low makes it harder for a person living in the us or other country where living condition is high. Someone frpm PIb can live confortably with just 200$ a month, but that is not the case if youre in the united states, or anyother. So it more about the living conditions in that country.
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