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Posts posted by yannisenglish

  1. I saw that on a recent order I placed and had the same thoughts. Satisfaction guarantee sounds like something from the 90s and has a bit "the customer is always right" undertones.

    One key thing I will be doing in preparation for this is adjusting my revision/cancellation policy and adding a mandatory "I accept the revision policy/cancellation policy" question to my order forms.

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  2. 16 hours ago, alphabase said:

    Thanks for this @yannisenglish every reply just keeps increasing my confidence! Maybe we do have a fighting chance against the rise of the Ai 😁 

    Of course we do 🙂

    If 41 years of existence has taught me anything, is that we humans will always find reasons to pass things we need to do to others. No matter how much easier technology makes our lives, we'll always find one reason or another to say "I can't be bothered". I had a person literally say to me "what, I have to login first?"

    Even with AI, people will need to polish what the bots produce. What I plan to do is adapt to this new revolution. I will use the AI to help save me time, get the tedious stuff out of the way. At the end of the day, the question I ask myself is this: do I just want to deliver something or do I want to deliver a piece of work that I put myself into?

    Until the AI can go into my brain (Sun forbid!), learn my thoughts and style and write it exactly as I would have, I'm going to still be needed by those who value what they put on their website. Let the cheapskates go to the $5 sellers who'll just copy-paste what the AI spits out.

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  3. Writer here and I'm not concerned...yet. I made an attempt at using ChatGPT to write some content for my own website and I discovered an interesting limitation; it stated that it didn't have access to the internet so it could not give me information that is current. Say I wanted to write a news article, it straight up wouldn't do it because it can't.

    Also, the content it writes can feel pretty stale and lack style, at least in its current form. If you are just trying to make an SEO article that aims to get google snippets, then maybe it can give you exactly what you need. However, if you want your content to have personality that engages its readers, then you won't get a good raw output. What it can help with, though, is structuring the content and giving you the facts and information. All you need to do is then add style and make it read better. It's like ordering a block of granite and then chiselling away until you turn it into a statue of Aphrodite.

    I also took a stab at using it to write code and I have to say that I was impressed with what it did, but again, I need to put in some time to make what I need. A regular person with no coding knowledge or experience won't be able to produce something without putting a significant amount of time.

    In terms of my work as a freelancer, I am not that worried yet. Its performance is impressive and far ahead of what I imagined. But it still needs a fair bit of training before it can truly make unique and engaging content.

    What @markp said about it replacing Google is a thought I had as well. It's definitely something we should all be keeping an eye on.

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  4. I have found the best way to handle orders that are not within your gig's scope is to do the following:

    1. Contact the buyer and state the order is outside of the gig's scope
    2. Request a cancellation and wait for buyer to accept
    3. Reach out to support, explain the order was outside of scope and politely request to remove the cancellation from your stats

    It helps if you also have a statement in your gig description and FAQs that clearly shows what isn't inside the scope of your gig. For example, I clearly state I do not write about gambling and online casinos.

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  5. That's rough. Sorry that happened to you. This site has tons of issues with their system I'm just accepting at this point that my percentages are never going to be 100% across the board.

    Someone messaged me to write about their crypto/blockchain game and before I even knew the message was there, they also placed an order. In my haste to get it cancelled because I don't write about blockchain, silly me didn't respond to their inbox message and used the order chat instead. Lo and behold, response rate is now 98%. Like, I'm not going to message them in both places for the same thing.


    But we do have a whole 24 hours to respond.

    How merciful of Fiverr to give us a whole 24 hours 😄 Kidding aside, it is common practice in business and work circles to wait a bit longer than that. We do have lives outside of this platform and they don't even exclude weekends from this system.

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  6. I just don't get how this is ultimately different from BRs, apart from being more irritating giving that it's now a notification.

    I turned them back on when someone posted they had finally gotten some work out of a Brief. After several irrelevant and spammy ones, I finally got one that fit my service but never got a reply from the Buyer.

    Now, I have turned them off again. It just feels too much like a "let's toss this on the wall and see if it will stick" type of feature at this point.

    • Like 5
  7. I need to point out that the term "build" in the context of a website is a very broad term.

    I can "build" you a website in less than 30 minutes by installing wordpress, tacking on a free theme and making a super basic homepage.

    Maybe that's what they're selling for $5. Does the client want more than that? Why, hello addons!

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  8. 13 hours ago, hbfs_studio said:

    Hello donnovan86,
    As further clarification on what others said on this topic, we can confirm that users indeed can leave a private review even after they mark the order as completed, and is very important for keeping a safe and secure environment on Fiverr, let us shine some light on this argument.


    As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase, a happy client is more likely to be a returning customer or promote the platform to other people, and this is something the Fiverr big robotic brain like to see.

    The reason why private review exists is for two main reasons, 

    1. User sometimes forgets/doesn't care about leaving a review.


    "It's difficult to imagine in this day and age where all is based around people reviews and thoughts that there is still a big chunk of people that are not interested in feeding the poor Kirby algorithm with stars".

    so having a call back to action mail by Fiverr is a very good marketing strategy not only for you but for the whole platform, we all know that most people on Fiverr work hard to make their clients happy, and Fiverr knows this too! So if you delivered quality work, which we are sure you did and will continue doing, your client is most likely a happy person living his beautiful day but forgot or dint care about leaving a review, the moment he press on the "call to action" button in his/her email he will for sure leave a much more honest review, why? 

    Privacy is important, when you go to vote in your country ("we assume you live in a vote-based state"), the vote you make is done in total privacy and anonymity, this will make sure you vote for what you truly think it's best for your country, or what the media engraved in your brain. The same applies to Fiverr, We know it's fun to have 5 big stars shown near your names but the real question is, are those real? We don't want to digress into the deep existential conversation here because we risk going off-topic. So in short having a private vote is good to ensure you keep pushing yourself and make sure the customer is more than happy, you have always to aim for the 110%. 

    So what happens when the customer leaves a secret review?

    Well first of all it's on the Fiverr platform, maybe after he completed the questionnaire because it was a happy client he can browse some more of your gig or maybe he can find another gig from another seller, from there it's the wild west, most users tend to close immediately after because they feel they completed the task they were assign to do, but Fiverr has some sexy trick up their sleeves, you sexy robot...

    2. Community safety

    So now at the opposite end of the scale we have, a Fiverr gig creator that was not able to make the client happy, in most of the cases it is proven that the user will immediately feed a negative visible review to the system to manifest his experience. but there is still a big portion of the market that will leave the platform unsatisfied and will probably never come back. this is a big nono. to ensure this after a gig is completed Fiverr does the hard job of trying to understand what went wrong in your work, they don't need to tell you what went wrong but they must do, but if the client was not entirely satisfied as a gig seller if you have some brain you can analyze his responses or simply ask. 

    So in the rare occasion an unhappy customer decides to come back and post a secret score review after the gig is done there is a small chance that the Fiverr robot find a nice way to make them a new potential customer for another seller, for example, he can offer some discount code, or simply an apology message, what you have to know is for sure Fiverr eye will look at you differently from that moment, not that will shadowban you or blacklist you but simply imagine that you throw a punch right in the face of the principal at school, what will happen next can vary drastically vary on how strong the punch was, but the action itself will be punished for sure, not much you have to worry about, I mean what is a punch to the face of a person compared to the grand scale of the universe?


    We hope that we delivered some insight and make you feel more comfortable about the argument, please don't punch people.

    Sorry, for some reason this reads as though it's coming from Fiverr staff. Could be misleading if you are not.

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  9. Like others have said, I think you are doing fine.

    Yeah, the system does take your performance into account but you can't expect 5-star ratings across the board.

    The ratings aren't there just to determine your position in the search rankings. They're also there for you to learn.

    If you can honestly analyze what led your buyers to rate you the way they did and honestly pinpoint what you can improve (and don't ever assume you don't need to improve), then you can answer the question "what do I do?"

    • Like 4
  10. The big question you should be asking is "why was the order cancelled?"

    I don't expect an answer. This is something you need to ask yourself.

    If you can honestly analyze what happened and what made your Buyer want to cancel, then you can answer the question "what should I do now?"

    • Like 2
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  11. Great resources from @vickieito

    Indeed, it is tough to tell whether a certain market is thriving on Fiverr.

    Personally, I had no idea people would be seeking out games writers (my niche) but I managed to find the level of success I wanted (I'm part-time and just looking to supplement my income so other people's mileage may vary).

    What I think you need to be asking, though, is how much is your skill in demand beyond Fiverr. I can't back this up with data but I do feel that it makes sense for the majority of desirable services to find their way into Fiverr given how recognizable the platform is.

    I think the best approach here is to make a gig and see what happens. The beauty of Fiverr is that you don't need to pitch. Just set up your virtual stall, make adjustments as you go and see what happens. Making a well-written gig should only take you a couple of hours if you know exactly what you're trying to sell.

    One other way to check whether your skill is demand is to use the search function. Type keywords related to your service and see what other terms the auto-fill brings up.

    If you're looking to do this full-time, I will caution you to not put all of your eggs in the Fiverr basket, especially when starting out. Check out other platforms, forums and communities as well. Fiverr is great but it's not the end-all be-all of freelancing. Each niche and market within the platform has its ups and down, and they can be anywhere between being really saturated and super under-represented. For instance, my partner is a freelance translator who never managed to make her service work here for a variety of reasons. She maintained a gig here for a while until her success elsewhere made it redundant.

    • Like 8
  12. On 7/18/2022 at 9:37 PM, sanaaliabbasi said:

    In this situation, What will new sellers do? How will they be able to get the buyer's request or How can they make a start of their freelancing career on Fiverr???

    The answer is easy to explain but challenging to execute.

    Like with all meaningful things in life, freelancing on any platform, including Fiverr, takes time, effort, planning, thinking, adjusting, and perseverance.

    You need to start with a tough question: Do I have a marketable skill? In other words, do you have a skill that other people need?

    I will guess the answer to that is yes.

    Now, the next set of questions is even harder:

    • Are my skills also offered by other people?
    • Are there too many people offering this skill?
    • Is my skill in high demand from a large number of people or does it target a very small and specific group?

    The majority of skills on Fiverr are currently covered by a large number of other Sellers. However, this does not mean you cannot start gigs here.

    You just have to narrow it down and make it more specific.

    Let's say for example that you're a translator. Most translation Sellers are willing to translate all kinds of texts.

    You can't possibly hope to reach a lot of people if you do what everyone else is doing. So, your option is to get more specific:

    • Specialize in translating contracts
    • Specialize in localizing websites/games/movies/etc.
    • Specialize in translating emails and other communications
    • If you have other skills, you can specialize in translating less common document types. For example, if you know how to use InDesign, you can translate brochures and other marketing materials

    The above is the first step. Your next step is to decide on a couple of gigs, set them up on Fiverr, make sure your descriptions and offerings are clear, then wait and see how it goes. If you see that you're finding some success in the first few months, then you may have a winner. If not, then try something different.

    Good luck.

    Edit: Also, I need to make something else very clear. A marketable skill is something you can do and have experience doing. I see a lot of people trying to use AI tools to make gigs so that they can make easy money. Doing this is not a skill. In fact, I will go as far as to say it's a scam. You may make some money at first but when Buyers realize what you are doing, they will never come back to you.

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  13. I feel a bit strange giving advice to a digital marketer on how to market their services but I will give it a shot.

    Fiverr is a platform where you set up a gig and wait for Buyers to find it. Unfortunately, waiting for Buyers to come is also the worst thing you can do.

    If orders are not coming in, then you need to ask yourself a few questions:

    • Is my target market too crowded? (my guess is that there are A LOT of digital marketers on Fiverr)
    • What is unique about my service?
    • What problems do I solve for my clients that other marketers aren't?
    • Is my gig title, description, and FAQs built for the Fiverr search environment?

    Based on these questions, you need to be continuously improving your gigs and trying out news ones you believe could helpful to people and businesses.

    This might offend you, but it needs to be said. Being depressed about not finding some success is fine. Doing nothing about the problem and continuously coming onto the forums to get help from other people instead of spending time helping yourself is not going to help you reach that success.

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  14. 12 hours ago, sabinespoems said:

    I do have a question about this; ToS mentions how you cannot deliver work that's unfinished. Wouldn't an unrevised order sort of count as such? Even when the buyer didn't provide details for the Seller to complete, in the buyer's eyes the work is not yet fulfilled. I think an unresponsive buyer not providing any details definitely counts as enough reason to re-deliver, but how does Fiverr approach this? 

    It's a pretty good question.

    Yes, a buyer may see it as unfinished work. I can see how not having clearly laid out guidelines for revisions would lead to there being issues with this.

    However, Fiverr also asks us to work things out with our Buyers. This means that we have the freedom to decide what terms of service we offer. That can include how revisions work.

    It's also my understanding that Buyers aren't allowed to send revision requests without any guidelines and specifications. Technically, a Buyer would be at breach of this if they submitted a revision request this way.

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  15. 28 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    I second this. I once had a "buyer" who talked ideas for a few days. Turned out to be a similar situation, where they used my ideas but not my services. 

    Normally, they will come to me with some idea of what they'd like. If they have no clue and want me to do research, I tell them that I'll happily set up a custom offer for consulation services. 

    The only consulation I do for free is SEO related, and it basically goes like this: 

    • What we should do in a summary form with little details
    • What I can do
    • The price

    I try to be unspecific, like for instance saying "Deploy technical SEO tools to optimize the website" instead of "Install Yoast SEO to optimize the website". 

    Even so, free consulations will sometimes end up being just that. Can't catch'em all. 

    But it sucks when they take your ideas and research elsewhere. Most likely to some cheaper seller who don't have the know-how to do the research themselves. 

    Indeed. A lot of the time you just have to take the risk, as well.

    At the end of the day, you're trying to get Buyers to actually buy your service. Some aren't going to be so inclined if everything is discussed so vaguely.

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