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Everything posted by greenlz

  1. If you don't feel like baby feeding them. I would say just to tell them to have a look over Fiverr's Terms of Service. If us sellers are so worried about the ToS, then the buyer should also have a look it at.
  2. As an advice, keep your first orders at the cheapest price just to get reviews. Once you get around 15 orders, you can then start slowly increasing the price. Also make sure to have good keywords in your gig, and have the keywords repeated.
  3. Hey there, I had a small break from Fiverr since I got quite busy with life. However, I miss my passion for working with 3D graphical models, and hence I'm back. Do you have any advice on how to hit the ground running again, and get everything started, basically from scratch? Thank you in advance!
  4. Currently getting back to Fiverr after a 3 year break. Any advice to hit the ground running again?

  5. I like your gig too. I think try to put jpeg in file format as well since you have space for 5 positions, it could potentially bring more people
  6. okay, i will try to add something, thank you
  7. thank you for your opinion <3
  8. I like the picture on your gig, I think the other 2 pictures should be inserted as well, maybe if you have any done samples that you could post there. If you are bored, I also recommend creating more gigs with your topic, for example: “I will create an awesome website for flight enthusiasts” or “I will create a website with your awesome car album”
  9. Thank you for your opinion <3 will note
  10. Take it easy Sir, we are being constructive to each other and not spammy
  11. It is a new gig, the last one was very messy , and I just wanted to start all over again
  12. Thank you for the great feedback <3
  13. I love your voice, I think it really fits well with book reading. Maybe you should offer a gig where you an essay or something!
  14. Thank you sir for your amazing feedback <3 Would you like me to give you feedback on your gig?
  15. Hey guys, I got a new Gig, if you could rate my layout and presentation I can give you some feedback on your gig as well 😃 https://www.fiverr.com/greenlz/change-your-idea-into-a-3d-model-and-much-more?fbclid=IwAR28rPRyg6xn_McYB-jjrP6WMnObUKQ1LZ3lSJumEhAtqO9TeD5IHZBtwao Edit: Thank you all for the great feedback ! 🙂
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