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  1. I just messaged support. It's not a glitch! It`s a test! and we are all invited to be guinea pigs.🤪
  2. I just messaged support. It's not a glitch! It`s a test! and we are all invited to be guinea pigs.🤪
  3. I have the same. No reason why and no explanation as to how it works. One thing is for sure it's designed to demoralise and to make all your past and current hard work look like a joke.
  4. I was! Well done great explanations and suggestions!
  5. I too echo the various comments here that the new review system is a mess. I understand that Fiverr wants to improve the platform with fresh new ideas but strangely it typically hits serious sellers hard and to the extent that sellers are getting punished. To start with we have cancellations that are impacting the ratings. This issue we had for a long time and it has never actually been resolved adequately. Examples are orders placed in error, orders placed without reading the requirements, orders placed without reading the gig at all, and of course out of scope and no response. Those all have negative impacts and even if you spend an hour supporting that buyer and the cancelation still goes ahead, your rating goes down. Yet the actual reason being not your fault is totally ignored. So how can that be fair? The second is the changeover from the rating system. The questionnaire is far too difficult and the star chart doesn't relate to said questions. Which in turn causes a lot of 4/4.x reviews whereas in the old system, those would have been 5. carineb in her posts on Thursday and Friday has actually hit the nail on the head with her explanation. Yet while Fiver is (from experience likely not) experimenting with formulating the questions, serious long-time sellers and the few who actually care about their public ratings are getting bombarded with 4.x reviews where the customer wants to leave a 5 * but is too confused with the questionnaire. Again this has an obvious negative impact on the sellers. To that end, one may look at eBay, Yelp, Etsy, google, amazon, or even Upwork and PPL to admire a functional and well-thought-out rating system only to appreciate their simplicity and user-friendliness. Yet, one who prefers to remain in a fictional realm may continues to explore, reinvent, and disregard a certain uniformity that has evolved between other platforms. But, must then not wonder why he/she has alienated serious sellers and created a realm of misguided buyers. I`m all for quality and being serious and to turn Fiverr's reputation among the other platforms, around but with the recent changes, I don't feel that Fiverr is aiming this way. So my question is why are we punishing and deliberately disadvantaging serious sellers with something that is hastily rolled out, not thoroughly thought through, or implemented properly?
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