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Everything posted by debrazpul

  1. Yes, It Can Be Appropriate: Transparency: Ensure you are transparent with your client about your connection to the person you’re recommending. This builds trust and demonstrates your integrity. Relevant Expertise: Make sure your friend or relative has the relevant skills and a proven track record to handle the client's needs effectively. Clear Communication: Let your client know why you’re recommending this person and how their expertise aligns with the client’s requirements. Sharing Other Sellers’ Profiles Yes, It’s Acceptable: Permission: Before sharing, get permission from the sellers you’re recommending, especially if they’re your friends or relatives. This ensures everyone is on the same page. Client's Best Interest: Always prioritize the client’s needs and ensure the seller you recommend is the best fit for the job. Professionalism: Provide a few options if possible, allowing your client to choose who they feel most comfortable working with. Additional Tips Follow Fiverr’s Guidelines: Ensure that your actions comply with Fiverr’s policies regarding referrals and communications. Remain Neutral: While recommending someone, remain neutral and don’t pressure your client to choose a specific seller. Maintain Relationships: By helping your client find the right expert, you strengthen your professional relationship and may gain referrals or repeat business in the future. Recommending another seller, whether a friend, relative, or fellow Fiverr user, can be a great way to help your client get the work they need. As long as you are transparent, professional, and focused on your client’s best interests, this approach is not only appropriate but can also enhance your reputation as a trustworthy service provider. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best in assisting your client! This approach helps you maintain professionalism and strengthens your client relationships while aligning with Fiverr’s community standards.
  2. please check the Gig Extra option first. Your gig extra time and delivery times are the same there is a problem change it and you got the solution
  3. How to add elevate account for Fiverr balance withdraw
  4. Check this setting Go to settings> Preferences > Notification > Notification sound > Allow sound and vibration on or Go to settings> Preferences > Notification > Notification sound > Push Notification > make sure all is on > test push Notification check this hope you got the result
  5. Choose the right keyword, create eye-catching gig thumbnail design proper keyword optimization will help you get more impressions and clicks
  6. যদি ফাইবারের  গিগ এডিট করি তাহলে কোথায় এডিট করলে ভালো হবে সে বিষয়ে যদি কেউ বলতেন?
    আমি ফাইবারে একজন লেভেল ওয়ান সেলার বিগত ছয় মাস কোন কাজ পাচ্ছি না ,কি কি পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করলে আমি আবার পুনরায় কাজ পেতে পারি  ? অভিজ্ঞ সেলার যারা আছেন দয়া করে একটু জানাবেন তাহলে অনেক উপকৃত হতাম |

    আমি আমার Profile লিংকটি নিচে দিলাম  https://www.fiverr.com/debrazpul?up_rollout=true

  7. Certainly! Whether or not you can showcase your client's project in your portfolio on Fiverr depends on the terms and conditions you agreed upon with your client. Here are some general steps to consider: Review your Agreement: Check the agreement or contract you have with your client. Some clients may have specific clauses regarding confidentiality or the use of the work in portfolios. Seek Permission: If your agreement doesn't explicitly address the use of the project in your portfolio, it's a good practice to ask your client for permission. You can explain that showcasing the project will help you demonstrate your skills and attract more clients.
  8. For the last 4 months I have not gotten any orders on Fiverr I don't know why or what I should do Now.

    Here is my gig link please honourable big brothers see my problem and help me https://www.fiverr.com/s/WX6E5x

  9. For the last 4 months I have not gotten any orders on Fiverr I don't know why or what I should do Now.

    Here is my gig link please honourable big brothers see my problem and help me https://www.fiverr.com/s/WX6E5x

  10. Why I did not get any orders for 2 months 

    here is my gig link please expert member are check 


    1. debrazpul



      what the problem with my gig How can I find it Please suggest to me I am waiting for the suggestion 



    2. ppc_genious


      If you find yourself receiving impressions but struggling to generate sufficient clicks, it's possible that potential buyers aren't finding your gigs appealing. To address this, take the initiative to make necessary improvements. Start by researching and analyzing successful gigs in your category to understand what sets them apart. While drawing inspiration from Top Rated and Level-2 sellers, avoid directly copying their content.

      In addition, consider implementing these strategies:

      1. Create a compelling headline using competitive keywords. Keep in mind that where there's competition, there are also opportunities for work.

      2. Utilize five or more relevant tags as keywords to enhance discoverability.

      3. Enhance the quality of your gig image to attract more clicks.

      4. Aim for an eye-catching high-quality image with dimensions of either 4000 x 2416 pixels at 72 DPI or 1280 x 769 pixels.

      5. Increase your exposure by uploading three different gigs and optimizing them for SEO.

      6. Promote your gigs on social media platforms to effectively market your services.

      Rest assured, there's no need to worry. By following these steps and patiently sending offers in response to buyer requests, you'll likely witness a gradual increase in both clicks and impressions over time.

    3. deb_amith


      Go for a quality Gig.

      Do seo on your gig image.

  11. when a gig gives important value and provides the best services this type of gig is more important to every client hope you got your answer
  12. when clients comment on your service there is no option to create a video for you so it is not write
  13. Active more and more on online
  14. thanks for the reply but in this services buyer search this type of keyword
  15. In this gig, i have completed one work about 25days ago after that I did not get any buyers nok can you explain what I should do now to get more order here is my gig https://www.fiverr.com/s/0AGqLA Need expert suggestion for this plz 🙌
  16. please focus your gig price and description on better
  17. 2 are the most important for getting an order and there are too much important is your portfolio that helps you get more order on fiverr
  18. Be patient: Sometimes buyers may be busy or have unexpected circumstances that prevent them from responding promptly. Give them a reasonable amount of time to reply before taking further action. Follow up politely: Send a friendly and professional message reminding the buyer about your previous communication and inquire if they have any updates or if there's anything you can assist them with. Keep your tone courteous and understanding.
  19. Hi i am a level one seller on fiverr but i get order so poor . Like 1 month i get 2 order even 2 or 3 month past i did not get any order how can i improve my order ? please experience person help me 

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