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Posts posted by dejanpetrovik

  1. Hi everyone, following my previous posts outlining my experience with the new level system and concerns with Fiverr, I've withdrawn my remaining funds and am going to leave the platform. This decision comes after 1 month being removed from search results, and the 90-day warning period I received last week trying to exit the current situation.

    I intend to share my recent experience on Fiverr on various platforms like LinkedIn articles, Quora discussions, and potentially boosted social media posts. I believe my perspective can benefit new freelancers.

    My goal is to encourage newcomers to thoroughly evaluate Fiverr before investing significant time and effort. By sharing my experience, I hope new freelancers can make informed decisions about where to invest their valuable skills and resources. Hopefully not on FIverr. And especially the ones I know in person. As I have contributed (maybe a little by still) in building this platform, providing my services here and suggesting it to other freelancers, I will now make sure to share what happened with everyone I know.

    To leave this forum with a joke based on Fiverr's social media marketing campaign called filliping the coin - ,,I filliped two coins today and guess what? Non of it FIverr". 

    Take care and all the best to ya all good people!



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  2. I updated 2 gig categories, added one in a wrong subcategory by mistake, went automatically into pending and was denied...created a new identical gig offering pre-recorded voiceover and music (my own creations). However, Fiverr denied the gig, I got warning and was demoted to level 1 citing platform rules against offering products. Interestingly, similar offerings in my own niche seem to still exist on the platform. This follows a recent success score of 4, which I believe unfairly compares me to sellers offering pre-made content. Previously a Level 2 seller with 556 completed orders and strong reviews, I haven't received new messages or orders in 3 weeks and now I need to wait 4 months. These recent ,,after the fact" platform changes and the denial of my perfectly good pre-made content gig make me wonder if Fiverr is becoming a joke for serious sellers.

    Progress on hold.jpg

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  3. 21 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    You still had to create a new gig even you got it changed? :classic_huh:

    They opened the possibility for me to change the main category, I added a subcategory that is not exactly appropriate and the gig automatically went in pending status, I immediately wrote an email to point my mistake but the gig was denied anyway. I recreated the same gig yesterday and today it was denied again, I received warning and level demotion. The reason stated was that the gig was not appropriate for the marketplace. The gig offered premade content done by me and it was on my profile for 2 years without any issues. I can still see gigs offering premade contend and I don't understand what is going on actually. 

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  4. 20 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    Did you get it changed then?

    Yes I did. I received a notification and the condition was to act fast. I wanted to change the category of 2 gigs. One of them got deleted because I mistakenly added it in a subcategory that needs live video to be approved. Tried to stop it, send an email to CS, but they deleted it 🙂...that gig had only 11 orders. Creating a new one as we speak.

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  5. On 3/2/2024 at 7:17 AM, smartdezigns said:

    No. Main/Parent Category cannot be changed. Only sub-categories can be changed.

    If you want to change the main category then you will have to delete the gig and create it again using the right main category. 

    Read the following article on "Editing a Gig":

    Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4599462511377-Editing-a-Gig

    Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Editing & managing your Gig

    They could change it. I think it was possible  in this context only because the appropriate category didn't exist at the time the gig was created. 

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    I wrote here before, but wanted to update - (Level 2 seller with over 550 orders and so mostly 5-star reviews so far. My profile was changed to LOW PERFORMANCE/NO LEVEL, my gigs are no longer showing in search results.) I was unavailable in January and February to complete two projects. After finishing those projects, the new level system came into effect, and I haven't received any messages or orders for a while now. Today I noticed I can't even promote my gigs - all my eligible gigs are set to UNQUALIFIED. 

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  7. On 3/2/2024 at 7:17 AM, smartdezigns said:

    No. Main/Parent Category cannot be changed. Only sub-categories can be changed.

    If you want to change the main category then you will have to delete the gig and create it again using the right main category. 

    Read the following article on "Editing a Gig":

    Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4599462511377-Editing-a-Gig

    Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Editing & managing your Gig

    Hi, thanks for your answer. Customer support contacted me this morning requesting the links to the relevant gigs. I've provided that information and I'll await further updates.
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  8. Today, for the first time, I noticed a "what went well" section below the delivery rating on the order page. I'm not sure if it was there before (I hadn't seen it until today) or if it's a new addition during this "transitional period." While it's a positive step for transparency, my main point from the beginning has been wanting to see "what didn't go well" according to the client. This would help us improve by understanding the context of a 5-star review alongside the positive and negative feedback, within the overall scope of our communication with the client.

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  9. Just now, zerlina84 said:

    Just to update on my ever-changing SS. Saturday, after 3 5-star reviews, I went from 8 to 7.

    Since then I had 8 orders and 4 5-star reviews and I'm back to 8.

    I don't know what to make of it, but at least it's nice to know that, just like it can randomly go down, it can also go up as easily.

    That is great to hear. In my case it is 4 on all gigs which is weird and my gigs are not available in the searching results so I can not make new orders and improve at this point. Only with former clients and was told to wait for months!

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  10. 5 minutes ago, cucinavivace said:

    I've never fully trusted any of these platforms, but I've given them the benefit of the doubt and said "Ok, I'll do what you say and see if I get what you promise." And now they've proven we won't. To me it's as tidy as that.

    We can see from the support replies and continued staunch defense of this new system that Fiverr only views this as something they're allowed to do and nothing else matters. No consideration has been given to what sellers lose in the process or whether or not we deserve the consequences. There's what you "can" do to other people and what you "should" do to other people. So at least now we know where we stand on that question.

    This is what I received as an answer after sending 5 tickets to CS and received identical AI bot message to all of them although they were addressing different issues. We must do something about this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    fiverr staff answer.PNG

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  11. @milos_siena Thank you for clarifying. While I appreciate your explanation and the identical one I previously received I still struggle with a few aspects of the "after the fact" announcement.

    1. My primary concern is the lack of transparency in implementing the factors contributing to my current "Low Performance" status. Previously, I could learn from client feedback and refine my offerings, but the new system didn't allow me to access specific details while it was implementing, making my ability to actively improve impossible. While receiving positive reviews and client feedback, didn't provide the specific insights.

    2. I believe directly comparing my services to other freelancers in the niche might not be entirely fair. I specialize in custom-made materials, crafting each project from scratch, which the system interprets as lower performance. My approach naturally requires more time than services offering pre-made content, re-selling the same content over and over again.

    For the past six years, I've relied on Fiverr as my primary source of income, and I've built a well-respected profile on the platform. However, the current situation raises doubts about my ability to maintain sustainability on this platform. I sincerely hope to find a solution that allows me to do that.

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  12. Same here. I have experienced change in income....right now my gigs are not showing in the search results as if they do not exist. I am currently NO LEVEL with 556 orders completed and all 5 star reviews ((except several orders) ). On my side I can see Level 2 but not able to use any of the new system Level benefits. And interestingly all my successful gigs have the same success score of 4. Identical! Sent couple of tickets to CS and received the same automated message. Does anyone have any suggestions how to go about this?



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  13. On 2/22/2024 at 4:05 PM, leonormiserol said:

    Thank you very much Frank.
    My concern is because I still can't understand how I have a gig marked as "Order cancellations Negative impact".
    My queries to support do not bear fruit because they give me automatic responses that do not help.
    Taking into account that I only canceled 1 order last year and one more in 2022.
    So 2 orders in 2 years. It should be noted that they were low amounts.

    They say that they compare and classify taking into account other sellers of the same level, but there is something wrong here. My cancellation rate is negligible. This is something I would like to know, since I still think it is a mistake.

    I have been on Fiverr for 10 years, I always stayed at level 2. I never had any warnings with my account. Now I am level 0.

    Thanks for this new thread.

    Same here, suddenly NO LEVEL. This is one of the messages I wrote to CS - While I understand that the Success Score considers gig activities and time (as per the webinar), I believe directly comparing my services to other freelancers in my niche might not be entirely fair. I specialize in custom-made materials, crafting each project from scratch, which the system might interpret as lower performance because this approach naturally requires more time than services offering pre-made content, re-selling the same content over and over again.

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  14. 6 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

    I've seen this before, but after refreshing the page it fully populates for me.

    I've also seen a variant of the value for money metric, so they are testing new ways by the looks of it.

    You might not have had orders or interactions, but your competition has, so if their position has dropped, yours has in turn increased.

    I don't want to jinx it, but so far I've had 2 orders with less than 5 stars. One buyer was definitely confused and messaged me about it to apologise. Obviously over time I expect more to come.

    I do think we are making a big assumption that a change in your level will dramatically change your Fiverr income. I'm not saying it won't, we just don't know, and a lot of people always said that being trs vs. level 2 didn't make a huge difference. So far we're seeing changes in levels and ratings. I'm not sure if people have also now seen a change in revenue/sales/messages.

    I have experience change in Fiverr income and engagement with clients in general in the past few months...right now my gigs are not showing in the search results as if they do not exist. I am currently NO LEVEL with 556 orders completed and (except several orders) most 5 star reviews.

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  15. 4 hours ago, purpledog32 said:

    I decided to take the time to watch the recent webinar on Fiverr's new level system. I wish I hadn't...now I'm even more disgusted. It seems Fiverr's goal with the new system is to push freelancers who don't bring in the big bucks...OUT. If they can get rid of the small money makers and focus on the big money makers...that means more money in Fiverr's pocket. 

    As of today, I've dropped another success level. I'm not sure what caused the drop. It's hard to figure out with Fiverr's new "transparent" level system(?), Should I hang around until my success score slowly sinks to the bottom? Ten years of hard work and great reviews means absolutely nothing. Why even bother with reviews if they don't mean anything?

    I keep waiting around hoping Fiverr will make improvements to their level system. I SHOULD NOT be a Level 1 seller. It's an insult to ALL Fiverr sellers that have mysteriously dropped in level status with no logical explanation. 


    A part of my first ticket regarding this: 

    ...I can understand the whole "performance metric" thing they have going on, but my main concern is WHEN was decided that I'm "Low Performance." All I have received is 5 star reviews from most of my clients from 556 orders completed. Before, I could learn from client reviews and improve my service based on that. Now, it's like they're hiding the feedback details, and it seem imposible for me to get better.

    It's tough to adjust and show improvement when I barely get any orders for the past 6 months and now my gigs are completely removed from the search page as if they don't exist...  and I've consistently received the same automated response from the Fiverr Support Team for completely different issues.

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  16. My experience with the new Levels system on Fiverr seems at odds with my positive seller history. As a Level 2 Seller for 6 years with over 400 positive 5-star reviews, I received a Success Score bellow Fiverr Standards. Unfortunately, this has resulted in NO LEVEL profile, my gigs being hidden from search results, and I've consistently received the same automated response from the Fiverr Support Team when seeking clarification and help in resolving other gig category related issues.

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