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Everything posted by irfanpro

  1. I got a Fiverr's choice order today, but when I opened my gig, there was no such badge there. can someone elaborate on that?
  2. can anyone elaborate on how many times the buyer can extend the delivery time? one of my buyers extended the review time 5 days and then again for 1 day how long can a buyer keep extending?
  3. There are a lot of sellers facing the same issue and from a lot longer I’ve been facing the issue since new year and my gig has not come back in search It’s almost been 2 months The same thing happened in july and it took 3 months to get the gig back in search I think it’s coz of recent algo changes in fiverr search
  4. this has been happening only with the sellers buyers issues are resolved quite quickly i’ve been waiting for the support response since 10 days
  5. Actually, this is not new. I asked CS about this roughly 12 months ago when the new levels system went into effect. I was asked not to discuss the specifics that I was told, but yes, gigs do disappear from search results at certain “orders in queue” amounts, depending upon your seller level. I have seen and confirmed this personally as I have worked at various seller levels. “New Seller” and “Level One” have these queue restrictions in place. “Level Two” sellers appear to have no such queue restrictions. Please keep in mind, though, no matter what seller level you have, you should not be putting all your sales hopes on gig search results. Fiverr CS has stated this many times (to many people who have asked): You should be marketing and promoting your gigs on your own to bring in more customers. There are no sales or traffic guarantees here on Fiverr, but you can control traffic and sales by working hard to market and promote your services. This is a separate user-initiated feature, and is not related to the above queue restrictions. Are these examples from “Level Two” or “TRS” sellers? 😉 always providing the info most of the sellers are not aware about. thanks
  6. Always take a new order for new project If you provide additional services to a job You can offer custom offer or ask buyer to buy the extras As per Fiverr policies orders are to be placed before the job is done This way you remain assured that you’ll get paid fully If the buyer likes your work and want to pay you more They can tip you
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