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Posts posted by akshay_sihag

  1. Just now, alanletsgo said:

    Well I just checked my gig stat.... I am in the green for delivery time for this gig.

    Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 1.03.38 AM.png

    In my case it is, don't know why because i too have taken many extensions on the order, and only few orders were delivered a bit late but because of late responses from clients and i had to take more extensions. 

    This new level system didn't considered those metrics, fiverr should take some time and do some more R&D before launching this.  

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  2. 17 minutes ago, voicedbyken said:

    I wish it were so simple. I'm losing my TRS rank because of a single digit in my Success Score. I have never delivered anything subpar to any customer. I deliver on time. I let them know what is going on with their order every single day they wait for theirs to come into the queue. I answer all messages immediately even when I get the notification while I'm sleeping. I ALWAYS overdeliver. There is rarely a week that goes by that one of my gigs is not a buyer's choice or featured. Am I just collateral damage? I don't feel like it's a good thing.

    Why not just penalize those accounts who are guilty of such? 

    That's what happens when a company takes decisions without launching a beta test and like 10% R&D. 

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  3. 18 minutes ago, alanletsgo said:

    This is quite difficult in all cases. For example, someone bought a gig from me 2 days ago. And instead of submitting the correct order requirements, they put '.......". and said they will send it soon. They are now not replying. The order is due tomorrow and I have not heard back from them. Now I have to Extend the due date, but this was out of my control since they are not answering nor provided the correct order requirements.

    I feel your pain alan, this has happened to me so many times, they should add a system in cases like this where time can be extended if client is not responding. Either by contacting fiverr customer support or giving us an option in resolution center

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  4. On 2/15/2024 at 9:24 PM, fittranslate said:

    @Kesha I'll continue writing here and to the support in terms of justice and to support each freelancer like me, who suffered from new unfair and incorrect level system.
    All cancelled orders were not from my fault, mostly reason:"the buyer can't be no longer contact" I wrote each time to the support team to update my cancellation score.
    Please pay attention to Fiverr system and I think it need to be updated.

    I think all freelancers have a right for clear explanation what's going on, why for example: I'm seller 2 with 2400+ completed orders, 94 repeated business score rating, 5 stars reviews in average ( 903 reviews) 1 hour response time, 100% in time delivery, 100% response rate... must suffer from unfair and incorrect system... and downfall to the Level 1!

    I'd love to work here and be part of the Fiverr community, but this changes try to make like punishments on good and proven freelancers ... Please try to put priority to my and other peoples similar questions/situations, pay attention to this details... It's really important and MASSIVE...

    This level system ruins working progress and motivation...Because it's empty for any exact explaination, all that support members write and try to explain — general words from Fiverr announce and updates..  No one is deeply involved or directly engaged in my situation. 


    I am in the same boat as you are, got demoted from TRS to level 1 because of this new level system. Majority of my orders that got cancelled are not my fault and many of them are cancelled by fiverr customer care.


    If they implemented this system after 14 years of fiverr establishment, then why are they measuring scores from past 14 years ? They should just start measuring the scores from this year or this month onwards

    This is really frustrating because our past should not affect our future, with this new level system many freelancers are going to loose business and clients.

    I hope with all the feedback received from forums they will change things in this new level system and make it more positive than negative which is the current scenario right now.

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  5. I don't like this new rating system, this is done intentionally so nobody can have a perfect 5 star rating on their profile. Because let's face it, buyers already don't leave reviews on orders sometimes and i have 70% orders rated only and that too when i ask buyers to leave feedback on the order. 

    Nobody is going to rate exceptional because this wording means that the work was really outstanding and seller went way up and beyond for the order. I think 4 star will be the new average rating we would be getting the most since most buyers would just select "very good" because they don't know they are giving stars based on that.

    My average rating has decreased from a perfect 5.0 to 4.5 in just 2 weeks because of this and i am a TRS. Now i am afraid it will be go below the average 4.2 that is required to maintain the TRS level. 

    Please fiverr team if this is still a beta, please change back to older levelling system or at least change the wording to 

    Unsatisfactory > Marginal > Satisfactory > Good > Very Good

    Choosing words carefully would leave a good impact and more better reviews. 


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  6. So this is has happened to me multiple times that someone has copied my entire gig image, placed their own picture instead of mine and voila they got a new gig image. I mean why does people even do that ? I have reported such sellers multiple times and yet it keeps happening to me. I won't say their names here for the sake of confidentiality but c'mon guys why can't you just create your own gig images ? 

    Due to this reason i had to change my gig images across my entire gig lineup.

    When i asked these sellers why they did that, this was their response "You are very popular on fiverr and we thought we can take inspiration from you gig picture".

    Well then take inspiration please!!! Don't copy the entire gig image and slap your photo instead of mine!

    This is a "Non-Original Standard" and you can read about it here https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property and also on this topic here 


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  7. On 10/3/2022 at 11:18 PM, vickieito said:

    Hi @mjensen415! I think this is a great feature to have, but it does give the buyer opportunity to abuse this button (there doesn't appear to be a limit to the number of times they can extend the review period). I'm wondering if it would be better if this feature is added to the Resolution Center so that both the buyer and seller can agree on an acceptable review period together.

    As a seller, I already communicate with my buyers, so they already let me know in advance if they don't want me to deliver on certain days (especially if they will be traveling or have things planned on those days). Handling this in advance through the Resolution Center would work well in these cases.

    It would also work well in emergency situations, when something comes up suddenly in the buyer's schedule. I'd also like this option available on custom offers, since many large projects may require a longer review time.

    I agree with you @vickieito! If buyers will be given an option to extend the review period again & again, they might abuse it. 

    It would be better if this is added to Resolution Center instead where the buyer can request for extra review period extension upon seller acceptance.

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