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Everything posted by sunnykingkoh

  1. @wordpresssp You were correct. They just told me in the ticket that "Your level should update to correct one in next 24 hours.".
  2. I have addressed this issue to them via the same ticket. I am hoping to get my same level, same success score, and promoted gigs feature back again as it was when my account got restricted.
  3. @wordpresssp Could you please share your experience with me a little more? After your restricted account got restored, were you having "Account Flagged" issue and that got resolved in next 24 hours? If yes, did you get the same level and success score as it was before the restriction?
  4. Update: After successful verification, my account was still restricted. I requested Fiverr support and now they have restored my account. But in the level system, it is showing "Account Flagged". I just told this to Fiverr customer support. I am waiting for them to resolve this issue.
  5. Update: Today Fiverr team contacted me and told me that "A technical issue occurred when you went through the verification process. We’ve since fixed the problem and you can restart the verification process when convenient." I tried again and now my account has been successfully verified.
  6. @Lena I just came to know that I should allow the selfie camera to click the photo automatically. This could be the reason behind my failed verification. Both times system clicked the photo of my ID card automatically but for the selfie, it was not clicking automatically so I thought I had to click it manually so I clicked it manually and submitted it. Instead of clicking it manually, I should have adjusted my face more into the oval so that it could click the photo automatically. Could you please share this with your team who is reviewing my account? This information will help them to understand my case. As now I understand where the mistake was, if possible, could you please request your relevant team to provide me another chance to upload my ID card and Selfie again? This time I will fit my face properly in the oval shape so that your system can click the photo automatically. I will be very grateful to you. Kind regards,
  7. @amazing_yogi This could be the reason behind my failed verification. Both times system clicked the photo of my ID card automatically but for the selfie, it was not clicking automatically so I thought I had to click it manually so I clicked it manually and submitted it. Instead of clicking it manually, I should had adjust my face more into the oval so that it could click the photo automatically.
  8. @Kesha While creating the profession, in both attempts I uploaded valid and high-quality selfie and ID card photos but right after submitting them, your system said they could not verified. It seems like some technical glitch in that the system is not verifying even correct information. Now my account is restricted and under review. It has been more than a week since my case has been reviewed. This case is not complex as due to some technical error system failed to verify. Could you please help me to get my account reactivated? I did not violate any TOS. The system could not verify even correct photos and now I am having so much loss as I am not able to earn anything and I have lost my repeat clients too. It is a very stressful situation for me.
  9. @warisalijoiya Good. I am wondering how they opened your account without even sending you an email about that. I also uploaded the correct files both times but now they say my account is under review and can take up to 60 days. It has been more than a week now but still my account has not been reviewed yet. With every passing day, my loss and mental stress are increasing. It seems like so many people are having this issue which is taking time to review but let's see when they complete the review of my account.
  10. @mas_gamez My account name which is in the settings of my account is the same as my ID card name. And in my selfie, I look the same as my ID card photo. Even the hairstyle is also similar.
  11. @warisalijoiya Did you try it again or are you using your account by ignoring the professions feature now? I am having a similar issue, both times verification failed even though I uploaded high-quality and valid photos, my account is now under review.
  12. @video_anime @efti_miraj @dhot_edits I am having the same issue, both times verification failed even though I uploaded high-quality and valid photos, my account is now restricted and under review. It seems like your issue has been resolved now. Could you please share your experience of how it got resolved?
  13. @jhordanpadilla I am having the same issue, both times verification failed even though I uploaded high-quality and valid photos, my account is now under review.
  14. @donnovan86 When it asked me to verify my ID, my first thought was "Why it is asking me to verify my ID again when I was already verified years ago". Then I thought, no worries, I am the real person behind my account, I have my ID with me so why should I be afraid of verifying my ID? But when I did, I was shocked to see that I uploaded correct and high-quality photos both times but their system failed to verify. Now I am in a very stressful situation.
  15. @amazing_yogiCould you please let me know what you mean when you say "different ID"? They give 2-3 options like ID card, driving license, etc. Do you mean you used another option from these? I also tried my latest attempt in daylight but it failed. Could you please tell me more about the selfie photo? Does the system automatically click it when they see your face fit in the oval? Or do you have to press the button to click/capture the photo? I did capture it manually. But for the ID photo, the system automatically clicked the photo once the ID photo was fit in the screen.
  16. Thanks @Lena. I hope they review it soon. It has been a week now and my account is still under review. I completely understand review can take up to 60 days but my issue is very straightforward. The automated software failed to compare photos due to which it could not verify identity and the account was restricted. I am patiently waiting for your team to thoroughly review my account. Due to this restriction, I am not able to communicate with my clients or earn anything.
  17. @amazing_yogi Congratulations! Did they verify manually this time? Or did you do the same as you did before when it was failed? Did you notice where was the mistake? Why system could not verify earlier and why the system was able to verify this time?
  18. I can understand your situation. I think there is an error in their automated system due to which it fails to verify even the correct information. I have seen multiple people on the Forum who faced the same issue as mine and now today I also heard from you here that you are also facing the same issue.
  19. @amazing_yogi Is your account also restricted right now?
  20. @amazing_yogi Have they fixed your issue? My account is still under review and I am not sure how much time they would take to review but I am sure once they review they will see that the information that I submitted twice is correct. But I am losing lots of my business and clients because of this bug/error in their automated system. I am not sure why in this advance era of artificial intelligence the automated system was not able to verify the correct information in photos.
  21. Hi @Lena No worries, I completely understand you were out of the office, so you could not reply earlier. Thank you so much for your reply! Thank you for checking this for me. Could you please confirm that the team reviewing my account would also check the photos I submitted both times to your automated verification system? If yes, I am sure once your team sees those photos manually, they will see I submitted the correct information but due to some error, the automated system could not compare them properly.
  22. @wordpresssp I submitted the correct ID photo and the correct selfie photo of me. If their system could not verify it, they should verify it again instead of not allowing me to verify again.
  23. @wordpresssp Thanks, brother. Did you face exactly the same issue? After trying the "profession" feature verification failed at the verification step?
  24. @mitanimation Exactly this is what happened and yes it is 100% true. Whenever they reply me, the only thing that they say is something like this: "After careful review, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide another attempt at the verification process. Please be advised that the decision is final and we at Customer Support cannot change it." What should I do brother? I explained them everything but it seems like they are not understanding the issue.
  25. I think I did in the past when I made the account because the account is too old (2018) and I think I did it at the start and now I do not clearly remember.
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