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Posts posted by hanshuber16

  1. In order to successfully verify your ID, you need to upload two documents: 1. An ID that has your photo in it (the information/ID page of your passport, nationally issued ID/driver’s license), and 2. A photo of yourself.

    If you do not do this, Fiverr will suspend your account, and you will have to then interact with them. Even if/when that happens, Fiverr will ask you to verify your ID. If you don’t do that, they could ban you from Fiverr until you’re able to prove your identity.

    In order to successfully verify your ID, you need to upload two documents: 1. An ID that has your photo in it (the information/ID page of your passport, nationally issued ID/driver’s license), and 2. A photo of yourself.

    @tolulopedavid check the bold text in the text quoted above. I don’t think you can just use “any” ID that has been issued to you in your country.

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  2. Why do you need to give your ID (passport) to a private entity if you have already given your mobile number.

    How do we know our passport information is safe? Why did Fiverr ask for mobile numbers if that was not gvood enough security. Why the hell have to give our passport info ?

    @anikahamed007 Congratulations! 🙂

    @stefos This has already been debated extensively. Even though Fiverr “guarantees” the safety of our data, there is no guarantee (anywhere on the internet, for that matter) that your data will be safe. I mean, even popular and well-established platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter are prone to hacks and data leaks… so…

    However, the fact of the matter is that Fiverr doesn’t give us any alternatives. When it’s your turn to verify your ID, they give you an ultimatum: verify your ID or have your account banned from Fiverr. There’s nothing much we can do about it. :man_shrugging:

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  3. Hello please can I still be able to verify after 14days has complete?


    You will have to ask Fiverr’s Customer Support. They are the only ones who can answer that.

    However, from previous forum posts, I’ve gathered that sellers whose accounts were suspended after the expiry of the 14-day period were able to get their account back upon submission of the required documents to CS ASAP.

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  4. Hmm… I did that and I’m getting the following message: “No available requests at the moment”

    “No available requests at the moment”


    There are several possible reasons why you don’t see any BRs:

    1. There need to be buyers actually creating buyer requests (BRs) in the sub-category that you offer gigs in for you to see them. It could just be that there are no buyers creating BRs in your sub-category/whenever you check for them.

    2. New sellers/unleveled sellers are shown much lesser # of BRs than sellers of a higher level. Sellers who are level 1 and higher have access to much higher # of BRs.

    3. BRs can appear at any time of the day or night, and as soon as they appear, they often disappear within a matter of minutes (for new/no-level sellers). This is because BRs are programmed in such a way that they disappear (from new sellers’/unleveled sellers’ view) as soon as they receive ~10 offers from new/unleveled sellers. Considering there are thousands of sellers in each sub-category on Fiverr, you can imagine how quickly each BR receives 10 offers from new/unleveled sellers. It only takes a matter of seconds.

    So, new/unleveled sellers kinda need some luck to happen on a BR. The best thing you can do to come across one is to check the buyer request page as often as you possibly can.

    Also, have a look at this forum post for more info on BRs:

    70759_2.png.1211b8ee2c81bef8ff5dc2275f365bf2.png Buyer Requests - Leadership Suggestions on Buyer Request Complaints (Few Requests, BR FAQ’s, Times, Issues Etc.) Fiverr FAQ

    On behalf of Fonthaunt (feel free to refer to this post): Buyer Request Help: This is not an official statement but I can give out some general information based on what has been observed about Buyer Requests. If this does not resolve your issues, you may try self-promotion instead or contact Support. For other FAQ’s about Buyer Requests including Support comments see this post . If you do not have a very high feedback rating, you may not be able to see new Buyer Requests. The exact perce…

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  5. You don’t need “luck” cuz I am sure you’ve already got what it takes! 😜 You ain’t got nothing to worry about, miss perfectionist. 😉

    Here’s to wishing you the best. 😊

    • Like 11
  6. We obviously cannot compare this example to what goes on on Fiverr as the products purchased/sold on Fiverr are more often than not things that are not readily available.

    We can’t. Tell it to other guy.

    Tell it to other guy.

    Well, weren’t you the one who first made the snickers comparison? 😉

    • Like 6
  7. lol… Can you walk into a shop, eat a snickers, and then say: I did not like it and I will not pay for it?

    That’s it.

    You can try it - and if the store owner decides they can refund or say no. Same as Fiverr

    Well, what if the person who purchased this extremely valuable snickers were to go to the local consumer court, which, coincidentally, is also the highest judicial body (one additional feature: appeals are not allowed. The final verdict is binding), and request for a refund, and the consumer court ruled in favor of the complainant? The shop owner’s requests for a fair ruling are either ignored or are met with threats of eviction from their own shop.

    We obviously cannot compare this example to what goes on on Fiverr as the products purchased/sold on Fiverr are more often than not things that are not readily available. They have to be made from scratch with sellers having to invest considerable amount of time and effort into making these products.

    Sadly, it is sometimes possible for customers to go behind sellers’ backs and just get a refund from CS. If that doesn’t pan out, they then go for the chargeback option. This, imo, is the bone of contention here.

    However, I believe Fiverr is getting better at handling chargebacks and refunds and are doing everything possible to help the sellers out. I have noticed a considerable change in their approach to CBs/refunds (favoring sellers) after they went public.

    • Like 6
  8. Hi! I made a post in the thread Finelly I've got my first order today and apparently it’s been hidden for being spam.

    I cannot possibly see how my post could be construed as being spam, I was just trying to engage in conversation with the topic at hand and asking for general advice… Very strange!

    I cannot possibly see how my post could be construed as being spam

    In that case, as has already been suggested by @wp_kid, you might want to consider reading the forum’s rules and guidelines again.

    Taken from the forum’s rules and guidelines:

    • Post replies asking for personalized help are generally discouraged since it is much better for users to post their requests for help in Improve my Gig.

    If you need help with something, you are more than welcome to create a new forum topic on it. However, asking for help in some other thread that’s not created by you is not only bad forum etiquette but also against the forum’s rules (it’s also known as “thread hijacking”).

    • Like 5
  9. You seem to have misunderstood the post. I am the buyer who described that I wanted to use stock footage of black people in my video. The seller then immediately blocked me after that description. I found that racist. He never explained that he didn’t have any such footage. Didn’t say a word we had been chatting perfectly fine until that moment when i described that I wanted to make a video with stock footage of black people .

    You seem to have misunderstood the post. I am the buyer who described that I wanted to use stock footage of black people in my video. The seller then immediately blocked me after that description. I found that racist.

    I see that you have received many wonderful replies from forum members. They have presented several possible reasons for why your seller might have reacted that way.

    They have also explained that since your seller didn’t really give any reason for why they chose to block you, there is no knowing for sure what their intentions/reasons were. You cannot just “assume” that he had racist intentions just because you think that’s the case. Since there’s no way of knowing the seller’s actual intentions, you cannot just assume the worst and cry foul!

    Besides, Fiverr’s block feature is at everyone’s disposal. There’s no such thing as “misusing” Fiverr’s block feature. A Fiverr user can choose to block anyone at any point in time. They have every right to do whatever they think is right. It’s also not like you had an active order with the seller when he blocked you.

    Don’t like someone’s Fiverr username or profile picture? You can go right ahead and block em, and Fiverr ain’t gonna do nothin about it. 😉

    • Like 10
  10. Hey fiverr gang!

    Just joined up this week, a couple weeks before our holiday to Canada!

    (currently living in the UK)

    Summer’s approaching (English weather would say different!) and it got me thinking…

    Where are you all travelling to this Summer?!

    Just joined up this week, a couple weeks before our holiday to Canada!

    (currently living in the UK)

    Summer’s approaching (English weather would say different!) and it got me thinking…

    Where are you all travelling to this Summer?!

    Canada? That’s awesome! Some respite from the sweltering summer heat, eh? 😉 I’ve been to the U.K. in the summer (Birmingham, West Midlands and London, to be exact), and I know that it can get pretty hot and boiling there. 😉

    I had gone on a two month long trip to Thailand last summer, and it was frickin awesome! Although I was there for two whole months, I had so much fun that it felt like I was in Thailand for only a week. It was a blur of midnight walks along the beach, crazy parties, and conversations well into the wee hours of the morning. The weather was perfect; the rich natural beauty was scenic and breathtaking.

    Since my Thailand trip obviously cost a pretty penny, I am currently saving up some dough so that I can plan another trip this fall/autumn. I have my eyes trained on Cyprus this time around. Although, I’ve already been to Greece a few times, this will be my first time in Cyprus.

    I think this thread is not related to this topic.

    Imo, everything that has been discussed so far has been relevant to what’s mentioned in the original post. :thinking:

    So better to move this topic somewhere else. kindly Humberto

    Sub-categories such as user introductions/conversations have more lax rules. It is perfectly okay to talk about what you did last summer/plan on doing this summer on a thread that’s in the conversations/user introductions sub-category; other sub-categories such as My Fiverr gigs or Fiverr stories may not be the best sub-category to talk about stuff that’s not Fiverr-related. 🙂 (Mods, please correct me if I am wrong 😉 ).

    It is all about context and the category/sub-category to which the post belongs. 🙂 While you’re welcome to talk about stuff that’s going on in your private life in posts under certain “fun” sub-categories, the same might be frowned upon in other “serious” sub-categories. This distinction might not be very obvious at first sight. You will get better at it as you spend more time on the forum. 🙂

    • Like 6
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  11. On 6/12/2019 at 7:33 AM, ammar90it said:

    This is not true. Just because you do it or you know someone who does it, it doesn’t mean that “A LOT OF PEOPLE” do it! People who do such things are in violation of the ToS, and they will get their account banned/suspended by Fiverr.

    did u hear about " freedom of speech " ,

    " Freedom of expression "

    if not try to google them

    Freedom of speech? Sure.

    If you post meaningless comments on the forum, you can be rest assured that other forum members will exercise their right to freedom of speech, too, and let you know what’s right and what’s wrong (as mentioned in the ToS). 

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  12. Almost everything that you have posted so far on the forum is just random stuff that doesn’t make much sense. So, it is inevitable for your forum posts to get flagged/reported by the forum community.

    According to the forum’s rules and guidelines:

    • In most forum categories, users are encouraged to post commentary that is insightful, useful, or meaningful.

    • Threads with excessive meaningless commentary may be cleaned up and closed.

    Please consider posting more sensible messages that the community might find useful/helpful/meaningful.

    If you do not have anything meaningful to contribute to a forum topic/thread, it’s better not to post anything than to post accusatory/negative comments that target other forum users.


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  13. On 6/4/2019 at 1:10 AM, susanlouise216 said:

    The last world domination forum topic was November 2018.

    Here’s one more from not even 2 months ago:


    If I remember correctly there were two other world domination posts from January and March, too. 😉

    When there are already several previous posts on this (not so important) topic from not even 2 months ago, I think it’s better to have a look at the old posts first or wait for a little longer before creating a new one (cuz you might have more people interested in taking part in the conversation this time around). 😊

    • Like 13
  14. I would also like to mention that the ID that I’d uploaded was not an entirely English document. It had German, English, and French. So, I think Fiverr accepts non-English documents, too. 🙂

    I did not see any information pertaining to the number of attempts I had available and the deadline for successful verification of ID prior to account suspension. Some users have claimed that you only have 15 days to verify your ID and that you only have 3 attempts. I am not sure if Fiverr has changed this in any way. Or maybe you’re shown that info. only after you fail in verifying your ID? I don’t know. :man_shrugging:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding the ID verification process. I’d be glad to help y’all out. 😺

    hello sir have no smart phone . already 3 day let . today i buy new phone. and your info… very detailed i don’t understand properly . you tell me sortly what i do . first step and 2nd step . f1ts step what i do and 2nd stp what i do thank you


    Did you get a notification from Fiverr asking you to verify your ID? If not, you don’t have to do it right now. You are supposed to verify your ID only after you receive a notification.

    In case you’ve received a notification from Fiverr to verify your ID, here are the three steps:

    1. Click the Fiverr ID notification that you received. It will take you to a website where you have the option to either scan a QR code (to get redirected to the ID verification link) or send yourself an email containing the ID verification link. Go to the ID verification link. At this stage, it might ask you to log onto Fiverr.

    2. Click the upload button (depicted by a tiny icon) and take a photo of your passport/driver’s license/ID.

    3. Then, click the upload button again and take a photo of yourself.

    Make sure that the photos are taken in a bright environment, preferably a brightly lit room or outdoors, provided it’s bright and sunny. Also, make sure that the photos taken are very sharp and clear.

    Good luck! ☀️

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  15. So, how could have the OP been warned while registering their account, say, 2 years ago? It’s not like Fiverr could have warned them of something that was going to happen 2 years in the future.

    So funny, all what you said doesn’t make any sense with no logic

    First of all, M4hdyar came to Fiverr in March 2019, i was the first buyer and i had an amazing experience, so you are telling lies i dont know from where yo u get this “2 years ago”

    Second thing you said, it’s impossible to fiverr to inform all people about the regulation, how is that impossible, and banning people in bulk is possible ? lol

    We don’t know for sure that was the reason anyway, we are just guessing.

    M4dyar shared a screenshot where they told him it’s because of his nationality

    so you are telling lies i dont know from where yo u get this “2 years ago”

    I was only giving an example. Although I might have made it sound like I was specifically talking about the OP having joined Fiverr 2 years ago, I was only giving an example. I am sure there were people from these sanctioned countries who were on Fiverr for longer than two months (when the economic sanctions came into effect). I was referring to them.

    Do you know how international sanctions work? Sanctions can often come into effect out of the blue… One day they are all working together and the next day they are not even allowed to look at each other. Sanctions are often sudden and unexpected. So, there’s no way for Fiverr to know beforehand if economic sanctions are going to be levied against a certain country. So, prior to the sanctions being levied, Fiverr couldn’t have possibly blocked users (from these sanctioned countries) from creating accounts as, back then, they were allowed to work on Fiverr. Only a few months ago did the economic sanctions against the OP’s country come into effect.

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  16. It is probably a way to make sure sellers are not doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Fiverr has to be sure that they don’t have sellers who are doing things to cause problems.

    Fiverr has to be sure that they don’t have sellers who are doing things to cause problems.

    What if the buyer is, instead, the one who is doing things to cause problems? There’s no way for Fiverr to distinguish a problematic buyer/scammer from the other buyers (while they fill out this private feedback form), is there? Not unless the seller approaches Fiverr with proof of the buyer’s wrongdoings.

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  17. No. People will get mad if they get banned without any explanation, after making certain amount of money… Not if they are not allowed to access the plateforme from begining,

    Having access is not a right, many online plateforme are restricted

    Not if they are not allowed to access the plateforme from begining,

    This doesn’t make sense, tbh. The international sanctions that strictly forbid any sort of business/financial dealing with people from certain countries is something that came into effect only 2 months ago. So, there was no way for Fiverr to know beforehand that some day in the future, citizens of such countries would no longer be allowed to work on Fiverr due to international sanctions.

    So, it’s impossible for Fiverr users from such countries to have been forewarned right when they were creating their Fiverr account. The OP had been on Fiverr for a few years before the international sanctions against his country came into effect. So, how could have the OP been warned while registering their account, say, 2 years ago? It’s not like Fiverr could have warned them of something that was going to happen 2 years in the future.

    What they could have done, however, was let all Fiverr users know (as soon as the sanctions came into affect) that Fiverr has to abide by the international sanctions, too (as they are a registered business in the US) and that they will have to, unfortunately, suspend accounts of Fiverr users who belong to certain countries (the list of countries should have been mentioned in their ToS).

    We don’t know for sure that was the reason anyway, we are just guessing.

    Oh, we do know the actual reason. This quote ⬇️ is from a Fiverr staff:

    We are forced, however, to abide by the laws and regulations that apply to us. While we would love to conduct business with people everywhere, pursuant to such law, Fiverr.com is prohibited from conducting business with citizens of certain countries and is therefore forced to close these accounts.

    Please note that this only applies to people with official IDs from sanctioned countries

    From your description you dont seem to have a fixed place of abode.

    I don’t think someone should be discriminated against just because they don’t have a fixed place of abode. Just saying…

    • Like 3
  18. Yesterday I was a level 2, and got one order. Today I’m level 1, and got three orders. My point is that if you work on the fundamentals, such as delivering ahead of schedule, having a high OCR, getting good reviews, etc, you will see good results eventually

    This is true. What is OCR?

    Sales go up and down all the time. At one time sales were very steady and sure on fiverr, at least for me, but the past year I see huge variations from day to day in the number of sales. Many things are factored into your number of sales now.

    What is OCR?

    Might be referring to Order Completion Rate. 🙂

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  19. @hanshuber16

    Hi, what an interesting topic. I am worried now because of this. As my ID verification hasn’t been requested from me yet, and when it is, what do you suggest I upload as an ID (I live in UAE but I hold a Jordanian passport)? I’m afraid that if I uploaded my passport copy, they’d do the same thing they did to OP. Is it better if I uploaded a UAE ID or UAE Driving license?

    Is it better if I uploaded a UAE ID or UAE Driving license?

    I think so. 😃 I think it is a good idea to upload an official document (UAE driving license, for example) issued by the country you’re currently residing in (if you have one).

    But, as has already been confirmed, the OP’s issues are due to the current international sanctions in place against Iran. I don’t think you will have an issue. 🙂

    It is very unfortunate to see ordinary civilians of a particular country getting caught in the crossfire amidst these international sanctions.

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