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  1. Thank you! I agree, most of my previous buyers told me they placed an order because of my 5 star reviews... I've been thinking about that because I also have my company with the brand name etc and working with a team of professional freelancers so I'd like to appear as a company on fiverr Btw I can see that once you become a top seller you can add your Studio section in your profile? So you can actually show your Company and portfolio? Thanks!! Yea agree, it took me a long time and a lot of work to get those 5 star reviews lol starting again from scratch with my company name it would be too much work to get the reviews again I've read a guide from a top seller on Fiverr and he said that once he started he had his first name here, then he realized he made a mistake and so he closed the account and opened a new one with his company name.. he still became successful and a top seller
  2. Thanks for sharing it @williambryan392 this is very helpful! I'd like to ask you for some general feedback, please. I see you are using your own name on Fiverr. I see other top-rated sellers are using their company's name. I work with a team of other freelancers. To grow my brand etc do you think I should just close my current profile (with my name) and just open a new seller's profile with my Company Name? Is it important to show that my company has a team of freelancers and experts instead of just showing me as a 1 team member on Fiverr? I feel like most of the successful sellers here have a company brand profile and are getting many orders compared to a 1 man show business profile. If you have any advice it would be very appreciated! Thank you so much!
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