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Everything posted by maitasun

  1. Cheaters can be found in every field and everywhere. It’s part of the animal world, including mankind, and has been around since ever. The only difference is that now, today, there’s something called internet that allows having the world and its content, on the tip of the finger. So, what in the past took months or even years to pinpoint a cheater, now it can be checked up almost instantly. Regarding Fiverr, cheaters are not exclusive to the platform, they are spread all over - they can even be found in the academy world. You name it and you’ll find at least one.
  2. I would say: Buyers cancel without being their fault: Buyers get fee refunded. Buyers cancel but it’s their fault: 1.- No work done by sellers: Sellers must not be penalized and buyers have no fee returned. 2.- Sellers worked on the canceled order: Sellers must not be penalized, and buyers have to pay x% of the orders’ amount for sellers’ work and no fee refunded.
  3. At least you paid and that speaks good of you 😉 Most sellers though, charge their buyers 5 or 6 times more than what they are willing to pay other sellers (specially new sellers) for doing the outsourced job - practically wanting to get the job done for free. These type of sellers acting as buyers (outsourcing work) are the worst !!! And I don’t say the above slightly, I have run through this myself a few times now with these “professional English to whatever language translation” sellers. Disgusting ! 😠 Of course, they always end up conversation with something like “I have already found someone else. Have a nice day” to which I reply “I’m glad for you, have yourself a nice day too” 😉 Edit to add: And these" professional whatever language translators" are Level 1 and 2 😏
  4. Hi @retouchstudio1, Yes, you’re allowed either requesting offers through BR or directly ordering from a seller.
  5. This is an accounting issue. If everybody were allowed 7-day revenue clearance, Fiverr could see itself in trouble when refunding and investing. Try seeing Fiverr as a bank whose funds are sellers’ earnings (including the 20%). Of course, refunding depends on the amount of monthly requested and granted refunds and chargebacks, quantity none of us knows as Fiverr has never shown statistics - which by the way, would be good to know as it would give us all a real perspective of buyers’ behavior.
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