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Everything posted by schreibmaschine

  1. Hey that's interesting. Almost exactly the same for me. Past 2–3 weeks I got very busy! Now its no orders and no messages again. I didn't have any cancellations!
  2. Since a lot of sellers in various niches seem to be impacted by that slump – I can only explain it with recession and companies cutting down. I see A LOT of top sellers with barely any orders in queue these days. I do not believe that all these sellers got punished for a bad first buyer experience. Also: In some PRO categories, there aren't a lot of sellers – so a worse ranking should not tank sales THAT drastically. What is interesting though, if you check Fiverr on SimilarWeb, you see their traffic is still very steady this year. In March, it actually increased from Feb by around 9%. If everybody's impressions, messages and orders drop, you would expect the site is getting overall less traffic. Curious to see how the traffic will look like for April.
  3. Glad I stumbled across this thread. I've been selling on Fiverr for 5 years – practically all the time I was maxed out with orders. More orders than I could handle. Past 2 to 3 weeks the drop-off in messages and orders is unlike I ever experienced. Above all, promoted Gigs is not working at all this year. This year, I spend 360 USD in promoted ads...0 return. Really astonishing. My SM said the marketplace overall is just really slow this year. Since I see a lot of otherwise successful sellers having barely any orders, I can only explain it with two factors: - AI - recession AI probably being the bigger one. I mean, Fiverr put that "open letter to AI" on the front page of the New York Times. You don't have to be a genius to guess that ChatGPT has a HUGE impact on Fiverrs business if they felt the need to publish that letter – basically saying, "hey, but you still need humans!"
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