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Everything posted by thecreativeguys

  1. I got my desktop iMac a few years ago when I went full-time online and I chose 21.5" over the 27" because I thought the bigger model was “overkill” for what I was doing. I didn’t mind the monitor size but I wish I had of upgraded just for the internal storage and processing speed (which my dad tried to get me to do because he knows computers). At the time, I did some video editing and graphic design work in addition to storing a lot of files on my computer. However, I ended up getting a laptop at the start of the year and I have not used my desktop once since then. I had to get used to the trackpad, but without it I couldn’t enjoy working while traveling and, of course, swaying in the hammock. Writing (my primary focus now) is pretty portable, otherwise I would probably have to be confined to a desktop computer’s functionalities and space. 😄 I guess I’m the complete opposite! I purchased the Macbook Pro last year and it just sat in my office motionless. I got rid of It and now planning on going for the 27. I mainly prefer larger screens. My phone is the largest model currently available as well. I just cherish the space.
  2. Hammocks won’t work for me as the weather is unpredictable and we have 2 solid seasons. Hotel palace won’t work either as they tend to be located in a place dominated by busy city streets and noisy coffee machines. I guess I’m left with my old school desk office chair and mini iMac. I’m actually planning to up myself from 21 to 27… what are your thoughts? Off topic of course 🙂
  3. If you have created a gig, and the gig was approved by Fiverr, buyers can see your profile.
  4. Wix is a pretty decent category - they host over 100 million users and many turn to Fiverr for help.
  5. I’m a professional Wix designer and unfortunately I don’t post my finished product because of people stealing my images and other things of that sort. So yes - So many generic images which is why my gig image is not a Wix website but rather a service offer!
  6. Reply to @mark74: Thanks! I came and found every category was filled with junk. Why do people love doing this?? Is there a real reason? I understand if there is a link or something but just plain garbage text??! Also, the past 2 days I’ve got probably 10, not sarcastically! Junk messages!! Every 3 of those messages Fiverr already banned the accounts but the rest just end up killing my response rate, NOW i’m at 87% before 97% This is really frustrating. I am not sure what to do. It just doesn’t make me feel good or motivated when I respond to every message but these stupid messages make there way in and I suffer.
  7. Unique services will sell more. Offer exclusive services. Treat every client of yours as VIP. Best of luck 😉 Joe The Creative Guys | 2014
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