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Status Replies posted by smashradio

  1. Hi @vickiespencer! Great job getting your seller intro video done! 👍 Looks professional!

    1. smashradio


      You should've witnessed the spectacle of my frustrated self attempting to record a video. It was a disaster. No matter what I did, I managed to look and sound stupid. I wouldn't even qualify for a TikTok video but somehow,  I ended up with a collection of ridiculously dumb clips and got the idea of starting to market myself on TikTok instead. What a fail. I need professional help. 🤣 It's painfully clear that my biggest problem stems from relying on a script for the past ten years as a voice-over artist. That doesn't work on video, at least not without a teleprompter. And to make matters worse, I can't even remember my own darn script, so I would have to make a jumpcut every 3 words.  So I'll leave my intro video to the pros while I lose what's left of my dignity on TikTok. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hello sir,

    I just started selling on Fiverr. But, I have spent the last two years focusing on content writing, a small amount of SEO, and wordpress data input (blogging, product listing, and content updating). In the future, I want to explore myself at digital marketing. I'm now attempting to learn more about WordPress web design and SEO. What more do I need to learn to be a great digital marketer and give my clients the finest service? Sir, can you please help me make the appropriate choice?

    1. smashradio


      Being a "digital marketer" is just a fancy word uneducated people put on their profile to seem like they're experts at everything, when in fact, they're most likely not. 

      Instead of learning a bunch of different things at once, stop thinking of yourself as a multi-tool, and focus on becoming excellent in the areas you are truly passionate about. It's way better to be highly specialized in one or a few areas, rather than being mediocre at everything. 

      Back to the multi-tool: you can use it for cutting, sawing, tightening bolts and everything in-between, but it's hardy comfortable to work with one for long period of times, and most likely, you'll get a better result using a dedicated tool. 

      Same goes for freelancers. 

      Having some experience in SEO and web design can help you become a better content writer, but I'd stick to one or two areas of expertise, and develop those skills. Two years is not a long time, and I'm still learning after decades in the business.

      I believe in quality over quantity, and that's how I built a Top Rated profile here on Fiverr - not by doing everything at once. 

      I can't pick your line of work for you. I recommend going for whatever brings in the most return for your time while also being something you actually enjoy doing. 

      Beyond that, I can tell you that Fiverr is so full of "digital marketers", that you're going to have a hard time growing in those categories. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi @smashradio, quick question ... one of those Fiverr Business buyers who blocked me earlier unblocked me to send sneering remarks about how he found a better seller (and to take up more of my time). So I decided to block him. However, I only reported him (with the request to block him). So he is currently not blocked and it has been more than a day since I made the request. Isn't there an immediate way to block someone? Do I mark him as spam?

    (note: I think this is the only status update I can make while post-limited, so I'll respond back when I can!)

    Thanks for your help!

    1. smashradio


      I saw you made it to Grand Master! Yet another thing worth celebrating. 😄 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi @smashradio, quick question ... one of those Fiverr Business buyers who blocked me earlier unblocked me to send sneering remarks about how he found a better seller (and to take up more of my time). So I decided to block him. However, I only reported him (with the request to block him). So he is currently not blocked and it has been more than a day since I made the request. Isn't there an immediate way to block someone? Do I mark him as spam?

    (note: I think this is the only status update I can make while post-limited, so I'll respond back when I can!)

    Thanks for your help!

    1. smashradio


      P.S. What a ridiculous person you've been dealing with! 🤣

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi @smashradio, quick question ... one of those Fiverr Business buyers who blocked me earlier unblocked me to send sneering remarks about how he found a better seller (and to take up more of my time). So I decided to block him. However, I only reported him (with the request to block him). So he is currently not blocked and it has been more than a day since I made the request. Isn't there an immediate way to block someone? Do I mark him as spam?

    (note: I think this is the only status update I can make while post-limited, so I'll respond back when I can!)

    Thanks for your help!

    1. smashradio


      Hey! Yes, you need to report the message as spam or use the report button that shows up when you hover over a message in your inbox. 

      That will block the buyer. 

      I'm so happy now! I'm celebrating this achievement! My personalized blocking webinar worked!! 😄

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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