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Posts posted by alanletsgo

  1. I'm not going to post any actual notes the client left to protect their privacy, but they left a really nice message that contradicts the "Where you can improve".

    I have a feeling that a lot of people who are leaving 4/5, think that "Where you can improve" is things they actually liked about the work done...

    Because the note they left mismatches the "Where you can improve" completely. I have felt many orders this month are like this where they are 4/5 and all the "Where you can improve" items do not match what they actually wrote.

    I think the header should be maybe in bold or Red color if it is anything negative and then green for positive. Or maybe have it so a 3 out of 5 has where you can improve, and 4/5 are "Things done well".

    How does everyone feel about what you're seeing about this lately?

    Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 2.48.11 PM.png

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  2. 2 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    I received an email from my SPM today. She said they are beta testing, and only some buyers see all five metrics. As a seller and a buyer, I must be one of the group that can see them.  

    ah okay. I've been a buyer and seller since 2010, but I don't see it.

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  3. Just now, vickiespencer said:

    Yes, but I can see your "recommend to a friend" and your "quality and value of delivery" if you want me to share them with you.  

    I can't see this in a public view. How come you can see it and I can't?

    • Like 13
  4. 19 minutes ago, vibronx said:

    They added two new rating metrics "Quality of delivery" and "Value of delivery" which will ensure that every seller now will have a 4.9 in their overall rating instead of a 5... which will end up changing nothing.

    Some people are already seeing these added ratings on their profiles. I can't see them on mine yet, but like you, my dashboard also shows a 4.9 rating.



    I also went from a 5.0 to 4.9

    Publicly it shows a 5 though.


    I do not see 5 breakdowns as you see it. I only see 3. Where do you find those 5?

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  5. 5 minutes ago, akshay_sihag said:

    I feel your pain alan, this has happened to me so many times, they should add a system in cases like this where time can be extended if client is not responding. Either by contacting fiverr customer support or giving us an option in resolution center

    I have a handful of orders that are being extended because the buyers are not submitting the information for me to be able to work on it.

    Should I ask Fiverr to cancel the order or should I just keep waiting?

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  6. 10 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Hi! @kerpoostudio This is not a bug, but it could be due to several different reasons. I would recommend that you reach out to Customer Support. They will be happy to help clarify things for you.

    This is quite difficult in all cases. For example, someone bought a gig from me 2 days ago. And instead of submitting the correct order requirements, they put '.......". and said they will send it soon. They are now not replying. The order is due tomorrow and I have not heard back from them. Now I have to Extend the due date, but this was out of my control since they are not answering nor provided the correct order requirements.

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  7. 1 hour ago, crawford_copy said:

    Still haven't seen an official response to this.

    Why no difference between L1 and L2 (both 10 active gigs), but then a huge jump to 30 active gigs for TR?

    I'm a copywriter and graphic designer (L2).

    I have 19 gigs, all for different services. Fiverr search results are very keyword based. The right keywords need to be in the title or the five keyword tags, or else the gig won't be found in search results.

    I have gigs for Business Plans, Proposals, Capability Statements, Reports, White Papers, Company Profiles, Pitch Decks, Case Studies, Brand Style Guides, Brochures, Sales Copy, Video Scripts, Elevator Pitches, Press Releases, Landing Pages, Website Content, Blogs/Articles, and Consulting.

    Each gig is different and the titles and keyword tags are used for keywords that buyers will be searching for, specific to that gig.

    Could you at least change L2 to 15 active gigs instead of 10?

    I really don't want to delete half my gigs. It took a long time to set them all up, create great gig images, write the descriptions and FAQs, analyze the right keywords etc.

    Surely there should be a difference between the number of active gigs allowed for L1 versus L2.

    I am on the same boat as you. 20 down to 10 is going to be a very difficult downgrade. Hoping they revisit this idea.

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