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Status Replies posted by gunawanguan

  1. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      Yes, I think there is something missing that I don't understand well.
      I'm trying to figure it out what it is and I believe if I can find it, it can help me to bring my performance back in top.

      But thank you for all your help and information.
      You help me a lot.
      If you need any help that I can do, please don't hesitate to let me know. I owe you a lot.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      I just contact Fiverr Support, they said conversion rate is a sales divided by impressions, not a clicks.

      I was wrong about it. I am asking support now, if a custom offer is counted as part of conversion rate or not. I will let you know once I get the answer.

      But you are great. Assuming you have 5K impressions with 15% conversion rate, it means you have barely around 750 orders on a week? That's a fantastic number of sales.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  3. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      Oh okay, thank you for this information. I think what in my thought is correct, but I need to confirm it again.

      I think that the conversion rate are counted from both direct sales and custom offer.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      @vickiespencer May I asked about more questions.

      The Stat that you tell me above, did you get all the sales from your gig page directly or through custom offer sometimes?

      Cause I tried to count my conversion rate with manual calculation. I wonder if a custom offer counted as clicks on our gig or not.

      Thank you for your information. 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      Oh okay, that is a good opinion.
      So for all new customer, it would be better if I called them by just it's username? Don't you think it's more like not really polite, if maybe the username doesn't represent her/his name. For example abc1234.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      I don't know about my interaction with my customer. But I tried to be as friendly as I can. I always call all my customer with my friend (from all 9000 customer I served on fiverr, only 1 that said not comfortable called a friend. Most of them like to be called like that).

      I tried to be as nice as possible. Some of my repeated customer feel like a family. We can share about our condition. They can share about their family, about their career, etc.

      Can I asked for your personal opinion, about my customer interaction? What do you think about me. Whatever it is, I can take it.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      175 click with 15% conversion rate, it means you got around 25 orders per week.

      That is a good number I think.

      I am now dropping only got 400 impressions with only 4 clicks.

      I don't know why this happened. This is the lowest Stat I have since 2015 i joined fiverr. Fortunately I do have some repeat customer that I can contact and get some order from them.

      Do you have any guess maybe what happened with my gig? Based on your experience experience your success manager. I wish I could talk to success manager to get some suggestions.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      Wow, 15%, that is a great number. If you don't mind, maybe you can help me again and sharing the impression that you got and the clicks? So I can have a better comparison. But again, if it private, feel free not to share it.

      Thanks for sharing it with me. And thank you for the information. I really appreciate your help.

      Hopefully my gig can be soon get recovered and also can be invited to seller plus program.

      Thanks alot for all your help.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

    1. gunawanguan


      @vickiespencer not yet my friend. In fact now suddenly, all my gig is going down without any clear reason. I have lost my promoted gig features, lost all rank (usually I got first page on header design, name card design and 3 logo design).

      All of my gig has been pushed to the very end of each page. When I tried to look up for 3 logo design for example, I need to use filter "online seller", "local seller" then it show around only 20 result and  I was on the very bottom position.

      I don't know what's wrong is it. I don't have any cancellation before, my last cancellation was on December 2020. (1 cancellation happened after my gig got derank). I often got 5 star review and got tip from client. I replied very fast, almost under 1 hours for every inbox message. Never late on delivery.

      I asked Support, but they said that my gig is performing well. They just said something that is like usually they said, that there is any metric that i don't met. That is what confusing me, what metric did I don't met.

      I tried to analyze, I found 2 things, but I'm not really sure that this is the cause of the trouble. But I tried to fix it up.

      1. My Order response rate.
      Usually when client asked for a revision or place a new order, I just check it and then do it "WITHOUT" replying their message. Just suddenly I send the revision or the deliver within the timeframe. I thought it was okay, as long as I'm not late. But with this new system, it make my Order Response Rate got only just 91%. I tried to fix it up and it's now start to climb out to 95% per this day.

      2. My Conversion Rate.
      Because of low sales, I tried to open up so many new gig, to diversify and trying to look up for another sales from other door. But this make my conversion rate going drop just to 0.2%. I am trying to fixing it up too and now it's started to climb up to 1.5% above.

      If you don't mind, may I know some of your rate my friend? But if you think it's too private, feel free to say no and I'm sorry for asking it. I need to know about other seller (the good one / Fiverr called performing / seller plus / top rated), about their Order Response Rate and the Conversion Rate.

      Maybe with that information, it can help me to find out what is my problem is. Maybe my low Conversion Rate and Order Response Rate is the thing that Fiverr called the metric I didn't met.


      Thank you for all your help and concern.
      I really appreciate having a friend like you.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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