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Tips For Selling Gigs On Fiverr in 2013!


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Not getting any requests for your gigs? Lacking inspiration for new gigs? Need a better rating? Follow these simple tips to start making more money!

  1. Be Polite, Professional and Use Proper Grammar. Think of what kind of gig you prefer to order, you most likely want a seller who is polite, knows how to spell correctly and takes your request seriously.

  2. Go the Extra Mile. If you get a bad rating, offer a redo or an extra service for free and then ask your buyer to rerate you.

  3. Spice Things Up. Just about every single think you can possible think of is already being offered at Fiverr and not just once but hundreds of times. Instead of offering the same exact thing, change it up a little, add something new or an extra service to make it stand out from the rest.

  4. Add a video. There’s no better way to display your work then by showing exactly what you are offering.

  5. Don’t be afraid to ask for a positive review. Many times buyers forget or ignore the feedback option. Once you are finished with your gig, remind them by saying “Positive Feedback is Appreciated”
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