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What happened to fiverr?


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It’s like Fiverr just went full retard. How can a company be so completely disconnected from any feedback and complaints about the new disimproved fiverr?! HOW?! Look at their facebook page. It is full with rants, complaints and bug reports and the only thing fiverr is posting is about how great this new trashy version of fiverr is.

The new fiverr is a kick in the teeth for everyone who made fiverr what it is today. The creators should be fired and never be allowed anywhere near a computer again.

Guest drawforever

I don’t understand it either. Are they begging for loyal buyers and sellers to leave? Anyway Fiverr only cares about their 20%. If their 20% dries out then only they will listen. X_X


I agree with both of you. Wish we can boycott this site, but then a stream of newbies would come in and duplicate our gigs…hmmm…then again that will lead to an increase in cancellation due to poor quality work.

Guest gamersuscentral

I would be more careful about what is said. Dont want to end up with a blocked account or suspended from fiverr . Ive seen it happen! Just Saying! 🙂


Reply to @gamersuscentral: LOL! I’m sure they’ll try to silence the trouble makers but honestly I’m not worried. I have NOT said anything that’s not true nor incriminating. I shall not be silenced! Lol. If that would to happen though, I would probably become they’re Online Arch Nemisis. I don’t leave in fear, especially when it comes to Fiverr. I’m already not making much money now that V2 has taken place, so I don’t have anything really to lose. 🙂

Guest matt_garry

Reply to @musiclover: I am sure you’re page is wrong but it says 1 week+ no one will order if they see that


Reply to @matt_garry: I know. I think its a bug. Been too lazy to contact CS about it. I’ll contact them soon though. This downtime might be a good time for me to focus on my music though. So maybe the dropped sales is a sign. 🙂

Guest drawforever

Reply to @gamersuscentral: If they suspend or block our account just because of a mere criticism about the flaws of their site then it proves that they are not fit to do business. In the business world, you have to please the customers ( but not to the same extend of becoming a slave to horrible customers ) and we sellers are the customers because we pay 20% to them to use their site.

Guest itsyourthing
musiclover said: ..then again that will lead to an increase in cancellation due to poor quality work.


Not necessarily. All the quality providers that are here now were new sellers once upon a time. No reason at all to assume all the new peeps would be bad.

Guest itsyourthing
drawforever said: If they suspend or block our account just because of a mere criticism about the flaws of their site then it proves that they are not fit to do business.


Why would they bother blocking/banning anyone? Very few people are leaving or will leave. All the advertising Fiverr is doing is just bringing in new replacement sellers at an even higher rate than before. And they can count all the user interaction and forum visits in their overall stats as a "selling point" for their investors and potential new users.


Until someone comes up with an improved Fiverr business model - and can invest a few million to launch it competitively - think of Facebook vs. MySpace, Fiverr has us all by the umm, important parts.


The only logical action is to evaluate what you can reasonably expect to achieve with Fiverr (as it is right now) and organize your interactions here as another revenue stream and nothing more.

Guest itsyourthing
musiclover said: but there's a nice amount that do.


Cast a broader net - get more seaweed with the fish. :)

  • 4 months later...
Guest matt_garry

Reply to @jamiedanielle: that sure is a general statement the gigs in my opinion are more creative then ever. And a good deal of these services are worth much more than $10 you couldn’t get these prices anywhere else period what are you thinking… don’t get frustrated because you can’t find any slaves…


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