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How to Change 0% Rating After Spam Message?


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I’m brand new to Fiverr, I have no reviews or sales, and my rating is at 0%. The only thing I think happened is that I got a spam message from someone’s personal assistant and I ignored it, which tanked my rank.

I know seeing something so low will scare away any chance I have of a customer. How can I fix this?

Hope everyone’s having a good new year 🙂

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In the beginning, everyone have no sales, no reviews, and 0% ratings. So, why are you worried about it?

Regarding, not responding to the spam message, it has nothing to do with your 0% ratings. Moreover, Fiverr system also identifies potential spam messages.

Regarding getting sales, just send offers to buyer requests and you will get your first sale soon.

I hope this helps.

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In the beginning, everyone have no sales, no reviews, and 0% ratings. So, why are you worried about it?

Regarding, not responding to the spam message, it has nothing to do with your 0% ratings. Moreover, Fiverr system also identifies potential spam messages.

Regarding getting sales, just send offers to buyer requests and you will get your first sale soon.

I hope this helps.

Ooh… Thank makes a lot of sense! Thanks so much!

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Dear Meg:

Here is a checklist to help you improve your gigs.

Here’s a link to Fiverr Academy.

Here’s a link to Episode 1 of Fiverrcast.

Here’s a link to your profile.

  • Your log line:

Always have been and always will be a writer

I suggest A/B testing other log lines.

*Your profile image:

You are not smiling. Smile! I suggest another background.

  • Your profile text:

I absolutely love creative writing and designing covers. I’ve been writing for 15 years, editing for 3, and manipulating photos for 6. I definitely have a passion for creation!

  • Meg

I changed the numbers to numerals, and added your name to the end. I assume you prefer to be called Meg.

I don’t see a 0 Review on your Profile. I just see no reviews. Please bear in mind that when looking at your own profile, you have the option of viewing as yourself, and of viewing as the Buyer sees it. Sometimes there can be subtle differences of which you should be aware.

  • Gig Title:

I will create a stunning book cover with Canva within 3 hours

You are limiting yourself. You should either expand this gig to include other things you can do with Canva, or add additional Canva gigs to open yourself up to more gigs. You should definitely remove “within 3 hours”!

I’ve received plenty of interest from people for my Canva gig, so this could be a good seller for you.

  • Gig Description:

I create amazing, eye-catching covers for books using Canva. If you don’t have any ideas for a background image and tagline, just send me a description and I’ll think of them for you!

“Phenomenal work, Meg! This is really a treat!” - Canva via Instagram
[Note that I capitalized “Canva”]

Whoa, what’s going on here?! You’ve always been a writer, so why is this so brief?! You have room for 1200 characters here, plus Frequently Asked Questions. You should be blowing me away here! This is your opportunity to show the world you can write, so write! Write like the wind!

As a writer, you should see the Fiverr Forum as an opportunity to demonstrate your writing skills.

If you look at my Improve My Gig Checklist gig, you will see that this is a short e-book based on posts I’ve submitted to the Fiverr Forum. I include the text of the entire short e-book in the gig video.

The point of this gig is not necessarily to sell that particular e-book (I point out in the gig description that the information in the book is available for free in the Fiverr Forum), but to provide a sample of my writing to potential Buyers. I also invite these Buyers to check out the Fiverr Forum for more samples of my work (like this post directed to you).

This is all meant to encourage you to post good stuff to the Fiverr Forum, and to use your available gigs as a laboratory to test out whether you are able to create and market ebooks via Fiverr.

You could get in the habit of providing feedback in the “Improve My Gig” section, in the hope that by looking at other people’s gigs, you can brainstorm ways to improve your own gigs.

A suggested format for your gig descriptions:





  • Video: 30 to 60 seconds. Fiverr says videos can boost your sales. You should include lots of examples.

Gig Images: You have 3. As you sell gigs, your Buyers will have the opportunity to add images to your Live Portfolio. I suggest that for your writing gigs, you include personalized images with your Deliveries as thank yous. Please let me know if these start showing up in your Live Portfolios for those gigs.

Gig Extras:

Hopefully you will add these over time as you study Fiverr Academy and as you receive feedback from Buyers.

Gig Packages:


Good luck,

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