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Always deliver beyond the expectation


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I am working full time as a professional video editor on Fiverr last two years and having lots of buyer reviews.
All I learned from that one thing is to hold long term in Fiverr is…
Do your service beyond your buyer expectations
deliver at least two choices for them to choose if you not sure about the descriptions that they sent.
Always be happy face if they ask modifications.if you do those modifications without dull face then you are the first person they contact you when they having another project.This is impotent to have return happy costumers to keep your sales up.
I had lot of issues with buyer due to the lake of understanding,then I contact Fiverr community to resolve those issues.but keep in mind costumers are your only priority than you and your issues.there is no way to play low to get top
Do your best job. you can get what you are looking for.
All the best for your future sales.
Thank you.

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Yes, exceed a buyer’s expectations, but put limits on your work too. Don’t keep offering unlimited revisions. By doing so, you’re giving your work away for free, and that just wastes your time. Set a limit, make sure your buyer knows these limits, and stick to your terms.

This is your business. Be economical about it.

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