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How do i add upgrades

Guest marketingboss

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Guest marketingboss

I only see how to make one option for a $5 gig, I don’t see the option to put an add on $5 for an upgrade to my gig. Where do i find this? I am a new seller. Thanks!

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I read that the new Fiverr will support gig base rates of more than $5, so not limited to $5 anymore, but can’t find the option. I’m guessing this isn’t/wasn’t, or is no longer true? Gigs must always start at $5?

Wasn’t Fiverr supporting base gigs from $5-$500?



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That terminology was tossed around for while, but if I recall correctly, a clarification was made on this. The new plan is to still keep the base rate of gigs at $5, and all sellers should start gigs there. But sellers who have proven they are reliably delivering good work over time can be promoted to levels 1, 2 and higher. The higher your level the more “add ons” you can offer - up to $500 per total order. But still should have a base starting point of $5.

Not sure how strictly this is enforced, though, as I’ve seen some gig seller’s say in their descriptions things like, “minimum order is 8 gigs or $40”. So I don’t know what they do if someone just insists on ordering just one $5 gig.

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