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Tips For New Sellers [CLOSED]

Guest mbtalpur110

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Guest mbtalpur110

I want to share some use full tips for new sellers in step by step read carefully and understand.


  1. Create Real account (not use any fake info)

  2. watch and understand gigs in recommended and high rating section before gig creation.

  3. create gigs related to your skills like ( e.g Mathematician , Matlab Expert etc )

  4. (Gigs creation step)
    Use unique eye-catching display image
    Attractive title,
    Attractive description (which will be easy to understand for buyers/client)
    Use tags that would be more relevant to your service
    (E.G your service is Mathematics then use Mathematician , Mathematics master etc) else you may check tags from your competitors

  5. Use gig packages ( that’s help a lot to convert minimum order into maximum order )

  6. daily sent buyer requests

  7. share your gig on social media ( if you have minimum or above 1000 Friends and followers )

Tips: Don’t share your personal contact ever with your buyer,
(For negative review try to convince your buyer in very polite way that they remove neg review from your profile, else you can cancel if both are agree )


Moderator Note: Not original but may be useful to new sellers. Post still up but closed to replies since replies are not needed.

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