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Help me please, about grammar


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I offer gig about animation and gig description below :
I know it is not good grammar, so i need your help (I will give your animation for free as thanks)


Do you have story that you want it anime ? Then i will create the animation from your story. $5 per 1 figure per 10 second.
Still background is $5. Any backsound/music $5 too.
Example : you want animation of your birthday. Your children too. Total 3 person. You want it 20 seconds long.
So the cost is $5 x 2 x 3 person = $30

Just for test, you can order as little as $5 for your action alone. You will get video 10 seconds long, 1 figure. After you satisfy you can expand your order


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Guest youdontsay5er

Do you have a story you want animated? I will deliver 10 seconds of one animated figure for $5.

Adding a still background or background sound/music is an additional $5.

For example, a 20 second animation with three figures (characters) would be $30 … $5 x 2 ten second intervals x 3 figures = $30.

As a test, you can order as little as $5 for your action alone. I’ll send you a 10 second video with one figure. If it meets your expectations, you can expand your order.

Not that you asked, but I don’t think your issue is grammar. It may be that your pricing is more complicated than buyers want to deal with. I also do animation and more often than not, people don’t know how long a video or how many figures they want/need. I find that most of my buyers give me a general description then want me to use my own ideas to complete their order.

When needed, I also provide a free flat drawing or short sample (2 - 3 seconds) to give the buyer a look at what I can do for them before an official offer is made. It’s a bit of extra work for no profit, but it’s always resulted in an order, so it seems worth it to me.

Good luck!

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I give you a lot of credit mustopa3000 for asking for help with your grammar!

You made my day with this post. I wish more people would ask for help with grammar instead of pretending to be expert writers and grammar experts who have terrible English. I understand when people are not familiar with the rules of English grammar and there is no shame in not being familiar with it. People will help you with it when you ask.
You did the right thing by asking.

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