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How much hour do you spend just to get $ 3.92?


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I have ever seen a gig that distributing 50 flyer just to get $ 3.92 ? Does he/she get profit …

From printing 50 flyer, walking to public area and distributing them. I think it is time and energy consuming.

Based on your gig, how much hour do you spend for 1 gig ?


from their experience I read, only me that spent a lot of time just to get 3.92.

Very sad 😦

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I actually did a 50 flyer distributing gig for a while. It cost be $2 to print per order, about an hour to print, handout flyers, and get photo proof. Effectively working for less than $2 an hour. On top of that I was contact by some guy who accused me of being a scammer even though I had 100% feedback rating. All things considered it wasn’t worth it and I canceled the gig.

People who make decent money from gigs like these bank on two things for money. 1) Large volume orders and 2) extras ordered. Many offer flyer designs and color printing, or even express delivery with significantly increases the profit per hour.

In the end, some people just needed money. Some people have found a way to a complex task in a $5 form. And some people go above and beyond what $5 calls for. I do voice over work and at moments I felt way underpaid for my gig, but now a level 2 seller I receive much large order sizes and often with extras so I’ve been much happier. I’ve even received a few tips.

Hope that answers your question!


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Guest marsch001

I sometimes spend more time on a gig, if I’m conversing with the buyer for some reason, but actual working and sending the completed file, it might take me 20-30 minutes, depending on the length of the translation that was ordered. It also took longer before I became a Level 1 and buyers could order multiple gigs or extras, when I would have to upload a document to several gigs; but much of that extra time came from explaining to the buyer that they had to upload something to each gig etc.

So far, I haven’t withdrawn any money, so I still consider each gig to be $4; the fee that will be taken when I do withdraw (and later when I convert the money on Paypal) won’t be felt as badly if I do it in larger quantities, which helps.

As for the flyers; I’ve seen those too and wondered. Since many of the flyers are posted at colleges, it might be that the seller is a student (probably) and can print out for free (I’m not sure how that works elsewhere though; here the school might take a one-year fee and allow you to print freely, but it can depend). If that’s the case, then it’s really only the time they spend, and that will probably be worth it.

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Guest matt_garry

anywhere between 15 minutes to 4.5 hours and sometimes it for free feedback is a killer…

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I have 5 active gigs and 4 of them take me only 10 to 30 minutes to complete depending on the gig, and not including extras of course. With extras they might take up to a hour, but that’s worth it. 😉

My newest gig takes me up to 37 minutes to complete though. That’s because I am offering more work until it gets more positive reviews.

Best Of Luck.

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Guest marsch001

Reply to @intellect001: I agree with @bachas85 - that’s a lot of work for $4, but you might have a lot of gig extras that brings you in more money? I hope that’s the case, since I can see how, if you do a good job (and I’m sure you do) it can quickly become a very popular gig, at the very least with returning buyers.

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most of the time anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes depending on the lengh of the video or difficulty of the job. i remember though, i worked about an hour and a half for a longer video a couple of months ago, because it was way different of what i do ussualy…

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It depends what the gig is, but somewhere between 3 and 30 minutes. This includes editing and sending the file (as uploading can sometimes fail if it’s a larger file so it takes 2 or 3 tries).

I would try and aim for around 10 to 15 minutes for one gig (or $4) as that averages to $25 an hour, but I guess it depends where you live, the exchange rates etc.

If a gig takes me a couple of minutes, I would record 2 or 3 versions for the buyer. For me, it’s all about the good feedback and returning customers 😉

Don’t forget you can also get buyers to purchase multiple gigs and extras for things that wouldn’t take you any extra time e.g. I offer HD as a $10 gig extra but it doesn’t take me any extra effort to do this :3

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@bachas85 : I agree and for me it converts to only £2.5(since I’m from UK) which is next to nothing for the time and effort I put in. i hope people will realise that soon and tip me 😉

@marsch001: I’ve been getting a lot of orders recently (with a lot of returning customers) so I just can’t stop working more. The good feedback makes me want to work even harder. Hope it goes well.🙂

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Guest marsch001

Reply to @intellect001: I live in Sweden, so the conversion is not very good for me either!

What I meant about returning buyers is that they might be more willing to buy extras; or the opposite is true. If they’ve been able to buy a 500 word (for example; I don’t know exactly what your standards are) article for $5, then they’re not going to want to have to purchase an extra gig (or gig extra) for that same amount of words, but rather naturally expect to be able to buy the same thing at the same price.

Which is a danger, I think, when you set up your gig; I know some people, when they first set up, are more generous to get more buyers and then they change the gig so that people have to pay more to get the same amount of work – except for returning customers, who get the same rate as when they first purchased the gig (unless they knew in advance that it was temporary or if the seller can get away with changing it without them minding).

Have you considered doing something like that? Have you set up a tipping gig?

Good luck!

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Good question.

Actually it takes too much time - whatever Gig you are looking at.

Some I need a full day to complete, others take me like 30 minutes.

But the point is, what would I do if I don’t PRODUCE any gig’s. Watching TV?

So the cool thing is that you replace wasted time with productive time and that is worth a lot.

If you have a business where you can make $100 an hour, then you definitely don’t wanna hang around here and offer 5 buck Gigs.

I see this also as kind of a therapy to keep me busy during my free time which I would spend with som BS. YES - I’m a workaholic and love what I do.


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I haven’t been on Fiverr all that long, although I’m fairly close to lvl2 now. When I first started there were gigs I was making pennies per hour on, but they are all gig I love to do so the time went fast. Now that my reputation is building I just completed a $55.00 gig with extras that took a bit less then 2 1/2 hours.

Some of the gigs that I offer here I charge clients outside of Fiverr a substantial amount more for the same service. My thinking being that I’m getting new clients here. Which I am. I have a few steady customers now who are purchasing extras and leaving good tips. I actually got a $40.00 tip recently =) I was pretty psyched!

For me it’s been worth working for pennies in the beginning.

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I do psychic readings where i offer my readings recorded live while i read it for the buyer. For £3.92 i spend between 11 minutes to 28 minutes max recording, but there is organising the pictures and answering the 5 yes/no questions i’ve also offered on my gig so it could take upto 45 minutes. I think the trick is when you don’t think you’re doing it for the money. I love reading cards and i read playing cards and tarot in a unique way and have been successful at it in such a short time on fiverr offering these services. The only thing that gets to me is when clients expect much more even though i’ve already over delivered and want me to answer more questions. Some people need to know it is at the end of the day only £3.92 and living in London is nothing, that goes the minute you leave your door! Looool! But i guess if you do something you enjoy, you wouldn’t feel your doing something for such a low wage… Then when the money piles up it just ends up being a bonus!

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Reply to @psychedelicpup: Wow, $40 tip… Thats a generous client… You see working on fiverr not only you come across people who don’t realise your working for only $5 you also come across people who appreciate your work and realise you over deliver and offer you tips… A generous tip in your case! Well done you… Keep at what you do! x

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I see them all the time, and it honestly makes me sad. I honestly don’t believe the people offering the that sort of a gig has only calculated operating costs. If you calculate the cost of ink, electric, printing paper, time, etc. one single purchase for 50 flyers is a complete waste. They may think it’s “instant money” but you’re going to spending that that and more on operating costs at the end of it. Thankfully it’s illegal in my city, so I have no temptation to even offer a gig like that if I was profitable. Not to mention I’ve never seen a flyer on a place, or on my vehicle and taken it seriously. I’m the kind of person that remembers the name of the flyers, and vows never go to a place that will “spam” areas with flyers. But, that’s just me! Lol.

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Guest marsch001

Reply to @easycash2: I like the way you think. It is true for many people, I think: how else would you spend your time?

Even if the money might not always feel worth the time and effort, it is still money and time spend doing, as you say, something productive.

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Guest marsch001

Reply to @vedmak: working on a factory floor for 12 hours is not exactly the same as spending some time in front of the computer doing some work - especially for me, as I tend to do that anyway. Someone who spends a lot of time on a gig will probably say that it feels like a waste of time because the compensation is not enough for the time and effort, but for me, for the most part, it is.

For some people Fiverr is their main/only income, so for them it is probably worth the time, if it brings in some more money.

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So far for every each one of my gig I spend at least 4 hours for each, some I have spend average 8 hours, the most I spend on a gig was close to 16 hours, mostly because I was starting out and always tries to over deliver, and due to the type of work that I do, 3D, which is by nature is very complicated, and time consuming, but I hope the more I do it, taking advantage of the volume, I’ll find better way to do it faster while maintaining the same quality.

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