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About Fiverr Seller Level


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Recently I have started my fiverr seller journey with an aim to become a TOP RATED seller someday and also help others equally.

Recently I got my first order and I have also found some buyers who want to work with me for long run. They want to order in bulk. Right now I am a New Seller, so I want to know-

if a repeat seller buy 10 gigs, will it help me to reach the Level 1 seller status after 10 completed orders and other requirements or I need different 10 buyers to gain the Level 1 seller status?

But one thing is for sure, that is I am going to meet all the orders with my best effort and quality work, no matter whether he/she is a repeat buyer or new buyer.

Thanks in advance!


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First, here are some tips for you. If you want a shot at TRS or anything serious, get rid of the fake profile pic. Use a nice picture of yourself. A good unique logo or professional avatar (original) would still be better than some fake. Also, your gigs look too similar right now.

If one legitimate buyer makes 10 different orders it should count as 10 sales. If one buyer places one order for a bulk set of 10 gig multiples that only counts as 1 purchase.

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Thanks for your reply,
Yeah I did what you have said…
Now I am using a logo as profile picture.
And my gigs are similar but I am trying to deliver something extraordinary to buyers at cheap price, I will work and research on my Gigs to make them successful.

Thanks again.

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Guest nicktribedesign

Remember that it takes more than just hard work and determination to be successful on Fiverr. You need to have an eye for the marketing and promoting your gig, making it stand out as authentic and reliable, as well as developing a rapport with your buyers. Good luck in your journey towards being a TRS!

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